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stever Nov 9th, 2004 06:19 PM

FS Hualalai vs Hapuna Prince BI accomodations - ???
OK - so the never ending upgrades and changes to our Sept 05 continue. We have 5 free nights on Oahu at the Moana Surfrider c/o Starwood, then we have 2 nights at Kilauea Lodge on the BI, then 3 nights Hapuna Prince, then 6 nights FS Maui then back to Maryland. The wife says to me today that we have more money saved up than she originally thought, and that if I REALLY want to go the FS Hualalai instead of the Hapuna Prince, we can do it. It's $361 a night more than the Prince (ouch) but it's doable as long as we only do it for 3 nights ($580 a night vs $219 for the Hapuna - both include breakfast buffet).

I look at it as an experience of a lifetime, hotel-wise, to stay at a really great hotel in a gorgeous location. OR, is it kind of crazy to spend that much on a hotel room as there's so much to see on the BI and we might feel obliged to stick near the hotel as we spent so much per night? Part of me feel like for the extra $1083 we'd spend at the FS, we could have a "free" killer meal each night for 10 nights on the various islands and STILL stay at a great place, The Hapuna Prince.

I'm totally tossed as to what to do... The other hitch is we can't get our original dates as they're booked out and we're waitlisted instead. They only availability in the $580 rooms for our 2,3, and 4th night on the BI which means we lose a night at Volcano and can only spend 1 night there. Additionally, our last night on the BI would be at the Hapuna as the FS is sold out that night already for the "cheaper" gold view rooms! They DO have availability in the Ocean View rooms for ... gulp... $725 a night for the exact dates we wanted, but we don't want to pay that much. That's crazy expensive to us!

So, would you spring for the splurge or not? OR, would you just stay at the Hapuna and call it a day? Tough call for us right now. We are keeping both reservations till we can decide.

Steve R

stever Nov 9th, 2004 06:30 PM

Sorry for the typos :o( - I was asking about the golf view rooms, not gold view!


travelinwifey Nov 9th, 2004 06:54 PM

I think as your dates draw near the 4S prices may go down and hopefully a few of the s/o rooms will drop out of the system. Personally I would go for it. The 4S BI is that much nicer.

stever Nov 9th, 2004 07:01 PM

Thanks for your response travelinwifey. We ARE leaning towards just "going for it" as you suggested, but are not totally sure yet. Part of me thinks - if we don't do it, we'll always wish we just did and wonder what it would have been like! Also, you only go around once, right?

I'm not sure what you meant by s/o rooms? What does that stand for? I'm not sure the prices will go down as our date approaches. Since I last called 3 weeks ago, the cheaper golf view rooms which are their least expensive ones aren't even available for the dates we needed now! They also said they are completely sold out for Jan, Feb and March. This seems bizarre to me. Wish my business was that busy!


travelinwifey Nov 9th, 2004 07:19 PM

Yes, what I meant by s/o was sold out, hopefully some of the sold out rooms will fall out for you. Sometimes companies buy a block of rooms but some fall out along the way. Whale watching season is Jan, Feb, and March and the hotel is smaller so it's harder to get in. There is also a 2 year waitlist to stay there over New Year's , have tried a few times:)

This is just my opinion only, but to save $$ I would reconsider the 4S Maui and perhaps try the Ritz Carlton or Kapalua Bay (which has those auctions on I told you about). The views from those hotel are among the best on the island, and the KB has a great beach with really good snorkeling. If it's a toss up between splurging on the BI and Maui, the BI is definitely the winner. If you check travel mags the BI always gets the higher rating Maui. The BI is more upscale. The rooms are my favorite ever with slate floors:)

stever Nov 9th, 2004 07:51 PM

Thanks again travelinwifey. By the way, are you a wife that likes to travel? Is that how you got your name?

So, we're all set to stay at the FS Maui anyway, so that's a non- negotiable given. The FS Maui is not that much more than the Ritz Maui at $425 a night with rental car and buffet breakfast included.

The only consideration here is blowing off 3 nights at the Hapuna to lap up the luxury of the BI Four Seasons instead. I think we're going to go for it, unless we just cheap out at the last minute, or if my job goes sour next year at some point. That's the good part about reserving so far in advance - the first night of each hotel we're staying at is already paid in advance, cheapening our out of pocket expense when we get there.

I hope you're right about those sold out (s/o) rooms being released next year. They said to call them back in June to see if the actual dates we want to stay become available, as we're going to have to lose a night at Kilauea lodge to stay at the FS BI Sept 5-8th, 2005, ending up that last night of Sept 8th at the Hapuna Prince anyway.


