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CindyA Apr 8th, 2013 10:37 AM

Everglades National the rain?
I was planning to visit Everglades NP next Monday (4/15) and hike a couple of short trails. However, as of today, rain is predicted for that day. Is it worth driving into/through part of the park or should we skip it altogether if it's raining?? Thanks!

happytrailstoyou Apr 8th, 2013 11:16 AM

Don't skip it. At the minimum (even in the rain) take a stroll on the Anhinga Trail:


PaulRabe Apr 8th, 2013 01:22 PM

Presently, the prediction is for "scattered" thunderstorms and a 40% chance of rain at any on spot. Since the day is not going to be a washout, I'd maintain the plan to see it. Then, on the morning of the visit, get an idea of whether rain is more likely in the morning or the afternoon, and plan your visit accordingly.

CindyA Apr 8th, 2013 01:54 PM

We will only be able to go in the a.m., as we are headed to Key West after that. We'll keep it in our itinerary and hope for a dry visit! Thanks!

happytrailstoyou Apr 8th, 2013 01:57 PM

Driving from Miami to the Everglades, watch out for speed traps, cameras at intersections, and traffic laws enforced for some reason other than public safety.


CindyA Apr 12th, 2013 09:39 PM

Thanks for the tip, Happy!
Looks like Monday's weather should be ok after all :)

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