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austinite Jun 10th, 2003 06:58 AM

How do you do it??
I have been addicted to this web site for about a year now, and most of the time, live vicariously through the other posters' trip reports. I try to take a short trip at least once a year, but often cannot afford to do what I want or cannot take the time off work. My question is, how do you all do it...take numerous trips, many times international trips, and afford it? (I am young, single, and just started my career, hence the money issues). Just wondering...thanks!

utahtea Jun 10th, 2003 07:19 AM

When DH and I were young we could only had a week or two of vacation. Over the years we have earned more vacation time. DH is up to 6+ weeks now.

As for money. We could afford short trips before the kids came, then we resorted to camping to afford our trips. Living below our means has made our vacations possible.

Give yourself some time!


Vette4Paris Jun 10th, 2003 07:24 AM

I believe you've answered your own question, and very well too. You're beginning your career, and all that entails. Time and money must go to areas other than long trips, at least for the near future. Most of the folks who post here and report they travel constantly are older people, many retired, or married to others who earn decent money. Some posters apparently don't travel that much, and some constantly "repackage" trip tips from one or two years ago. Your time will come, so enjoy your life as it is.

Connie Jun 10th, 2003 07:26 AM

We are educators so we have a lot of time in the summer plus spring break, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I have money taken out of my paycheck every month and put in a savings account. I don't get my hands on it and don't miss it. It adds up pretty quickly. It doesn't cover all our expenses but makes it much more doable for us without having to go into big debt.

Another way we can spend a lot more time out is to camp. It costs us $10-15 a night versus $75+ a night. Plus we cook a lot of our own meals.

If you don't want to camp, stay in cheap motels, eat sandwiches for lunch and spend your money on doing fun things. After all, who wants to sit around a hotel all day? All you need is a clean bed and a shower.

For flights, I have a frequent flyer credit card and use it for EVERYTHING possible. I hardly write a check anymore. I committed myself to paying it off every month so I didn't get in trouble. When I get my bill, I'm in shock but when I look at the payments, they are all for things I would have written a check for. I get one mile for every dollar spent. This also adds up quickly. Then I spend them for flights.

By your name, it sounds like you are in Austin, TX. If so, you are close to things that other people fly from all over the country/world to do and see.

GoTravel Jun 10th, 2003 07:28 AM

I travel frequently for work and so does my husband. I sign up for frequent stay and frequent flyer programs and try to stay loyal. We also do one long vacation a year (10-14 days), a shorter 5 day, and several weekends a year. I probably stay 70 nights a year in hotel rooms.

Diana Jun 10th, 2003 07:30 AM

Have patience, oh young one. :D

My recipe: (does not work for everyone)

No children

Husband who loves to travel as much as I

We both have well-paying jobs that we made very clear ahead of time we would not take unless we were permitted at least 6 weeks off (some unpaid) per year to travel

rjw_lgb_ca Jun 10th, 2003 07:34 AM

You're getting some good suggestions. Since you obviously have more extensive travel as a "life priority", you'll need to work on putting money aside for That Big Trip-- and exercise fiscal discipline.

I also think, since you're fairly close to a lot of interesting places in Austin, you should indulge yourself with more than one "short trip". A three-day weekend to New Orleans or San Antonio wouldn't be onerous financially. Even a jaunt to Vegas doesn't have to break the bank.

Pick areas you're interested in and start researching techniques to go there on a budget (this is a good website to start the investigation, but don't stop here!). Learn when High and Low Seasons are for these areas. See if you can use bidding services to beat down costs even further.

austinite Jun 10th, 2003 07:59 AM

Thanks for the comments and suggestions everybody. I do live in Austin, TX and have all my life, a reason why I developed this itch to travel and experience new things. I guess I'll have to wait for that big just seems that being young and single is a great reason to go!

Diana Jun 10th, 2003 08:06 AM

I think being young and single IS a great reason to go.
Check into youth hostels internationally, find a single friend and split costs and go somewhere great.
I just got back from 3 weeks in Mexico, and saw tons of 20 somthings in Playa del Carmen enjoying the beach.
Airfare is $300 and rooms there on the beach are $35 or $40.
Go for it if you want to!
You don't HAVE to wait until you're older.
Enjoy it now. A lot of people don't and regret it later...

jasper Jun 10th, 2003 08:10 AM

diana has it right! got to have that vacation time. (20 something/single/brokeish) attitude is to do what you can. right now, maybe i can't afford the $/time for 3 weeks in tahiti, (until then...) so i do what i can. travel for work. visit friends/family. take a long w'end and go! ANYWHERE COUNTS. the hotels can be expensive, but...the airlines have all these "last minute fares". i'm just going to grab one, or get in the car and go. enough of this waiting around. : )

J_Correa Jun 10th, 2003 08:12 AM

I am in a similar situation as you austinite - I have only been in my career for a few years, and am trying to buy a home. So I don't have the money or time off to travel internationally or to take huge trips. I love to travel though. I know that if I plan right, I will be able to travel more in the future.

The suggestion to take small weekend trips is a good one. That's what my husband and I do. This year we are using our vacation time to make several 3-4 day weekends. We also live in California, so there are plenty of things to do and see within a few hours' drive from home. This year we've been to San Diego, Yosemite, SF, and Half Moon Bay. We've gone over to Santa Cruz several times and down to Monterey once for the day. We are planning a trip to Morro Bay in the fall.

