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screen_name Sep 11th, 2003 09:48 AM

Ever been to top of WTC as a tourist? Any happy memories on a sad day...
As a NJ resident I have taken out-of-towners (mostly my German relatives) to NYC a dozen times. My strategy was always the to Staten Island and take the ferry into the City. Not only do you pass the Statue of Liberty but as you get closer to docking downtown the WTC loomed over head in the most amazing way. Those Germans never saw anything like it!

The last time I was at the top I was with an aunt and 2 cousins from Germany. It was 1995 and we waited a very long time for the elevator. At the top, I remember walking around to all four walls to see what I could recognize in the distance. I remember pushing my face against the window and looking straight down...

In the days following Sept 11, 2001, while I was trying to get a grip, each of those German relatives called me to check in. They all really felt connected. My one aunt lives in a little German village. She told me that on the evening of Sept 11th the church bells in her village all started ringing and ringing and ringing...and the locals filed into church for prayer services.

MonicaRichards Sep 11th, 2003 10:05 AM

I had been to the top of the WTC twice. The first time I was visiting my old roommate who had moved to New York. I have a great picture of her at the top hudling in her jacket (it was very cold and windy up there!) with the NY skyline in the background. The next time was a few years later, this time the other roomate in that same apartment had also moved to New York and we went to Windows on the World for a drink when I was five months pregnant. I was in Donner Lake with my then almost-one-year-old when I got the news that the WTC had been hit. I had gotten up early to feed her and turned on the tv just as the second plane struck. :0( Prior to that we had gone to Donner Lake for a week every year but I haven't brought myself to go back. Next year....

MoniqueU Sep 11th, 2003 10:16 AM

Personally I have not, I have only seen the aftermath. My neighbors have and have the most splendid picture of themselves overlooking the city that was framed before the attack. It was just absolutely eerie and humbling to look at.

JeanG Sep 11th, 2003 10:32 AM

I agree taking a boat to lower manhattan was the most amazing experience. We used to live in Jersey City and would take the ferry to the financial center at night just to experience it. We lived on the water directly across from the WTC, and would often sit on our balcony at night and watch the setting sun reflect off the towers. They were really beautiful.

The last time I was at the top was when my husband took me to Windows on the World for our first date.

In 2000 we moved to California, and I bought a Ralf Uicker picture to remind us of our incredible view.

irishdame Sep 11th, 2003 10:42 AM

My Dad took me to the top of the WTC when I was 15. It was windy and the world seemd to stretch on forever. I remember the elevator being HUGE, the biggest I've ever seen before or since.

I have been to NYC many times but only that once to the top of the WTC, I'm glad I got the chance when I did.

swalter518 Sep 11th, 2003 10:44 AM

I posted this on another thread earlier today but feel compelled to repeat it. We were there a few months before 9/11/01 and after having been there before a few times and never going to the top we decided too. The view was magnificent but personally, we like the view from the bottom looking up better. So much that my husband (who never takes pictures) grabbed the camera and shot the towers straight up from the bottom. It's a great picture that we had enlarged and is now hanging on our wall in our house. The best rememberance we could ever have.

Statia Sep 11th, 2003 11:00 AM

In ten years of traveling to NYC for business, I'm sad to say that I only ever saw the towers from a distance. I truly regret never having taken the time to see them up close, or go up to the top.

Carp Sep 11th, 2003 11:03 AM

My boyfriend and I visted his sister in February of 2000. After a long and grueling day of walking all over NYC, we came to the WTC. His sister said the view was great, but the ride to the top was expensive. We figured what the heck and paid the $$! It was worth every penny and I am so glad we were on top of the world that day! The view is something in my memory that I will try and pass on to the next generation! And, just 2 months ago while packing up to move home to Chicago from MPLS, my boyfriend found his receipt! That is such a special keepsake to remind us of a fabulous trip and the innocent lives that were lost that fateful day!

islandmom Sep 11th, 2003 11:11 AM

We were down below in 2000 with our new baby. The last time I was above must have been '95 or so. I hate heights and was a nervous wreck as my mom and bestfriend teased me by leaning against the glass. I used to stay at the WTC hotel while we were dating and my husband lived in NY. We have memories of kissing in the hallway. And him losing his keys in the lobby sofa and being stuck for several hours. And of course I was changing after a shower and didn't realize across my window was a board meeting!!

rwilliams Sep 11th, 2003 11:19 AM

Last time I was there it was to visit a close friend from childhood who worked in 1WTC. Thankfully he was transferred to LA prior to 9/11/01. Last couple trips to NYC I've avoided the area altogether. I just have no desire to look at the empty spot and prefer to remember the WTC as it was in its glory.

