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kcapuani Oct 5th, 2004 05:37 PM

Flying with a 10 mo. old - logistics?
After reading all of the helpful tips on how to fly with a small child, I still have logistical questions. I will be flying from Buffalo to Ft Myers with my DD who will be 10 mo's old. I have purchased a separate seat for her and will be bringing her carseat. I was thinking of buying a new, more lightweight carseat to travel with. But, I still don't see how I will carry the carseat, our carry-ons and push her in her stroller! How have other parents accomplished this? Will the airline assist me with an electric cart? I don't want to take advantage of the situation... However, on my return flight, I only have a 1/2 hr to make my connection (due to the fact that US Air cancelled the flight I originally booked and re-scheduled me for a flight with this short connection time). I did request an electric cart when booking my flight but the rep couldn't confirm if the service would be available for me. Also, do airports allow family members to escort you to your gate? This way my husband can help me carry the carseat.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

TxTravelPro Oct 5th, 2004 05:49 PM

On one of the last flights I was on a lday had a car seat/stroller combo thing. The car seat snapped onto a stroller frame. Not sure I can tell you much else about it but it sure seemed to make her life easier.

MarthaB Oct 5th, 2004 05:51 PM

We had a car seat that snapped into a lightweight, compact, foldable frame that had wheels and functioned as a stroller. It was very easy to use and sturdy. I don't know if they make it anymore since this was about 6 years ago. I might have bought it from Right Start, so you could check out their site. I don't think it was expensive, either.

Are you checking luggage and just bringing something like a purse and diaper bag on board? That's what I'd do, b/c less stuff -- just the necessities -- will make your life a bit easier with your little one.

I don't know about your other questions but no doubt someone here will.

Good luck!


lcuy Oct 5th, 2004 06:01 PM

They will not let you have help out to the gate, so you need to pack accordingly.. A backpack, rather than a diaper bag (or big enough to hold your diaper bag and your purse), a car seat that will fit on the stroller (use bungee cords to slap it on the hood if you don't have a combo stroller), and you can ask for a cart due to the flight change, but don't count on it. Another option is to put your child in the backpack, and carry a rolling bag with the car seat strapped on top.

Tandoori_Girl Oct 5th, 2004 06:08 PM

I would purchase a collapsible luggage rack with wheels. They are only about $20. You could use it to place the car seat on, strap it on with bungee cords, and roll it from place to place. Use a back pack for yours and daughters things. Check your bags.

pepper131 Oct 5th, 2004 06:14 PM

I'll probably hear it from some of you..

But... I have never bought a seat on a plane for my kids when they were under 2. I know they would never sit in a carseat on the plane. I would always bring my carseat checked as luggage, packed in a carseat bag. They have them at Babies R Us. We have a Brittax seat and it just fits in the bag.

I would have the stoller (which gets checked at the gate), diaper bag filled with toys (new-never seen by baby before), snacks, drinks. And my purse.

I flew with my first son this way five times before he was 2. Worked for us.

If you decide to ditch the carseat on the plane and check it, you will enjoy the extra space.

MarthaB Oct 5th, 2004 06:17 PM

Here's some of those frames that your car seat could fit into:

kcapuani Oct 5th, 2004 06:31 PM

Excellent ideas - thank you! I never thought about bungee cords but I do have one at home I could use. I also looked into the Right Start product and one on One Step Ahead that I might buy.

pepper131 - If my husband was flying with me, I might not have bought my daughter a seat. But, she is so squirmy, I need to have the carseat to keep her still. Plus, she won't sleep in my arms - she is the anti-hugs baby.

SaraLou Oct 6th, 2004 06:09 AM

Just one more suggestion... My cousin had a car seat that had pop out wheels and a pop up handle to turn it into a stroller. Not sure what the brand was but it look very sturdy and very handy for travelling.

alliegator Oct 6th, 2004 06:11 PM

My sister-in-law just flew a couple months ago from CLT-TPA on US Air. TO/From she was able to have my brother or my mother help her with the kids to the gate. She had to check in at the counter and request help there.

Here are my flight experiences: At one of the airports (can't remember which one) they let me take a baggage cart through security to the gate. It was a tiny airport.