I'm sure there are things to see within a few hours' drive from Austin.

cd Jun 10th, 2003 08:12 AM

When we were young and first married we had very little money as my husband worked 10yrs to get his degree. We travelled by having picnics in our parks and driving into the country to find that special little place. We went canoeing, hiking and tent camping. When our children were small, we usually went to the ocean, the cost involved there was lodging as we took an electric skillet and cooked in our room. As the children grew, we included historical places and continued to cook in our room. It was a rare occasional to ever eat in a restaurant. Our children are now grown and we do travel often and have been to all our States, Europe, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean, and the South Pacific but we still go budget. We stay in 2-3* hotels and eat two meals a day trying to have local foods. Every phase of life has it's perks. Your perk right now is youth, which has passed us, but with imagination every phase can be fun!

Trisha Jun 10th, 2003 08:19 AM

I too live in Austin Texas! When my husband and I were young with limited money we used to take off on road trips only. We would drive to Mount Rushmore, Washington State, New York State, Colorado, etc. and stay in what we called good sleeze bags (motels that are around 40-50 dollars a night, sometimes 30).We would eat at Dennys or just some cheap places along the way. We are absolutely addicted to travel so, we would find someway of going. I'm an educator and at the time he owned his own business so , we had the time. Now, we are older and we have abandoned driving for flying. We use the internet to find the deals and I plan out the cheapest but, best trips I can which I love to research. I'm planning to go in July to New England and New York so, I will be giving Priceline at try even though I'm scared to try it but, that's how we do it. Travel is a priority with us and it keeps our relationship alive. We also, don't have any children.

PamSF Jun 10th, 2003 08:31 AM

When I was young, I would often travel to see friends. That was followed by years of renting a house in the Point Reyes area for one week. I was often working and going to graduate school during those years so time was extremely limited. The house was the same year after year. It was small and somewhat funky but enabled us to explore the entire Point Reyes area day after day. As time and $ grew(somewhat) we began taking regiional trips in the US often in conjunction with various family gatherings. Periodic continuing education conferences also enabled us to visit some locales like New Orleans. I took my first trip to Europe just 5 years ago. There is so much to see and do! I have also found, btw, that even if there is $$, the more expensive route is not always the best one to go.

Kal Jun 10th, 2003 08:43 AM

Work like a >:)
Save like an ((A))

We all make our choices.
If you want the big house, brand new luxury car, stylin' wardrobe, etc. AND want to take 3-4 trips a year, you may wish to change your priorities?

We are "low overhead" people.
Keeping up with the Jones' is no longer our priority.

We are always looking for travel baragins, use P'line, Hotwire, etc as well as staying tuned to fellow Fodorites for other excellent tips.

You may want to check out "Other Topics" for the "Tricks you use to save for vacation". Some interesting tips.
Mucho Mahalo,

Tia Jun 10th, 2003 08:47 AM

I've been in your position and completely understand!!! Back then, we did the one week camping trip and then graduated to traveling to visit my parents in Florida in January. Then we managed to get in on a trip to Grand Cayman with my in laws for basically free (only plane tickets). From then on, we were totally HOOKED!!!!!! We're both working full-time in our mid 30's. We basically spend our money on nothing else besides our house which is a fixer upper. We have no kids at this point, but if we do, they will see the world with us as that's our goal. We LOVE to travel!! However, I have figured out doing much, MUCH research pays off in the end. We're talking HOURS and HOURS of research!!! Talking to people who've traveled to places on your list will help with getting info on good places to eat, stay etc. on a budget. I watch the Internet daily for deals and get tons of e-mails from travel sites I've visited. It's working well for us. I'm amazed at what I've got to see of our wonderful planet thus far and I've only scraped the surface!!!!!!! Your time will come. Save and scrimp on your vacation days like I do, not to mention your dollars and start making those exciting plans for the future!! Good luck and happy future travels!!


Brooklyn_Bomber Jun 10th, 2003 08:56 AM

You gots to figure out what's important in your life, Austin. Most things follow from those decisions whether you make them by design or by accident. (Hint: by design is better.)

If you love to travel two weeks out of the year, then commit to living like a poor boy who ain't got two dimes to rub together the other 50. It's not that hard to do if you make the conscious decision to live your life that way. It gets a whole lot harder if you have those choices imposed on you by circumstance.

cd Jun 10th, 2003 08:56 AM

I'm enjoying this thread very much! (This one and the post about bringing food into a hotel.) So many of us travel by doing the same things. Remember Easter egg hunts? The excitment of finding that egg? That's how I feel each time I find a really cool place to visit for a good price.

Leona Jun 10th, 2003 09:19 AM

You have all the time in the world to travel. Like someone else here said, make the most of your youth!

I think it's a mistake when people think that going abroad is more costly than local travel, and don't venture past our 50 (beautiful) states. Don't miss out on any of it. Travel off-season to Europe & Asia to get the most for your $$.

Bon voyage (future)!

Austin Jun 10th, 2003 09:31 AM

Austinite - (Hey, nice name...) you've gotten lots of advice, but I want to add that we too can't afford much travel, but have to save, save, save! When we are broke, we try to go to Inks Lake (stay in the areas with water only - they are beautiful!) for a few days. It's our favorite short getaway from Austin.

One place I'd love to go - Ireland - is very cheap! You might try finding a friend to travel with a bit at first. do some searches and you'll find good deals.

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