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TravelDiva Feb 7th, 2009 06:38 PM

Help! Heading to BI, just checked the forecast & it's rain everyday...
Somehow the universe just knows... :(

We're heading to the BI for 6 days (5 on the Kohala coast, 1 in Volcano), and is predicting rain showers everyday. I'm panicking!

They're saying "30% chance," so should I just be banking on the 70% chance it won't really rain? I remember from our time in Maui a couple years ago around the exact same time of year that we would get intermittent 5-minute showers and then it was sunny the rest of the day.

Appreciate any comforting words of wisdom from any Hawaii vets on here...

tambennett Feb 7th, 2009 08:21 PM

TravelDiva-I lived on Oahu for 3 years and winter time is the rainy season! Don't worry they come and go very quickly! :)

hmmm Feb 8th, 2009 12:43 AM

The Kohala Coast was developed as a tourist destination because that side of the BI gets very little rain. If you experience rain on that [leeward] side it likely will be brief.

Enjoy your trip.

hulajake Feb 8th, 2009 06:23 AM

Like the others have said if it's the normal weather pattern it usually rains somewhere on the islands a major reason it is so green.

martym Feb 8th, 2009 06:57 AM

Ditto what everyone else said. It almost never rains in Kohala. Rain more likely in Volcano--buts that's the rain forest.

Here's a website that breaks down the forecasts by region.

charnees Feb 8th, 2009 11:48 AM

Yes, the weather is so different in different parts of the BI that a forecast of rain is not very significant. It's probably in Hilo or elsewhere on the east side. West Hawaii, i.e. Kona, Kohala, etc. get very little rain. Even then it is only for a few minutes and it is still warm --- not to worry. The Volcano area may get a little rain. Buy a cheap umbrella -- or maybe the place where you are staying will have some to borrow.
Or take one of those rain jackets that fold up into a little pouch.

TravelDiva Feb 8th, 2009 12:08 PM

Thanks for the comforting words. I specifically picked Kohala for that reason, but it looks as though we may be going on the rare occasion that it will be rainy and cloudy.

Oh well, no use fretting about it, right? ;)

rickandpat Feb 8th, 2009 12:17 PM

Remember that rain chance does include all the night hours. Hilo had rain in the forecast every day we were there (and all the days before and after!). But almost all the rain was during the night, and what little fell during the day lasted no more than 5 minutes and then the sun came back out.

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