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janisj May 17th, 2011 02:26 PM

Oh -- that's neat Nov_moon.

But even Grandma's pix doesn't make it a destination restaurant (except for Grandma of course :) ) . . .

sf7307 May 17th, 2011 02:27 PM

N_M, that is awesome!! (Go Sharks!!!!)

JoeCal May 17th, 2011 03:47 PM

I have eaten at Five Guys (new one near home town) and I had heard that they will compete with In_N_Out. They don't. It is different altogether. (5 Guys burger costs twice as much to begin with). Anyway, I agree with Stu and others, either one is not a food destination given you're in the Bay Area. However, you don't have In-N-Out back in Georgia if I am not mistaken and every In-N-Out place I have ever seen is packed at lunch and dinner. It is addictive, but just fast food. They have to be making a fortune though as they are always crowded. Maybe 5 Guys will become as popular, but I doubt it unless their model changes - the one I went to is not a drive through.

On the Black Bear Diner - it is just a diner too. Spreading like wildfire but not as popular as In-N-Out. Definately not a foodie destination (like telling someone to go to Denny's and expect bigger and slightly better plates of food). :)

Finally, Rockaway Beach is on Hwy 1 in Pacifica just south of SF. Sams is good too. Good luck with all your choices.

Deb15July May 17th, 2011 04:35 PM

Deb...I'll have to look more closely at City View then.

Peace...Farralon looks interesting, but I'd have to see the daily choices. I just checked the link for a sample menu and 2/3 of the options would work for me...I don't care for oysters or gizzards!

All...with my limited time, I don't think Black Bear Diner will make the cut, but N_M...that is a great story about your Grandma.

Regarding Five Guys...I think it's great, but not fast food & no drive-thrus. I always get the small burger since once you add all the toppings and eat some fries (plus the roasted peanuts while waiting) that is plenty. The first time the family went (2 adults and 2 teens) we got 2 orders of fries and only ate one...they are HUGE.

Joe - I'll check into Rockaway Beach.

Thanks all and I'm not done yet so please keep sending your thoughts!

Deb15July May 17th, 2011 04:50 PM

stu - at the moment we plan to rent from Dollar and I have Rapid Rental Check-In. Will that make any difference in our wait for a car?

curiousgeo May 17th, 2011 04:54 PM

There is an In n Out at the outlet malls in Gilroy, just off the 101 on Leavesley Road. You can hit this on your return to San Francisco for lunch.

JoeCal May 17th, 2011 05:11 PM

OK - SF restaurants - trendy and fun (south of Market) is Orson. (This is elizabeth Faulkner - featured on Food Network shows and stuff. Really good food - try the french fries cooked in duck fat - fun menu). Or one of my favorite's Chapeau...

Another extremely SF kind of place is House of Prime Rib or perhaps Bar Jules. Mostly pricey, but not so much more than the touristy places on Fisherman's Warf and quality food instead.

Want to spend a lot? Try Fluers de Lys or Massas...

Deb15July May 17th, 2011 05:39 PM

curious - I'd love to stop in Gilroy because I LOVE garlic, but I'm not sure it will be on our schedule. I'll keep the rec in mind...even if it's just to go thru a drive-thru and get a burger to split!

joe...I'll check out Orson...I haven't heard of it. Chapeau is on my long list of maybe's. Didn't it just merge with another restaurant? A co-worker just went to Fluer de Lys and really enjoyed it but someone else picked up the tab! It's out of my comfortable price range.

SAB May 17th, 2011 06:56 PM

The owners of Chapeau took over the Clementina space.

Some interesting SF restaurants
- Perbacco and Barbacco
- A16
- Gitane
- Frances
- Spruce
-Bar Agricole
-Mission Chinese Food

sf7307 May 17th, 2011 07:07 PM

Just in case you're looking for it, it's spelled "Delfina" (I had lunch at Delfina Pizza just this past Saturday).

Joecal, I think you and I just won't agree on restaurants. I really don't like Orson (except for the fries :-) ) Honestly, I don't think hot rocks in my salad is "fun", and in general, I thought the food was "just okay".