Ashley24 Nov 10th, 2004 01:43 AM

I would go for it too. That's what our family is doing next summer at the FS Hualalai, with a suite, for 3 nights. We also have to give up one night at the Volcano but I figure that if we leave early enough to head over to the Volcano area from the 4S it will be like two full days and I was told that is enough time for exploring all the highlights.
We are staying at the Marriot for the first two nights on the Big Island in their cheapest category room so I plan on doing the most exploring during that time and more relaxing when we change hotels to the 4S.
Good luck with your decision!

stever Nov 10th, 2004 03:41 AM

Thanks Ashley. I think you all have convinced me that we're doing the right thing. The most we've ever spent for a hotel room was $295 a night in Bellagio Italy this year. Ah, what the heck. It's only money, right? It's been a great year at work and our tax refund should be huge next year.

"Life is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get." I could be aged and feeble at some point years from now, wishing I was healthy enough to still travel but unable. I'll probably look back and be glad I just went for it.

My grandfather at 88 years old buried my grandmother 2 years before... and had never done much traveling as she was infirmed for many of her last years. He decided to take a Concorde trip around the world for $85,000 for 3 weeks after she passed on! It was the best thing he ever did in his life and longingly talked about that trip each time I saw him to the day he died at 91 years old. He even planned on going on another Concorde trip at 90 but they stopped flying the planes.

Life is short - truly...

travelinwifey Nov 10th, 2004 08:16 AM

Hi Steve, yes, travel is my favorite hobby as you can see, lol. I think that's true for mostly everyone on this board >:D<

Yes, it's only $$ but I certainly wouldn't go into debt over it. If this is perhaps the only time you'll be in Hawaii or won't be returning for a while and you can swing it then I would go for it:)

I love the story about your grandfather, he was able to say he did the great concorde! Sounds like he was a great man. Hope I'm able to travel at 88!

Have a wonderful vacation((R))

Rumrita1 Nov 10th, 2004 10:19 AM

Here's a vote to stay at the Hapuna Prince over the FS Hualalai if you value beach/swimming. I recently spent a week at the Mauna Kea (sister resort to the Hapuna). The beaches at Hapuna and Mauna Kea are some of the best in the world. These are sandy beaches where you can snorkel, boogie board and frolic right at you own hotel. My brother spent the same week at the FS Hualalai. We spent the day there - the view of ocean is lovely, but it was darn hot and you can't swim in the ocean here - the lava is too close to shore. They do have several pools so if you are a pool person, this may be ok for you.

The pampering is greater at the FS - staff came by with ice water and cool towels as we sat in lounges. But the Hapuna is still a very nice luxury hotel and to my mind, as one who loves swimming/snorkeling, the Hapuna is a better place to stay and you can save a whole lot of $$$ doing so.

beachgirl86 Nov 10th, 2004 11:52 AM

I have to agree with Rumrita! I'm sure the FS is fabulous, but we stayed at the Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel and thought it was beautiful. We are beach people, however, and loved being on the white sand beach, and watching the beach/ocean from our lounge chairs at the pool. We stayed at 4 hotels in Hawaii, all around $200/night, and we definitely thought the Hapuna was the most "luxurious" for the money. $1000 is a lot in savings, and you could have excellent meals with that!

curiousgeo Nov 10th, 2004 12:08 PM

Another vote for the Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel. While you may not be waited on hand and foot there as you might be at the Four Seasons, it is a great property at the price and service is very good. To me the white sand beach really is beautiful and gives you the feeling of being in Hawaii. The $1,000 savings will also pay for some fantastic dining experiences. I wouldn't worry too much as you will have a great stay whichever hotel you choose.

travelinandgolfin Nov 10th, 2004 02:47 PM

stever, anyone else, I'd say stay at Hapuna.

But I think you have the "itch" so I'd go ahead and scratch it. You'll always be wondering. :)

Book Hualalai

stever Nov 10th, 2004 03:14 PM

Thanks alot everyone. You know, I've been feeling really uncomfortable about spending this extra $1083 on the FS BI room as we're not going to be in it too much and we can't even get the dates we originally wanted. You have convinced me that my gut may be right on this one. We're not rich, and it's starting to wear on my conscience spending this extra grand.

An extra grand pays for one heck of an outdoor grill - which we really need! I think I am most happy to give up 3 nights at a 5 star hotel to get 3 nights at a 4 star (the Hapuna) AND we get the killer Weber grill "thrown in with the deal".

