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GoTravel Mar 6th, 2007 08:48 AM

GoTravel's Most Excellent Boston Trip!
Thanks to everyone for all the help and we had an outstanding time!

Flew up Thursday afternoon and only slightly delayed. Took a cab to the Westin Waterfront ( which was about $20 with tip.

Fantastic hotel, new, great rooms, flat screen TVs, truly heavenly beds and baths. Outstanding service. Probably not the best location for sightseeing but not too bad and definitely worth more than the $129 per night.

Very close to the John F. Kennedy which was to be decommissioned this weekend. Also right at The World Trade Center which has a T stop but I think someone said it was a bus.

I don't know because I dicked around too much and didn't learn the T and spent a fortune on cabs. I'm a doofus.

Anyway we are starving so we immediately head down to No Name Restaurant ( the Boston Fish Pier. It was hard to find and in the middle of warehouses on the docks that trade fish. Dark, lonely, and kinda weird then all of a sudden, we see life. Go in and up the steps by tons of photos of the famous who have eaten here before us.

OMG!!! Was it ever good! Seedy place decorated in early 1974, they must have spent hundreds remodeling at some point. Opened in 1917 as a lunch counter.

We both had beers and The Special: Broiled lobster, scallops and Shrimp. Huge serving for $21.95. The fish chowder was an excellent starter.

We just chowed down.

GoTravel Mar 6th, 2007 08:57 AM

From there we walked down to Anthony's Pier Four ( and again, this place had hundreds of famous people's photos on the wall who had eaten there.

We went to the bar and had a beer while waiting for friends to get into town. Great views and the place was like going back in time. Real silver on the tables, white tablecloths, china, Captains in Captain's Jacket, Maitre 'd in a tux, not an iota of minnimalism in sight. Quite refreshing. Huge fire in the fireplace and great views of the water.

Friends got in town and we met them at The Union Oyster House ( at Faneull Hall ( Had a couple of beers and oyster shooters however I had mine in beer instead of vodka. Cool restaurant and supposedly the oldest restaurant in the US Established 1826.

Of course we took a cab back to the hotel.

GoTravel Mar 6th, 2007 09:11 AM

The next morning we got up and worked out.

Took showers, dressed, and took a cab to go eat lunch at Santarpio's Pizza ( in East Boston. It was raining so hard it was almost impossible to see. Weather was in the 50s.

This was the most fantastic pizza I think I've ever eaten! We also split the sausage and lamb. Again, famous photos of famous people all over the walls but this time they were all professional fighters. True dive but extremely clean and outstanding food.

It was pouring rain and the we called for a cab. From there I went to the Bayside Expo Center to work a golf show and Mr. GoTravel went to find a bar and wait for our other friends who were flying up today.

He went to the Boston Beer Garden ( to wait for me.

I finally finished and took a cab and met him there and we had a couple of beers and our friends finally made it there.

Mr.GoTravel and Bubba made friends with three locals at the bar who wanted to take us to their local hangout which one of the three used to own; The L Street Tavern ( made famous in the movie "Good Will Hunting". It is a gorgeous little neighborhood bar, all mahogany walls and bar. Cheap beer and a really small place. Showed our ass in there and partied with some sailors off the JFK.

Headed back to the Union Oyster House because Barret and Bubba wanted to see it. Got thrown out almost immediately and decided it was time to go eat.

Got a cab back from Faneuil Hall and went back to No Name and chowed down. I had the same thing; broiled lobster, shrimp, and scallops as did Barret but Bubba and Mr.GoTravel got the fried seafood platter. Excellent.

Did I mention I've spent two days now trying to find a lobster roll? No dice. I'm begining to think they don't exist.

GoTravel Mar 6th, 2007 09:26 AM

The next day I get up and boogie to get ready to take a cab back to the Bayside Expo Center to work the golf show. They all sleep in and I tell them I'll meet them at 2PM.

They get up and do the Trolly Tour and the Freedom Trail.

I meet them at Bull and Finch/Cheers on Beacon Hill ( lunch because Bubba has to do these super touristy things when we go out of town (Hogs & Heiffers NYC, Wet Willies South Beach, River Street Savannah, etc). As I'm sure you've all said, it is touristy, take your photo outside and it is overpriced. All of the above apply but the Portuguese Soup was outstanding. Also, my friend Forest drove up from NYC and met us.

