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Trick Oct 31st, 2001 06:57 PM

Halloween - Trick or Treaters?
Did anyone get trick or treaters at their homes tonight? I came home early to give out candy and was disappointed to only have 1 knock at the door the whole evening. There goes my diet with all of the extra candy in the house. I guess all of the parents were hesitant to bring the kids out with everything going on. It's too bad for the kids. Halloween is such a fun holiday for children.

lisa Oct 31st, 2001 07:27 PM

We only got 10 -- bummer. I guess I'll take the candy to work tomorrow!

Howard Oct 31st, 2001 07:32 PM

Interesting....we had far more than usual this year! Perhaps the most ever!

Sara Oct 31st, 2001 07:39 PM

I actually kept a tally of how many trick or treaters we had (the better to plan my candy purchase next year). We had 45 trick or treaters, not a bad turnout, considering that we live at the end of a cul-de-sac. We had a wide range of ages, too.

Teresa Oct 31st, 2001 07:46 PM

Howard, <BR>This was also our biggest year yet for trick-or-treaters. We actually ran out of candy--that never happens.

Dave Oct 31st, 2001 09:03 PM

We got more than average this year. <BR> <BR>I think Halloween is one of the best holidays. It's the one time of the year you get to meet all your neighbors (and extended neighbors) and their kids. I usually hand our beers to the dads. ;-) Some moms too.

Monica Oct 31st, 2001 09:12 PM

My neighborhood got less than normal--we're usually a big trick or treating magnet and this year we only got about 75 (200 is more normal).

JoAnn Nov 1st, 2001 03:33 AM

We had O! But we live in on a small golf course and there aren't many kids that live here. What we do have went into town to be with their friends, and where they could get more 'loot'.

Audrey Nov 1st, 2001 04:27 AM

We usually have at least 75-100; last night we had probably 15. But it was raining and miserable here in southern New Hampshire...

Ess Nov 1st, 2001 05:19 AM

In suburban long island my boyfriend happened to be home yesterday, and had quite a lot of tiny, young trick or treaters with their mommies stopping by in the afternoon before 5:00 pm. By the time I got home from work it was dark, and we only got another two. I was disappointed because I love handing out candy to the kids and seeing their costumes, particularly the little ones. They're so cute. I guess it's too dangerous for parents to let their older children go out trick or treating after dark. If I were a parent I'd probably feel the same. It was a quiet night. I had candles lit inside and outside the house to help guide the spirits on their way, though! :-)

Tracey Nov 1st, 2001 05:46 AM

Over here in Westchester, NY, I ran out of candy at 6pm last night, and I bought 4 huge bags!

Beth Nov 1st, 2001 05:46 AM

WE had 7 trick or treaters last night, but our next door neighbor had many more ans said they came earlier than ever this year (before I got home) I moved to Chicago 2 years ago and I don't know if it is a differnence in cities or it is happeninf everywhere but the last 2 years, trick or treateres have come really EARLY in my opinion. Used to be when I lived in the Nashville area "prime time" was 7-8 p.m. and many came until after 9 pm At my office yesterday, many of the secretaries were leaving work at like 3:30 for their hour commute home to get their kids in costume and have them on the streets by 4:30 or 5 pm. I don't even get home on an average night until 6:30!!!! Guess I have to miss all the fun. We didn't have a single one past 7pm last night.

lena Nov 1st, 2001 06:06 AM

I thought it was so sad last night that so few kids were out. We had 6. Most homes had all their lights off (usually they have porch and security lights on at night). There was a clear message not to come to the house. One family pulled into their drive way, walked in their house and when the boys rang the door bell they turned off the porch light. If I was younger and had some eggs......My friends were so afraid - I kept teasing them that the houses they were avoiding were going to spray anthrax at them. If the candy was tampered with most of us started nibbling at our candy supply earlier in the week. I was surprised - a saw a real lull in society last night. Atleast I bought good candy that will last a few weeks.

dan woodlief Nov 1st, 2001 06:19 AM

They were earlier and younger in my neighborhood this year. There were a lot of kids out in costume at our short neighborhood parade but fewer trick or treaters going to houses. I only saw four after 7:30, and usually they come until around 9:00. I was coming home from picking up something to eat around 8:30, saw two kids sans costume coming across the street (they were at least mid-teens) carrying pillow cases over their shoulders. I turned off our light and didn't go to the door when they eventually rang the bell. At least wear a costume people. My 2 1/2 year old had a ball last night though.

Rosemary Nov 1st, 2001 06:20 AM

Here in the DC suburbs (Arlington) we had about the same number as last year. All with accompanying parents, as usual.

ilisa Nov 1st, 2001 06:22 AM

This year was a 6 bag year which is slightly less than normal, but still pretty good. It saddens me that so many parents let the terrorists win on this one.

Jill Nov 1st, 2001 06:30 AM

Here in DC suburb of Hayfield area of Fairfax County I had about 40-45 kids which is about usual. What was surprising was most came between 6-6:30. Ususally it's 7-8. Also only a couple of kids that looked about 10 years old. Most looked to be less than 6. I don't answer the door after 8 but last night no one rang after 7:15.

Sarah Nov 1st, 2001 06:42 AM

We live in Arizona. We definitely had less trick or treaters than in years past. Also noticed they seemed to come earlier in the evening. We, too, are left with lots of candy which I am hoping my husband brings to work. Otherwise, I'll eat it!

ncgrrl Nov 1st, 2001 06:46 AM

Only one family this year (about five last year). I love Halloween and seeing everyone dressed up in costumes. Maybe I'll go to the (new) mall next year and watch the kids, or maybe sneak over to Dan's neighborhood and watch the children's parade.

Chuck Nov 1st, 2001 07:01 AM

We gave out 3 bags this year, compared to 4-5 in year's past. <BR> <BR>Dave-I'm coming to your house next year. I get awful thirsty walking my 3 year old around.

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