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GoTravel Jul 9th, 2004 05:51 AM

Freaky Friday??? 7/9/2004
Rant: Where's the Freaky Friday Post?

Rave: Summer!:-D

Rant: Traffic is horrendous.

Rave Summer! :-D

Rave: Boiled peanuts, watermelon, fried chicken, ice cream, cold beer, hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill! :-D

Kal Jul 9th, 2004 05:59 AM

1)I have my first head cold in years! And right before a beautiful and cooler weekend!

2) Mrs Kal is becoming a total PITA again!

1) Mrs Kal is becoming a total PITA again.

emd Jul 9th, 2004 06:06 AM

Rave: Pavillion seats for Annie Lennox and Sting tonight! Major Annie fan here, and she doesn't perform often, so this is a big rave. We are making a TRAVEL adventure out of it, staying out close to the concert area overnight.

Rave: I second the rave for summer, esp. flowers blooming all over my gardens.

Rant: Poison ivy or oak, always get it every summer and itching like a dog. today. I wish the home remedies/preventions worked for me, but they don't.

Rave: It's almost OBX beach vacation time!

atilla Jul 9th, 2004 06:11 AM

Rave: Just happy to be here, able to exchange information with such fantastic people.
Rant: NONE!! O-)

luv2fly Jul 9th, 2004 06:12 AM


Rant: it's only 2 days

Scarlett Jul 9th, 2004 06:14 AM

Another adventure for the weekend. Getting in the car and just going! See ya Sunday~

It could be a bit cooler & less humid in Florida :)

Friends who make me laugh :D

Kal, hugs to you & Mrs Kal, I am sure she is a Saint ((A)) Feel better!
emd-Benadryl is the only thing that helped me.

Statia Jul 9th, 2004 06:23 AM

Rave: DH and I have been married eleven years today!

Rant: We're not sitting in a gondola in Venice renewing our wedding vows as we were this time last year.

Rave: My DH's mother and aunt are visiting, and we're having a blast with them. Those two are such a hoot!

Rave: It's a beautiful, sunny Friday here and the weekend is on it's way!

Have a great one, everybody!

jasper Jul 9th, 2004 06:28 AM

hey it's friday!! ;;)

rave: brothers birthday last night. great spaghetti and meatballs for dinner!

rave: will try to see spiderman tonight.

rave: will go to the wineries out east tomorrow morning for a bottle. that's always fun. ((D))

rave: fireworks in town tomorrow night!

rant: kitty finally got groomed. really groomed. his hair is nearly all gone! a little more than i'd like, :-o
but he needed it. and he's in really good spirits! ((@))


caribtraveler Jul 9th, 2004 06:31 AM

Rave: It's Friday!
Rant: Weekend will be too short, as usual.
emd: We saw Sting 2-3 years ago. What a great show. He sounds even better in person. And I'm sure Annie Lennox is equally great. Enjoy!

Fodorite018 Jul 9th, 2004 06:35 AM

rave--Last weekends backpacking plans that got cancelled are on for this weekend! Can't wait to hit the trail!!!

Budman Jul 9th, 2004 06:44 AM

Rave: Bottling 2 barrels of wine tonight. ((b))

PamSF Jul 9th, 2004 07:05 AM

Rant:a long workday today

PamSF Jul 9th, 2004 07:07 AM

Rave:the bathroom is almost done. Shower fixtures go in on Monday. By Friday of next week we will no longer have paper and plastic sheeting all over the house!

Rave:Summer,glorious summer!

Rave:Mrs. Kal is a PITA again. Welcome back, princess.

Cassandra Jul 9th, 2004 07:11 AM

Rant: NC summer is setting in, with 95 degrees and humidity. Locusts sound like rattlers all day long.

Rave: it's still getting down to 70 at night so mornings are still fresh, won't be in a few weeks.

Rant: Dear son departed for other coast on Tues., won't be back 'til Christmas.

Rave: tickets for co-old-fogey spouse and me to Chicago and Earth Wind Fire concert.

I have sandwiches wrapped in PITA all the time.... so wot's the problem??? ;-)
(kidding, kidding, don't bother to explain it; I know, I know.)

Blacktie Jul 9th, 2004 07:11 AM

Rant: A few more weeks until a return to Maui!

Rave: Killing some time at beaches in NC, starting tonight.

Rant: At myself, lol, for losing perspective and not counting my blessings. Safe and good travel to all, and have a good week next.

Rave: If you're near Calabash, join us - the bar is always open.

Kal Jul 9th, 2004 07:20 AM

1) Budman not sharing.

2) Scarlett-Are you saying I should use emd-benedryl on Mrs' Kal's PITA? 8-}
3)Cassie-I can't WAIT to have a PITA sammie again! ;) Maybe in 4 more weeks? O:)

sam Jul 9th, 2004 07:34 AM

Rant/Rave: Was supposed to leave for Niagara trip w/son & hockey team yesterday. He still went, but I'm home on bedrest with a blood clot and have to go for bloodwork daily, yuck. He called to say he's having a good time. I was SO looking forward to this trip, but I guess everything happens for a reason, at least that's what I keep telling myself.

Rave: I can't wait to hear the fun things about his trip when he returns on Sunday!

Rave: Just bought 2 pre-sale tix to Kenney Chesney in Aug., yeehaw!

Happy Anniversary Statia! May you have many many more!

Have a great weekend everyone!

sunbabe Jul 9th, 2004 07:53 AM

Rant: it's cool, cloudy, and rainy in Illinois & I'm not on the Florida beaches this week!

Rave: our babies are celebrating birthdays 12 & 14 this week.

Rant: babies are growing up too fast.

Rave: I have a wonderful family and am so thankful!

Happy Anniversary, Statia, and many more!

Blacktie Jul 9th, 2004 08:00 AM

Sam, hang in there ... glad you're following doctor's orders. Many more good days ahead, but sorry you had to miss your trip. Keep us posted on how you're doing. Take care!

Ani Jul 9th, 2004 08:13 AM

Got a big RANT today...My mother, who basically has nothing anyway, had an emergency stay at the hospital a few months ago. Turns out she is a Type 1 diabetic and didn't know until she got bery ill. She was in between insurances with a change of jobs. The hospital bill has now put her in bankruptcy. This should NOT freakin happen. Where is my one way ticket out of this country? I'm very upset.

RANT: Little Miss Riley slept through the night last night...from 6 pm to 6 am. Excellent!

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