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jwilson13 Feb 6th, 2016 03:28 AM

Grand Circle Road Trip
I am looking for suggestions to finalize our family grand circle road trip. We are heading west in early April. We are planning to fly in and out of Las Vegas. Here is what we were thinking for an itinerary. Would love any suggestions :)

Day 1- fly and stay in LV
Day 2- Drive to Zion, stay overnight.
Day 3- Zion for the day, drive and stay in Bryce.
Day 4- Bryce for the day, drive to Capital Reef and stay.
Day 5- Capital Reef for the day, drive and stay in Monument Valley.
Day 6- Monument Valley for the day, drive to Page.
Day 7- Page for 1/2 day, drive to Grand Canyon South Rim.
Day 8- Grand Canyon South Rim, in afternoon drive back to LV, see Hoover Dam.
Day 9- am in LV, fly home.

Not sure if we are trying to fit too much in or if this seems doable.


SusieQQ Feb 6th, 2016 05:47 AM

It is doable. Make hotel reservations now!

happytrailstoyou Feb 6th, 2016 09:28 AM

I agree that it's doable, but I believe a better trip would include a night at Grand Canyon so you can enjoy the spectacular place in the morning before the day-trippers arrive and in the evening after they leave.

Also, I can go to Las Vegas without visiting Hoover Dam, but I can't go there without not also going to The Valley of Fire.


tomfuller Feb 6th, 2016 09:42 AM

If you could get an early flight into LV, take off for the Zion area ASAP. Save the Las Vegas Strip for the end.
Depending on how late you get to Hoover Dam you might want to spend a night at the Hoover Dam Lodge about 2 miles from the dam.
Leaving Hoover dam, head up Lakeshore Drive on the west side of Lake Meade to get to Valley of Fire.

RVvagabond Feb 6th, 2016 04:29 PM

A single day at any of these parks is not adequate.
Once you subtract time to drive to a park, check into a motel, have lunch, ------ there is little remaining to truly enjoy that park.

That is my only comment


emalloy Feb 6th, 2016 04:55 PM

It is doable. If you get into Vegas early, perhaps head for Zion to increase time in the parks.

It would be good to get lodging in or near the parks asap.

Since this is a loop, it could be done in either direction, GC first or Zion first and you might find it better for lodging one way or the other.

happytrailstoyou Feb 6th, 2016 04:57 PM

<i>A single day at any of these parks is not adequate.</i>

I get where you're coming from, but it common for people who travel a long distance to want to see as many of the parks as possible during the time available to them.

If the jwilsons are attached to this itinerary, the drive from Bryce to Monument Valley on 12, 24, and 95 is beautiful (305 mi/6 hrs). If they can do the drive in one day, they can spend the night in Monument Valley and be fresh to drive to the Grand Canyon the next morning. That would give them two nights to spend at the Grand Canyon.

I believe that Zion, Bryce, Monument Valley, and the Grand Canyon are such striking places that they will make an indelible impression on even those who have only one day to spend at them.


sharondi Feb 6th, 2016 05:06 PM

It's a lot of driving and you're missing Moab. If you can add a few days to your trip, it will make the long drive across Utah worthwhile. Otherwise, you might want to stick with Zion, Bryce, Grand Canyon. Then you can add a day in Page or do the stunning drive out Highway 12 past Bryce to Capitol Reef. Much more to see and do on Route 12 and Capitol Reef versus Page, in my opinion. Save Moab and Monument Valley for another trip.

I also suggest leaving Las Vegas and heading right to Zion. Waking up there is an experience, and you'll have more time to see this beautiful park. Be sure to drive out the east entrance - a spectacular drive. Spend the first 2 nights in Springdale, 1 night in Bryce, 2 night out Hwy 12 to Capitol Reef, and 2 nights at the Grand Canyon South Rim and back to LV. Slows your trip down a little and might be more relaxing.

jwilson13 Feb 6th, 2016 05:55 PM

thanks! these are great suggestions and I think I will do so re-adjusting to allow more time in the parks. we are coming from the east coast and unfortunately only have 8 days. we are avid hikers and want to make sure we get to experience some trails in each park. will maybe skip monument valley and page. was hoping to do a 1/2 day rafting trip in page but might need to leave this off the list.

jwilson13 Feb 7th, 2016 04:29 AM

if going from capitol reef to grand canyon, should we stay in between or just head directly to the south rim?

happytrailstoyou Feb 7th, 2016 08:16 AM

If you take 95, 261, 163, 160, and 64 the drive is 355 miles and takes 6 ½ to 7 hours. It also goes right past Monument Valley.

I’ve been to Capitol Reef, but I don’t have a clear picture of it in my mind. On the other hand, Monument Valley makes a strong impression on me every time I go there. That’s why I wrote this earlier: “If the jwilsons are attached to this itinerary, the drive from Bryce to Monument Valley on 12, 24, and 95 is beautiful (305 mi/6 hrs). If they can do the drive in one day, they can spend the night in Monument Valley and be fresh to drive to the Grand Canyon the next morning. That would give them two nights to spend at the Grand Canyon.”

The choice is among a 2 ½-hour drive from Bryce to Capitol Reef, a 3-hour drive from Monument Valley to the Grand Canyon, a 6-hour drive from Bryce to Monument Valley, and a 7-hour drive from Capitol Reef to the Grand Canyon.


db6040 Feb 10th, 2016 05:46 AM

I concur with RVVagabond that it just isn't enough time and is too much driving. I understand your urge to see as much as possible coming from the East Coast (we are from Pennsylvania) but you also say you want to hike and I just don't think you will get to enjoy these amazing places trying to see them and drive to a new location most days. We always fly into Las Vegas and head straight to Springdale. If you can get an early flight this should be doable. That would mean 2 nights in Springdale and a full day for siteseeing Zion. I personally would leave off Page. I think one night at the Grand Canyon is actually adequate - see some of the overlooks on your drive in, spend the night, watch the sunrise the next morning and be on your way back to Las Vegas.

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