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jorr Feb 3rd, 2006 04:33 AM

Freaky Friday Rants & Raves Feb 3
Rave: Its Ground Hog Day.
Rave: Its Ground Hog Day.
Rave: Its Ground Hog Day.

GoTravel Feb 3rd, 2006 04:37 AM

Rave: Time to rant about winter!

Rave: It is supposed to be in the 70s here today.

Rave: Sunday is Superbowl Sunday!

ethel Feb 3rd, 2006 04:42 AM

Where is everyone today? Actually, I guess it's still early.

Jorr--I feel the same way you do. I'll force some raves out to get the ball rolling.
Rave--BB King last weekend was, to sum it up in one word, AWESOME!!! It was the best concert I have ever been to!

Rave--dinner with friends tonight. First time in the new house.

Rave: Lost .5 lbs this week. At least I didn't gain. Guess I need to step things up...Made a huge pan of lasagna, though, for tonight's dinner. That's certainly not going to help matters.

Since any rants I may have are trivial I'll refrain.

Thoughts to all who may be going through rough times.

BuffaloGirl Feb 3rd, 2006 04:42 AM

Rave: I don't have any rants.

Rant: I don't have any raves.
Oh, yes I do.....It's FRIDAY!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

mikemo Feb 3rd, 2006 05:26 AM

Rave/Rant: SO bought a giant LCD HDTV yesterday. I have to install it and integrate the home theater system today following the Spanish language instructions.

Rant/Rave: I locked the keys in the (running) Subaru at Costco in Queretaro. The local guys had all the required "tools" to get the door open for $100. MXN (less than $10. US).

Rave: US PPs are FedEx to SFO for the China Visas.

Rave: Winter is over here, despite P.Phil's prediction.

Rant: As always, Senate Dems. They sure stuffed Kerry's "buster" 'tho. Perhaps he is now (finally) history. Too bad Teddy, Hillary, Barbara, Chuck, still show signs of life.

Rave: New Supreme Alito.

Hope there are no serious or recurrent health issues this week.

Feliz fin de semana!


bennnie Feb 3rd, 2006 05:40 AM

Rants: None - Thank God - except to add prayers for the lost souls on board that ferry in the Red Sea.

Raves: DD made high honors again and made 1st violin in the youth orchestra that she joined. She has struggled to keep up interest in playing of late, so we are very pleased that she has this opportunity . Youngest DD continues to excel in school and is happily planning her 10th birthday party.

Raves: Signed lease to rent a cottage in Maine for a week with some excellent friends. Can't wait for summer.

otto Feb 3rd, 2006 05:55 AM

rave: it's friday

rave: received my e-tickets to ireland.

rave: paris conference might be june!

rave: ressies at one of the best mexican places in nyc tonight w/bf!

rant: lola, our youngest cat got spade this week. but she's doing fine!

rave: 30 looms! my birthday is in 4 weeks. yes, its a rave! my life is good.


radiofanatic Feb 3rd, 2006 06:24 AM

Rave: going to Cirque du Soleil tonight!

Rave: planning first trip to California

Rant: have to work this weekend.

tpatricco Feb 3rd, 2006 06:25 AM

Happy Friday!

Rant: Food Poisoning put a partial damper on last weekend's Vegas trip.

Rave: My own bed! Slept great all week - glad to be home.

Rave: Barrell tasting of Budman's wines tomorrow. Yum!

Rave: AHaugeto's new baby boy!

Rave: I could care less about the Superbowl.

Rant: Diet & Exercise resolution has fallen by the wayside. :(

Have a great weekend everyone! Trish

Rachel Feb 3rd, 2006 06:34 AM

Rant: DH goes on guys softball/football/golf trip to FL tomorrow;

Rave: 1. Trip widows go shopping and dining! 2. Puppy # 1 turns 1 on Monday. 3. Youngest son was invited to apply for National Honor Society and completed and turned in application. The wait is on... 4. Go Steelers! 5. WOW-only one measly rant-life is good.

elizabeth_reed Feb 3rd, 2006 06:45 AM

Rave: posting again!
Rant: on MLKing Day, I had a household accident that gashed my right hand, requiring 9 stitches. Fortunately, I was able to drive the 6-7 blocks to the emergency room.

