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jorr Jan 19th, 2006 07:50 PM

Freaky Friday Rants and Raves 1-20
Rave: I hired a house cleaner to clean my bathrooms. Wahoo. :D

Rant: Now they have an echo. :O

starrsville Jan 19th, 2006 08:02 PM

I'm back on FF:RR. Life is good again.

Rave: Made a job move that improved my life immeasurably - immediately.

Rave: Mini-health scare turned out just fine.

Rave: Am in an oceanfront room with my pup beside me - on a business trip, no less.

Rave: Get to go to some great places in the next two weeks.

Rave: Am planning a milestone birthday in Italy for this fall.

Can you tell I'm a "happy camper"? :-)

LoveItaly Jan 19th, 2006 08:13 PM

Rant: I need to find a house cleaner to clean my whole place as it has gotten out of control due to the virus I have been fighting for what seems like a year or so ( but more like a week and a half maybe).

Rave: The last "celebration" has taken place, dear SIL's birthday dinner tonight. Now maybe things will quite down for a bit and I can get to all the things I need to take care.

mikemo Jan 19th, 2006 10:16 PM

Rave: Housekeeper and gardener 3 days a week @ MX wages.

Rave: SO returns from Dallas shopping trip and family visit today.

Rant: Have to renew my FM-3 visa, pay property taxes and send pp for China visa next week.

Rave: Survived my first local dental visit on Monday.

Rave: I qualify for one of the IRS's free e-file sites to file and pay electronically.

Feliz fin de semana!


April Jan 19th, 2006 10:50 PM

Minor rant: rain, rain, rain.

alya Jan 20th, 2006 01:06 AM

rave - new dishwasher! I know! I'm easy to please but this one is so quiet.

rave - DH comes home tomorrow, he only left on Tuesday but I don't sleep well without him :-(

not rave - it was so windy on Wednesday that the cover for our patio swing flew up and landed in our neighbors pool, he's on vacation so I have to wait to get it back.

rave - my early spring cleaning is coming along well but:

not rave - my early spring cleaning is keeping me away from the computer.

rave - when spring really does arrive I'll be ready to work in the yard.

rave - not in the mood to rant :-)

P_M Jan 20th, 2006 04:07 AM

Rant: BIL and his wife are separated--again. I feel bad for their kids. :-(

Big rant: I learned this week that a co-worker from my previous job is in the final stages of breast cancer. We knew it didn't look good, but this is still heartbreaking.

Rave: Dad and stepmom are leavimg tomorrow for Egypt. I am happy for them but a little sad because I was booked to go on this trip. I had to cancel due to a bad turn of events last year. But this is still a rave because they are excited about this trip. Egypt has been there for thousands of years, it'll still be there when I'm ready to go.

Happy and safe weekend to all.

Tiff Jan 20th, 2006 05:44 AM

Greetings all my FFR&R'ers ~

Rave ~ The peaceful moments

Rave ~ Laughter

Rave ~ Fodorite friends, such kindness! :)

Rave ~ When your departure date is within the 10 day forecast.

Rave ~ The movie 'Pay It Forward'. My DH and I saw it for the first time last night, LOVED it.

No rants.

((L)) to you all!

ethel Jan 20th, 2006 05:44 AM

Rave: I found my wedding dress and it's gorgeous!!!!

Rave: One of my bridesmaids got engaged last night. I'm so happy for her!

Humongous Rave: Lost 2 more lbs. this week. How's everyone else doing? Keep up the good work everyone.

Rave: BB King a week from tomorrow. I'm so looking forward to getting away even if it's just for a night. Of course, we really should be saving the money for our wedding but we still need to live, right?

Rave: no rants this week!

tpatricco Jan 20th, 2006 06:23 AM

Happy Friday!! ((#))

Rave: I too have a house cleaner! She's there now cleaning up a storm while I'm at work! Will free up my whole Saturday morning for fun!

Rave: Pampered Chef party at my house tonight should be fun. Boys will come too and play pool in the basement with DH. Lots of yummy food & drinks are 75% ready.

Rave: Business is good. Going to Vegas on Wednesday for work + DH is flying out Friday to spend the weekend!

Rant: Not finding time to get to the gym as I had hoped to. Too much going on. Trying to eat healthier (and less) in the meantime.

Hmm...maybe I should go to the gym on Saturday morning.

Have a great weekend! :) Trish

swalter518 Jan 20th, 2006 06:25 AM

Rave: The drywaller is finished on the project in our house! Now I can get rid of the dust!

