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emt Mar 8th, 2004 02:22 PM

gay marriages on cape cod this summer?
I feel so stupid asking this, but.... I just read an article in USA Today that said Cape Cod (namely Provincetown) will be "flooded" with gay couples getting married this summer. Now, I personally could not care less when or where these couples marry, but if it's going to cause huge crowds and a media circus (like recently in SF), I think I'd rather plan my vacation for another time.

Any thoughts? Does anyone think this will cause huge crowds in early June???
(By the way, we're planning on staying in Chatham).


SAB Mar 8th, 2004 02:52 PM

You do realize that Provincetown is a huge gay vacation spot and irregardless of whether there will be weddings or not it will be very busy there. BTW re: the alleged hugh crowds and "media" circus in SF-- the huge crowd consisted of an orderly line of people around City Hall and the media was confined to an area opposite City Hall. Contrary to the the govenator's statements there was no anarchy or riots in SF, just people getting married!!

GoTravel Mar 8th, 2004 02:56 PM

Who knows? It would be difficult to tell at this point.

I did see a news blip about gay marriage in Norway. In the begining when it was legalized, there was a huge hoopla. After the novelty of gay marriage wore off (their words not mine), things settled back down.

I just wish they'd legalize gay marriage and make it a non-issue. Gay couples certainly deserve the same rights and protections marriage provides that hetero couples enjoy. And, they should get to share in the marriage tax penalty.

shannon44 Mar 8th, 2004 03:17 PM

Don't feel stupid, it's a legitimate vacation related concern. Doesn't make you homophobic. I'm from Massachusetts, and have spent quite a bit of time on the cape. While P-town has attracted a large gay following over the years, it has done nothing but be an asset to the area. People are very cool on that part of the cape, and I've never seen anything going on in public that would make me, or my kids, uncomfortable. My thinking is that, worst case, it could turn into a media circus, which would be a distraction to anyone trying to enjoy a bit of r&r there, for several reasons - traffic being the worst. Are you planning to stay in a motel, or rent a place? Chatham is pretty far down the cape, with many choices of lovely beaches, which should be close by. The best restaurants are generally in ptown, so you may want to make reservations. I would not be afraid to ask your host (hotel or rental) about it directly, just as you did here. Trust me, it's a small community, they have all been asked about the ptown gay thing for years, and they will be happy to give you a (I almost wrote straight!) a good answer either way! One of the reasons I'm proud to be from such as great state!!! Have fun, and try to avoid the Sagamore bridge at peak timeQ

emt Mar 8th, 2004 03:27 PM

Thanks for the replies. Yes, I do realize Provincetown attracts a large gay crowd. It's not the gay issue I'm worried about - it's the possibility of unusually large crowds (and yes, I also realize that the Cape is always crowded in the summer -which is why I'm especially concerned about the prospect of it becoming more so this summer!)

gail Mar 8th, 2004 03:28 PM

There have been a few articles in past weeks in the Boston Globe speculating that Provincetown summer tourist business will be increased by those same-sex couples seeking to be married and then vacation there.

Agree with the "who knows" comments from those above. My best guess (and it is only that) would be that news crews complete with the usual satellite trucks will descend upon Provincetown on the first day of legal same-sex marriages (I believe the date is 5/15 but I am not positive) and then it will the next day become yesterday's news.

Chatham and Provincetown are both lovely places at which to vacation - although geographically close - very different in atmosphere. I would suggest anyone staying in either town make a day trip to the other.

Have a good trip - if you make the trip to the Cape anytime from Friday afternoon through Saturday, you will face traffic that will make you believe that there surely must be a media circus on the far end of the Cape. Let me assure you that this traffic jam is normal weekend situation from June through Labor Day.

FainaAgain Mar 8th, 2004 03:30 PM

From San Francisco: media circus? yes. can you turn your tv off or switch to another channel? yes. "flooded"? NO! Just a line outside the City Hall, so what? there were no problems for tourists nor for locals in SF, it was all on TV.

Cassandra Mar 8th, 2004 04:36 PM

There's a limit to how many people can actually "flood" P'town, because there just aren't that many places to stay there. As for early June, you might better think about what you'll do if you run into one of those chilly, rainy weeks that can make you think it's April instead of June.

And if you are in Chatham (a LOVELY place), what happens in P'town will be completely unnoticeable. Are you worried about traffic from Boston or RI? It can be bad any Friday Cape-bound and any Sunday leaving the Cape, with or without some group of people planning to get married. I think the prediction that the day of legalization may see some brou-haha (split, probably, with Boston and western Mass.) and thereafter, ho-hum.

Don't think twice about it.

Gene Mar 8th, 2004 06:04 PM

Early June is already crowded in Provincetown without the added influx of gay marriages. If you are staying in Chatham at this time and planning a day trip to P-town leave as early in the morning as you can, so you can get choice parking spaces on MacMillan wharf.

Once parked, you can enjoy all that this wonderful town has to offer.

seafox Apr 6th, 2004 05:13 PM

A couple of thoughts; yes Ptown is crowded in the Summer and will be this year as well. make reservations for dinner. The town has "limits", rooms and parking...It can't get any more crowded than normal. The town is looking for volunteers to help with issueng marriage licenses this Summer. They are expecting a "rush", but given the limits of the town I would expect no more than usual....I spend most all of my weekends there.....I'll let you know after 5/17. You may also want to check the Provicetown Banner's web site for updates.

gail Apr 6th, 2004 08:08 PM

There has been some discussion in local media about whether or not Massachusetts will issue marriage licenses to out-of-state residents - if they do not, numbers will be somewhat reduced. (They are citing an old law still on the books originally enacted to prevent inter-racial marriages - I am not commenting on the appropriateness of using this law, so please do not shoot the messenger)

cigalechanta Apr 6th, 2004 08:11 PM

Don't worry for if they do marry there they won't be staying because everything is booked!

PamSF Apr 6th, 2004 10:49 PM

I have to say, having been to Provincetown after Labor Day, if its the crowds that dissuade you..skip it.

PamSF Apr 6th, 2004 10:53 PM

And..Chatham is lovely. However, I vistited family there before going on to P'town. My own family (Chatham proud) regaled me with both anti-semitic and racist chat: "the jews are in town and look at this great photo of your cousin in black face". P'town was crowded (it seemingly always is)but I heard none of the talk I heard in Chatham.

seafox Apr 7th, 2004 06:10 PM

Thank you Pam SF for insight into Chatham that I fear is not unusual. It's a beautifull location but there are far too many residents who do not undertsand the fundamentals of what makes our country great...perhaps not a discussion for this board.....

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