We've always wanted a nice grill, but have been too cheap to get one as we'd rather spend the money on travel! :o) I think this time we'll spend Hapuna money and get the "Four Season's Grill!"

Get it? I know, I'm corny at times.

You guys/gals are great.


alg Nov 10th, 2004 04:03 PM

Yet another vote for the Hapuna! We were there in September a couple of years ago and I still fantasize about that beach! It is postcard perfect. We drove to the FS for drinks and dinner and while the resort is beautiful, I couldn't imagine going to Hawaii for a sliver of a manmade, somewhat-rocky beach. Definitely go to the 4S for dinner, it was fantastic, but I thouht the Hapuna was great.

travelinwifey Nov 10th, 2004 04:40 PM

I'm curious if the comments for the Hapuna are from those that have stayed at the Hapuna only? While the Hapuna has a better beach every other aspect of the 4S is better. 4S has a manmade snorkeling pond, fantastic rooms, excellent dining, an adults only pool and two more, covered canopies along the beach, private outdoor showers outside your room, a famous spa, etc.

Anyhoo, hopefully the price will come down for you Steve in the future but if not you'll still be happy at the Hapuna. If cost is a concern (I agree $1000 is a big difference for 3 nights) and you won't spend a lot of time at the resort you'll be happy at the Hapuna. Have a great trip.

travleis Nov 10th, 2004 05:12 PM

I think for the most part there are three types of guests at a typical Four Seasons resort. 1: people who have the money to go anywhere and do anything on vacation, so they stay at the best, don't think about the rates, and have a great time. 2: people who don't have unlimited budgets, but can afford to splurge every once in awhile so they can do so in good conscience, and they have an appreciation for what FS offers that most other chain hotels can't/don't. 3: people who are test driving a FS for the first time and either can't comfortably spend the money (budget- or conscience-wise) and/or don't really enjoy the amenities that FS specializes in.

The key for Steve is to try to decide which group he best fits--in advance (not always easy to do), 2 or 3.
The vast majority of people who would recommend the Hapuna Prince over the FS either haven't actually stayed at the FS, or they're in group 3 IMO.

stever Nov 10th, 2004 06:24 PM

Thanks again for your 3 last posts folks. They are food for thought. I'm still not 100% convinced as to what to do, but I was always told not to do anything till I'm sure.

I'll just leave both reservations in limbo for 6 months and see how we feel next year when it gets closer to the date. We have 14 days in advance to cancel at the FS with no money lost. We do like a great beach (Hapuna), and we do like to experience the ultimate in luxury (FS) - even if there isn't a great beach. A really nice pool scene with a view of the ocean is still heaven to us. We stayed at the Ritz Carlton in Bali 3 years ago and it's not on the beach, but it has an amazing view of the water from the pools (like the FS BI I assume), way high up above the beach. To date, that was probably our favorite hotel, and it was only $155 a night with 7 food presentations a day in the club level they upgraded us to for free. Ah, the bargains of traveling in Indonesia!

It's really so hard a decision. I think it might come down to economics. We could just stay at the Hapuna and have a blast - maybe eating a blowout dinner at the FS BI and still be $900 ahead! :o) I know that the FS is supposed to be amazing, and we'd love that, but an extra $1000 for just 3 nights seems like a huge disparity. It's not like we'll be suffering on the trip as 4 days later when we're in Maui, we will be staying at the FS there for 6 nights, and that was truly to be our big splurge.

Either way we win.


pcutrone Nov 11th, 2004 07:09 AM

I just returned from the FS Big Island and I can tell you that it was by far the best hotel experience I have ever had. Was it pricey? Absolutely. Was it worth every single penny? Without a doubt. We went to Hapuna Beach and I can honestly say that as soon as we got there, we immediately got back in the car and went right back to the FS. In my opinion, and this is only my opinion, no other hotel on the BI can compare to the FS. You should read the reviews on Trip Advisor of both hotels to give yourself a little more insight. On Maui, I was not at all impressed by the Four Seasons after staying at Hualalai but I was very impressed with the Grand Wailea next door which I ended up moving to.

pcutrone Nov 11th, 2004 07:13 AM

As a side note, when I made my original reservations for the FS, the first night of my stay was not available. The general manager e-mailed me to confirm my reservation and I told her that I was looking for the extra night and she not only was able to give it to me she as gave me the exact location and room that I wanted even though the hotel was sold out.

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