Rave: crib came in 2 weeks early despite the store saying it was going to be late so it's now here b/4 baby!

Minor Rant: Supposed to snow for the first time in a month tonight and I have to drive an hour away right when it's supposed to hit.

JJ5 Jan 20th, 2006 06:55 AM

First, have a wonderful one to fill that crib, swalter.

I can't put down regulation rants or raves this week. If you don't hear from me for awhile- say a prayer for me.

Oh 1 RAVE and that is it:
I got to hold my Mom's face and arms for a couple of hours this week. We don't need to say good-bye, because she will always be within me. She's still praying that God changes his mind and gives her the big heart attack. But no- pancreatic cancer instead and hospice at home. I'm glad I still remember how to give injections.

And the biggest rant: The timing- my poor sister lost all her hair in 1 day yesterday. And she can't be around people- Kafka is laughing somewhere.

Thanks to all the people who have emailed me individually. To all of you, say a prayer that my Dad can get through this.

swalter518 Jan 20th, 2006 06:59 AM

Oh JJ, I've been only randomly checking here and had no idea your mom and sister were so sick-I'm so sorry to hear that. Prayers to you and your family-I'll be thinking of you!

ethel Jan 20th, 2006 07:05 AM

I too am sorry to hear that your mom and sister are so sick. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

PrettyLake Jan 20th, 2006 07:05 AM

Great to read so many Raves on this beautiful Friday morning. And so few Rants. Like starrsville said, "Life is good."

To all our clean houses. I love the clean, uncluttered, simplified look of my house after I get all the Christmas stuff packed away.

Mikemo-didn't get a chance to post last week-what a Casa Grande! Is that you grilling?

PM-sorry to hear you had to pospone going to Egypt but way to keep a positive attitude!

Ethel-congrats on finding your wedding gown. My son's fiance ending up purchasing the first dress she tried on! So excited about their wedding this July--they are a beautiful couple.

Swalter-be careful driving tonight and great news about your baby's crib.

Big Rave-yesterday was my birthday. One of the best ever. Dinner with my loving husband and children who all showered me with gorgeous flowers, awesome gifts, sweet cards...who could ask for more? Like I told my mom when she called last night to wish me a Happy Birthday, "I'm a lucky girl!"

Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend everyone.

CAPH52 Jan 20th, 2006 07:08 AM

You're in my thoughts and prayers, JJ5. Try to take good care of yourself through this.

Tiff Jan 20th, 2006 07:10 AM

Hugs and prayers for you and your family JJ5, how completely unselfish of you to ask us to keep you Dad in mind. You will ALL be on our minds and in our hearts.

As my wise and loving DH once said when my Dad was ill, "you be strong for your Mom and I'll be strong for you."

We'll be strong for you, JJ5.

Gardyloo Jan 20th, 2006 07:11 AM

Blessings, JJ...

<b>Rant:</b> Turned 60 this week. I'm now officially a coot.

<b>Rave:</b> Made it to 60 :)

<b>Resolve:</b> Put the boom back in boomer.

PrettyLake Jan 20th, 2006 07:17 AM

JJ5-we were posting at the same time. So sorry to hear about all your mom and sister are going through and praying for strength for you and your dad during this very sad time for your family.

klr6773 Jan 20th, 2006 07:18 AM

BF and I are attempting to patch up and try again. He's scheduled to fly out on the 31st(yup-he was the Amtrak versus Greyhound post)He was wrapping a pallet at work and another forklift driver didn't see him,crushing him w/ 2 pallets as he butted them to the one BF was wrapping. Driver didn't even know he hit someone!Thank Goodness a third person saw ita happen. Bf was hospitalized for 4 days, temporarily paralyzed for 2 days...all will be OK ,but he's using a walker right now.

Two big rants learned because of this situation:

PDX is not the easiest place to just &quot;jump on a flight and go&quot; in an emergency- I guess I took EWR and all of it's conveniences for granted. Landed up flying out of SEA and only had to pay $650 versus 1100-1300 out of PDX.

Care at hospital was horrific! Supposed to be a NJ statewide wonderful trauma/teaching hospital....
DR's were smug and evasive,and nurses had to be asked multiple times for most things. Wasn't just us, the other 2 patients in the room had the same complaints. I never expected this type of care from this hospital! Physican therapists and cleaners were the only people I can rave about. I will send a letter in detail,but I'm sure I'll get blown off...

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