SAB May 17th, 2011 07:09 PM

Oops, thanks sf.

JoeCal May 18th, 2011 09:45 AM

Ha. sf7307 - I'm not so sure we won't find common ground - we seem to try the same places. I loved Orson the night I was there - but such is the difficulty with "trendy" places. I had the soup and it was delicious :).

That was why I had orginally recommedned that the OP try restaurants in an area (i.e. Hayes Valley, North Beach, the avenues and so on). I have gone to places other people loved and had poor experiences and vice a versa. As a traveler to SF I would want to see where the natives go, not just the tourist spots. (Now how to identify those places - ?). But I haven't eatned on Fisherman's Warf in a decade...


JoeCal May 18th, 2011 09:54 AM

Sorry about my spelling - I'd blame my fingers but they would deny any responsibility.

sf7307 May 18th, 2011 10:04 AM

JoeCal, what's your favorite pizza in the city (mine's Delfina)?

Deb15July May 22nd, 2011 06:54 PM

Have any of you been to La Mar Cebicheria Peruana and if so what do you think? Some of my co-workers highly recommend it.

I've looked into several Italian restaurants, but it's so confusing. I've looked at Delfina, Mona Lisa, Barbacco, Ristorante Milano, and Flour & Water. We would prefer someplace that takes reservations and where conversations are possible without screaming!


StuDudley May 22nd, 2011 08:33 PM

>>where conversations are possible without screaming!<<

Good luck! Finding a place where you don't have to scream is very difficult - unless you dine before 5PM.

La Mar was OK - and I think it can be quiet up till 6:00PM.

Mona Lisa is a typical North Beach "red sauce" place - but it is kinda fun. Nothing "cutting edge".

Is Barbacco really Perbacco? If so, it is one of my favorite Italian "non-red sauce" restaurants. Get there before 6PM.

Ristorante Milano is OK - but we have not dined there in about 4 years. Nothing special. We first dined there in the 70s.

Delfina is one of the "top spots" in SF, and we've enjoyed our meals there.

Flour & Water is a popular/hot spot too - but they have been going through a restoration and re-opened about 4 months ago. I'm not a big pasta fan (I enjoy pasta as a side - but not as an appetizer, and especially not as a "main" - unless there are white truffles shaved on it).

Stu Dudley

sf7307 May 23rd, 2011 08:17 AM

I've been to La Mar 4 times (it's across the street from my office). On three occasions, the food was delicious. On the fourth, it wasn't bad, just not very good. I do really like the place, however -- it's a beautiful place. You can sit out back by the water -- even when it's chilly outside, the heaters keep it really warm. I think La Mar is on the quiet side.

Barbacco is next door to Perbacco. It's the "casual" side of the restaurant. More lunch/happy hour/dinner than Perbacco, although Barbacco does take reservations. The menus are completely different. I've had good and not-so-great meals at Barbacco, but I would definitely go again if I were in the neighborhood. This is one of those very lively, and pretty loud, restaurants at "prime" hours.

We love Delfina Pizza (next door to Delfina, the restaurant), but the pizza place is tiny and doesn't take reservations. The restaurant is very good -- not really go a million miles out of your way good, but still very good. It is pretty noisy and always full. I hear the short ribs are outstanding, but I haven't tried them (I did have short rib arancini at Delfina Pizza last week and they were great). The owner has recently opened a new place, also in the Mission District, called Locanda. FWIW, you cannot order interchangably, so no pizza at the restaurant, and no short ribs at the pizza place.

Deb15July May 30th, 2011 01:27 PM

Has anyone had the sweetbreads at Sam's Grill?

StuDudley May 30th, 2011 01:41 PM

I haven't - I love sweetbreads, but you go to Sam's for the seafood.

Stu Dudley

Deb15July May 30th, 2011 04:15 PM

Thanks Stu...that's what it seems like, but somewhere I read that the sweetbreads there are great; I just can't remember where...I think on yelp!

BTW...still debating city walks and looked at the Victorian tour. DW isn't doing the date we are considering! Do you all happen to know if the route of the Pacific Heights Mansion tour is similar to the Victorian SF tour?

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