Austin Sep 11th, 2003 11:29 AM

When I was in college in NYC in 1979, an ex-boyfriend came thru town and stayed with my roommate and I. As a thank you, he took us to the Windows on the World restaurant at the WTC. I remember it being the nicest restuarant I'd ever been to. We had a wonderful time. I had the BEST mussels I'd ever had. I still remember that elevator ride up....

sfragan Sep 11th, 2003 12:51 PM

In May 2001 we spent our Memorial Day weekend staying at the Millenium Hilton, our room looking out towards the WTC. Each morning I would look up to the top of the towers just to see if the weather was going to clear enough to visit the top. One night there was an thunderstorm and I will always remember seeing the lighting against the towers. Fortunate for us it did clear and we were the first in line to visit that day. I am terribly sadden to think of all the many people I encounted while visiting the WTC but, very blessed.

woodies Sep 11th, 2003 12:56 PM

We visited your wonderful city from the UK last year. We paid our respects at ground zero and I don't think I have ever been so moved. Today, two years later our thoughts are still with you.

God bless.

KT Sep 11th, 2003 01:11 PM

Several years ago I flew back east to meet up with Belgian friends on their first trip to NYC. They wanted to go to the top of the WTC. I didn't particularly want to go, but I went along with them and found that I didn't want to go back down. It was one of those perfect fall days -- gorgeous and sunny. I pointed out different landmarks, ranging from the Woolworth Building to the neighborhood where my mother grew up, and my friends marvelled at the city. The sunlight on the harbor was unforgettable.

jonldn Sep 11th, 2003 02:09 PM

I remember a wonderful night watching the sun go down behind the statue of liberty and then crossing over to see the lights come up in Manhattan - and I will always treasure the memory of my niece and I standing on top of the WTC in Dec 99 when we stayed in NY for milenium....whatever anyone does they can't remove your memories! Light love and peace to you all

ellen_griswold Sep 11th, 2003 02:18 PM

I remember the first time i went to the top of the WTC. Not being particularly fond of elevators (i HATE them) i was somewhat - no, i was VERY hestitant. Hubby finally convinced me by saying that Windows on the World made a mean marguerita. I closed my eyes on the ride up but was totally overwhelmed by the views. After that, each subsequent trip to NYC included a visit there.

The WTC may be gone, but she will NEVER be forgotten. May God bless the families directly involved, the citizens of NYC and may God bless America!

TxTravelPro Sep 11th, 2003 02:29 PM

7 days prior, I took my then 16 year old with me on a business trip to NYC.
We stayed at the Regent Wall Street.
We walked around the WTC. I had a Krispy Kreme donut at the store in the WTC complex. Went to the mall... Used the subway many stop times. Rode the Staten Island Ferry and took photos.
My work took me to the 50 some odd floor of Tower 1. 7 days later it, AND 4 of the people I worked with that last trip, were gone.

travelisfun Sep 11th, 2003 02:32 PM

I was at Windows on the World for work in Oct 2000 (I'm an event planner from another state). The restaurant was beautiful and the service was excellent. I remember the sadness I felt when I realized that the waiters, bartenders, managers, and sales person that were so nice to work with were in there. Such a professional, graceful group.

Another story, I was in NYC for the US Open two days before 9/11/01--I bought a souvenier T-Shirt with the towers on it--it was my favorite one there. I didn't even realize until a few days after 9/11 when I was going to put on the T-Shirt that they were on there. I can't really bring myself to wear it even now, but I'll never get rid of it.

yeadonite Sep 11th, 2003 02:34 PM

I worked at 4 WTC (one of the small buildings) and sadly never went up to the observatory. Windows on the World always had a nice fixed price lunch, so we went there for special occasions. The last time I ate there was with someone who was leaving our company, sadly he died on 9/11 while working at Cantor. It still haunts me.

Wednesday Sep 11th, 2003 02:44 PM

I never specifically noticed it before but when I was looking through my old New York photos, there is me with the towers standing proudly behind me, unfortunately that is as close as I got, I only went up the Empire State Building.

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