Another time I had my daughters stroller with car seat on it & my daughter in a Baby Bjorn. Backpack with essentials.

And yet another time I had my daughter in a stroller, the car seat in a car seat bag on wheels (from BRU) and my backpack as my carryon.

Just remember they will let you gate check your stroller and they will have it waiting there when you disembark the plane.

Either way you will get help through security/gate. I'm sure if you find a US Air manager when you check in, they will assist you. And make it clear you have a short layover and need help with the connection. Just in case...make sure you have enough diapers in your carryon!

kcapuani Oct 6th, 2004 06:49 PM

alliegator - Thank you! Where did you find a car seat bag with wheels? I have looked online but only see ones with shoulder straps...

GoTravel Oct 7th, 2004 06:32 AM

pepper, also read this---->

MarthaB Oct 7th, 2004 06:57 AM

GoTravel, that is an excellent link for anyone who drives tots around.

The article states that at least 95% of carseats are installed incorrectly. Wow! I need to get my son's carseat checked out by someone to make sure it's in there right.

Thanks for passing that along.


GoTravel Oct 7th, 2004 07:02 AM

Martha, you are welcome.

If I can just get one child in a seat that normally would not be I feel grateful.

It scares me to hear parents say "my child would never sit still in a car seat on a plane" it makes me wonder what the parent does when the child doesn't want to sit still in a car seat in the car.

What people aren't paying attention to is the fact that the FAA STRONGLY recommends you buy a seat for your child and put them in an approved car seat.

Jocelyn_P Oct 7th, 2004 07:03 AM

Call a Babies R Us if you have one nearby. The one in San Diego occasionally does free car seat checks to make sure they're installed correctly.

bamakelly Oct 7th, 2004 12:11 PM

I recently moved away from Ft. Myers. I did a lot of travelling in and out of that airport. My friend came to visit me when her son was 10 months old. She did not use a carseat on the plane, and this worked fine for her. I feel strongly compelled to tell you that the Fort Myers airport is small and easy to navigate but you WILL have a HARD TIME finding help there. The last time I flew OUT of Ft Myers with my 3 week old infant and my two cats (we were moving) after having a C-section, the airport employees could have cared less. That area is a huge retirement area, and, frankly, if you are younger than 50, they treat you like a teenager, able to do anything on your own. Elderly people get all the help they need, but you're not likely to find many ready hands. I hate to sound so negative, but I am just being frank.

Also, the baggage belt at Ft Myers is a zoo. People are very pushy there. Unlike most airports, where there seems to be a considerable amount of respect for personal space, people notoriously crowd the baggage belt there.

Once you get past this airport, Ft Myers is a lovely place. You will have a nice time, particulalry if you are going to any of the islands.

Also, family members are not allowed to escort you to your gate in any airports. Security will be tricky.

alliegator Oct 8th, 2004 04:44 PM

I found it at Babies R Us store. It wasn't online. I want to say it was an Eddie Bauer, but that maybe the one with the shoulder strap you saw on line. I actually have to pull it out this weekend because we are going on another trip. I'll report back when i do. You may also want to check the One Step Ahead website. I believe I saw it there as well, but I was in a time crunch and didn't have time to wait for shipping.

Also, good move on purchasing a seat. I'm strongly against holding babies once they start wiggling. I did it in May because I got the last seat on the plane and needed that flight. It was a nighmare because my daughter was wiggling all around. If we had hit bad turbulence, she would have been on the roof. I'll never do it again. For our trip next weekend...I bought the seat. Hey that is why the airlines give discounts for children.

I'll get back to you :)

PS I know they say family members aren't allowed to the gate, but my sis-in-law did it in May. Just doesn't hurt.

alliegator Oct 8th, 2004 05:14 PM

Ok I just checked and then found it on

It's called Safefit - Cover N' Carry Car Seat Protector.

The link is:

Another thing I remembered I liked was that I stored a bunch of stuff within the bag, on the car seat itself. Blankets etc. Esentially it was another carryon.

Also, the flight attendants were happy to help me. They held my daughter while I got her seat locked in. Don't be afraid to ask the airline crew for help! I was naive the first time I flew, then I quickly got wise. It makes your trips easier and unless they are complete A-holes, they will be happy to assist you. You will be a pro in no time!

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