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Out Raged Nov 15th, 2001 04:19 PM

Good overview on U.S. airport security
It's outrageous how Tom Delay and Dick Armey continue to hold this nation's airport security hostage...<BR><BR>

fedup Nov 15th, 2001 04:32 PM

Couldn't access the article you referenced, but just read on that the tentative aiport security bill, expected to pass in the Republican controlled House, provides for a transition to federal airport security workers within one year. <BR><BR>But here's the kicker: after two years of federalization, airports will have the ability to OPT OUT and resume using private contractors and low paid, unskilled workers all over again.<BR><BR>House Republicans are falling all over themselves with congratulations for this "solution." Does anyone in their right mind believe that airports will continue to pay for decent airport security if they are not forced to? This is a blatant and disgusting attempt to appease the public on a short term basis, then get right back to minimum wage business as usual when they think everyone has forgotten all about the incidents of terror. <BR><BR>Now tell me again how Republican politicians are not corporate lackeys.

Duh Nov 15th, 2001 04:40 PM

Dear fedup,<BR><BR>You obviously have a political point you are trying to make. However, you are not giving the facts. <BR><BR>Anyone who has an interest in this, and it should be all of us, should read what is going on and make our own conclusions.<BR><BR>One sided stories are just that; one sided.<BR><BR>Duh<BR><BR><BR>

miranda Nov 15th, 2001 05:24 PM

I consider myself non-partisian (and vote that way) and think what the house republicans are doing in this case is 100% wrong. Our airport security needs to be like that in the U.K. It makes me angry that after what happened politicians are still dragging their feet about making our airports the safest they can be. I do not want ex cons and other inadequately trained individuals to be in charge of national safety.

jack Nov 15th, 2001 05:42 PM

I have to agree on this one. They just gave a ton of money to the airlines which are supposed to turn around and pay for their own security. Why have the airlines in the middle at all? Seems like just another corporate handout to me.

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