Left there and walked Beacon Hill, Newberry Street, and the Public Garden. Didn't shop because Barret and I were with three guys and they started complaining.

From there we took the T to Harvard. Went to The Coop and bought t-shirts for the girls. We walked down JFK and over the Charles to the Business School. Mr. GoTravel and I wanted to see that because my stepson was the Project Manager for the team rewriting their admissions software when he passed away. It was lovely. Truly lovely. So much history!

Walked back through Cambridge and stopped at Uno's to regroup for a beer and Barret hit a shoe store having a sale because her feet were killing her.

From there, we met more friends. My girlfriend Trip lives here and her boyfriend lives in Boston so we met up with them at The Purple Shamrock at FAneuil Hall.

GoTravel Mar 6th, 2007 09:40 AM

From there we went to The Hong Kong ( for a round of their famous Scorpion Bowls.

I have to say this is the weirdest thing in the world. It is part pub, part nightclub, part dancefloor, and part Chinese restaurant without Asian deco. Concrete floor.

The attraction here are the Scorpian Bowls. They are pottery bowls, like a big cheap salad bowl from K-Mart filled with liquor, umbrellas, and two foot straws.

Left there and decided to go to dinner. Went to The North End and ate at Lucia ( Outstanding and again walked in and there were photos of all kinds of famous people (clergy, athletes, politicians, celebs). Had a fabulous meal, got the special of the night; Lobster Ravioli.

From there, went back to see the New England Holocaust Memorial ( Very moving.

From there; cab back to hotel and bed.

Still no Lobster Roll.

wyatt92 Mar 6th, 2007 09:49 AM

I had no idea you'd end up in Southie! LOL! Most of my friends live there so I'm quite familiar with the establishments.

Those scorpion bowls sure are good, huh?

I think lobster rolls are more of a summer thing.

GoTravel Mar 6th, 2007 09:52 AM

Sunday morning I'm up and out of the hotel and off to the Expo Center after watching The Queen and Night at The Museum. Show started at noon and I wanted to be lazy.

Stopped at some dive on the way and got sausage and peppers.

Our friends all left to go back home and Mr.GoTravel and I were on our own for our last night in Boston.

After the show ended, I went to Filene's Basement ( for my only shopping for our time on Boston aside from The Coop ( in Cambridge and I made up for lost time.

Bought a pair of Versace sunglasses, a alligator bag (I think no one realized it was real), Havaianas flip flops, and a bunch of other stuff and now I'm broke. Loved Filene's Basement but you have to go in there knowing you must dig. Plan on several hours. It is messy, no customer service, and the dressing rooms are one big room.

From there met Mr.GoTravel and we walked over to Chinatown for dinner and ate at East Ocean City ( The seafood is so fresh that it swims around in tanks in the restaurant!

We were fished out and but split the Sea Bass and the Orange Beef. This was so good!

We were exhausted and stuffed so we cabbed it back to the hotel and crawled in bed and rented Casino Royale. What an excellent movie.

The next day we slept late and headed to the airport early because of the glitches with USAirways switching over to America West's reservations system.

Blessing in disguise because lo and behold there is a Legal Seafood AT our gate! They have Lobster Rolls!

Expensive but outstanding! Mr.GoTravel had the fried Cod.

GoTravel Mar 6th, 2007 09:57 AM


What a great trip!

Thanks so much for the suggestions!

sistahlou, walked by Eastern Pier and kept trying to get there to eat but no dice. Next year the golf show is at the new convention center so I'll definitely go!

wyatt, where is South Boston? Loved The Hong Kong and the Scorpion Bowls! It was the weirdest thing ever!

I ate so much I'm miserable! What a wonderful town to eat your way through!

Beautiful place and we had outstanding weather! We just beat the cold weather!

Hated we missed touring the JFK but got to see it at night from the hotel. Our room had a gorgeous view of downtown Boston. It is such a nice hotel that the location was offset.