Rave: Recovering at home with two loving cats and "Reno 911" on DVD. (That makes this a travel post, right?)

Rave: am doing fairly well. It's gotten much easier to drive, comb my hair, type, cook, etc. (Did you know that it's hard to brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand?) Will still be wearing a bandage for quite a while, but can use smaller ones now.

Rave: I have Pittsburgh in the office football pool. Go Steelers!

Lifting my Mountain Dew to the health of Fodorites and their loved ones!

cherie1 Feb 3rd, 2006 06:50 AM

Rave: It's Superbowl weekend and I live in the Detroit area!

Rant: It's Superbowl weekend and I live in the Detroit area.

Tess Feb 3rd, 2006 07:24 AM

Rant: Only lost .5 pounds this week but I guess a loss is a loss. I've been good with diet and exercise this week but am in the mood for steak and a sour-cream filled baked potato tonight--ugh oh. Oh well, life is too short to be good all of the time :-)

Rave: DH and I are planning a trip to Vegas to celebrate his new job. Viva Las Vegas!! We love staying at Paris but might try somewhere different this time. Anyone like the Venetian?

Rave: Our basset is back to her ornery cute self after a bout with some sort of virus this week. Poor angel--those sad basset eyes earn her a lot of spoiling when she's well--it's appalling how much the family spoils her when she's sick!

Rave: Silly shows like Dancing With the Stars and Beauty and the Geek. So cute and clearly, I need to get a life.

Happy weekend, all.

mikemo Feb 3rd, 2006 07:35 AM

I have contact info for a house sitter position 4-18 April (Semana Santa: very high season) for an individual or couple here in SMdA if anyone is interested.
There are 2 cats and a Border Collie (hearding the cats?) and a full time maid and gardener. No smoking.

swalter518 Feb 3rd, 2006 07:37 AM

Rave-Go Steelers! My bro had to be in Detroit for work this week so he picked up a bunch of Superbowl stuff for my dh who is a diehard Steelers fan-saving it for a surprise on game day.

Rave/Rant-baby is STILL not here, despite being due last Sat. Boy is daytime tv sad... DH is sure baby will arrive Sunday now!

Have a good weekend everyone!

wagonwheel2 Feb 3rd, 2006 07:41 AM

Rave: Florida ( April ) and Montreal ( May ) trip getting closer and closer.

Rant: Dad has had major cardivascular sugery, bumped 3 times. All times he was in hospital, ready in pre-op, and they said sorry no beds ( this means not enough staff to care for beds, as hospital has LOTS of empty beds..). Free health care ain't what it's cracked up to be.

Rave: Dad booked for 4th time try at surgery next Tuesday.

Rave: After major blizzard on Wednesday, week-end is calling for ++ temperatures and rain to take it all away !

Happy Week-end !

Little_Man Feb 3rd, 2006 07:47 AM

raves: going to Hollywood tonight to hear some music at the Roxy on Sunset! Woohoo!!

rant: $439 more billion requested for military spending and this Pandora's Box of a war in Iraq.

divingaggie Feb 3rd, 2006 08:10 AM

Rave: It's raining!!!

Rave: I just did my taxes, and there's a pretty good refund! :-)

Rant: DH is getting a 2% raise this year. Ugh.

Happy Friday! Yea! My first rant/rave!

JJ5 Feb 3rd, 2006 08:12 AM

swalter, I was always at least 10 days late. It's not fun. My oldest grandson was born with the Bears game on in the delivery room. MY DIL, son, doctor and I were all happy about it. We won. He is a peach and a GREAT baseball player.

Rant: Death and taxes and they're both sitting on my head right now.

Rant: No superbowl party this year, too much else going on- all bad, plus I'll stay at home with my own germs. Go Steelers!

Rave: Medicine, which is never free, and good doctors. Beginning, middle life, and end of life- we are using all three types right now. Grandson has pneumonia and it is getting better.

Have a good weekend everyone and drive safely Sunday. I saw a 6 car pile up today and feel very, very lucky.

FainaAgain Feb 3rd, 2006 08:30 AM

Just saying hello to everybody and checking in.

Swamped at work (oh, that 4-letter word "work"!!) with 2 people out of the office today.

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