Thanks so much everyone for the tips! Much appreciated and we did so much that I am flat out exhausted!

wyatt92 Mar 6th, 2007 10:06 AM

You were in South Boston! It's where Boston Beer Garden and the L Street Tavern are located. Predominantly Irish neighborhood located very near the waterfront where you stayed.

makai1 Mar 6th, 2007 10:07 AM

hi gotravel,

Ooohhhh, you should've called sistahlou for the lobstah rolls... she & mr lou made mr mak and I a mean one for lunch back in November! Not to be missed!!! :D

Thanks for the great report... We loved Boston too!!! ;;)

GoTravel Mar 6th, 2007 10:14 AM

Please forgive all the spelling and grammar errors! I was in a rush to get this done so I don't forget anything!

Loved Southie Wyatt! Met the nicest people!

sistahlou Mar 6th, 2007 04:55 PM

Renaming your report:
"GoTravel gan$&^et's picked up by a couple of Southie Gangsta's from the L Street Tavern!" That is fan&^%$#&%#tastic! You are good! Or you travel in good company!

How the %$#* did you manage to do all the right and wrong things and manage to have one of the finest trips I've read about?

No Name???? And you loved it. This was the place of my childhood. It went down - way down. You have given me new faith that it may have finally after many years of mediocrity returned to its old glory. I will not comment on NoName again until I revisit for myself. And now I'm looking forward to it!

Santarpios? You went to Santarpios? Don't you know there was a shooting there a few years ago? Don't you know that the service is rude. You now know that the best bottle of wine on the menu is about $20 and delicious and the lamb and sausage....that is the best sausage around. Hope you had my favorite - fresh garlic pizza.

Like I'm sure I said, your choice of Hotel was just wonderful. In good weather, nothing is that far away, and the seabreeze is welcoming. Gotto love those heavenly beds!

Next trip, I'll make you lobster rolls like Mak said, or meet you at Neptune or Eastern Pier!

So very excited when visitors get it right, even if you went to Cheers! hahaha!!!!

Well done!

sistahlou Mar 6th, 2007 04:58 PM

That was supposed to read

"Go Travel gets picked up by a couple of Southie Gangsta's......"

ParrotMom Mar 6th, 2007 07:16 PM

sistalu--maybe we knew each other.. Lived for many years on the corner of 8th and N st. They went to No Name.and Anthonys.. No Name is definetly not what it used to be sadly....I remember the good old days. As for L.Street... in the D.R. on the beach I met a man who owns an italian restaurant on L you know it? He invited me there to taste his lasagna.. the family name was Mirasola...

BostonGal Mar 7th, 2007 05:41 AM

I can't believe you made it to both Southie and East Boston! Wow. Santarpios - great pizza!!! Haven't had it in a couple years, now I may need to go back.

You're hiliarious - almost immediately got thrown out ahahahaha.

I love that you went to the Hong Kong. But you made no mention of the $1 teriyaki that are served in a bucket by a guy walking around the bar and near the entrance - did you not indulge in those while slurping down your scorpion bowl??

Glad you had a good time!

bennnie Mar 7th, 2007 06:03 AM

ParrottMom - I know that restaurant -Sal and Betty's, right? They do have the best lasagne. My brother lived at 8th and L.

The L Street Tavern underwent a serious makeover after Good Will Hunting - used to be cruddy and now looks respectable.

LLindaC Mar 7th, 2007 06:43 AM

Wow, the last time I was in Boston I was too young to enjoy much. This report is great...thanks for taking the time to report the details. You are definitely making me hungry, lol. Boston's on our short list to visit in the next 2 years.

GoTravel Mar 7th, 2007 07:18 AM

The food was soooo good and we really enjoyed Boston.

I'm tired. I'm still not caught up on my sleep.

Didn't realize Santarpio's was so rough but Mr.GoTravel is a really big guy! OMG the sausage and lamb!

No Name was really good sistah! The Fish Chowder was amazing! All fish and no silly fillers!

I love Boston!

Those Scorpions will do some serious damage!

BayouGal Mar 7th, 2007 07:56 AM

GoT, this TR is great, girl! I definitely need a trip back to good ole Beantown now! :)

I'm hungry after reading this. Is it lunchtime yet???

GoTravel Mar 8th, 2007 08:47 AM

sistah, Mr.GoTravel wanted me to let you know one of the guys we met in Southie was a shylock. :-D

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