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SFImporter Feb 2nd, 2003 09:27 PM

Earthquakes in the Bay Area
Just curious if there were any Fodorite's travelling in the Bay Area today. We had a &quot;swarm&quot; of small earthquakes. According to local news it was about 30 quakes, but I only felt the largest which was about 4.0 and centered near San Ramon in the East Bay.<BR><BR>I have to say that aside from the '89 Loma Prieta quake, the roughest one I've had to endure happened while I was on vacation in Vegas! We evacuated the Mirage - running down 27 flights of stairs barefoot at 2AM.

utahtea Feb 2nd, 2003 10:30 PM

I live in the area and I felt the 8:22, 10:22, 10:47 &amp; 11:02 ones. <BR><BR>The only one that was a 3 or better that I didn't feel was the 8:45 one. <BR><BR>It was a real SHAKEY day!<BR><BR>Utahtea

dg Feb 3rd, 2003 05:23 AM

just how often does this happen?<BR>i will be traveling to this wonderful part of the country next summer - any chance of experiencing this on any scale?<BR>thanks!

dg Feb 3rd, 2003 05:58 AM

oh, that it would be that easy!<BR><BR>of course not... just wondering how frequent this happens; POSSIBLY every 5 years, every century or POSSIBLY once a week - <BR>i thought it was at random - i didn't know Jocko scheduled them...

Betsy Feb 3rd, 2003 08:50 AM

I'm in the South Bay and didn't feel a thing yesterday. If you're considering traveling to the Bay Area, don't let the prospect of an EQ deter you. I've survived quite nicely out here for almost 30 years. The only really significant quake in all that time was in '89 (and that one WAS significant).

PamSF Feb 3rd, 2003 09:22 AM

We did feel the last two one of which was the strongest. It was brief andmade the windows rattle that's it. We were living in one of the hardest hit neighborhoods in SF for Loma Prieta. We lost alot but even then,given the loss of life and far greater damage to property, we felt lucky. I'd say to my memory I haven't felt a quake in about three years before yesterdays. The &quot;little&quot; quakes are a fact of life here in California. I'd say come and ride out the shakes with the rest of us.

dg Feb 3rd, 2003 09:46 AM

betsy &amp; pam -<BR>thanks for the info! i was hoping to get in on one, not avoid one... i live in an area that has never had earthquakes - just tornadoes...<BR>thanks again!<BR>d

BayArea Feb 3rd, 2003 11:25 AM

In Berkeley, I felt none of them. :(<BR><BR>I like the small ones.<BR><BR>

Voice_of_Reason Feb 3rd, 2003 11:32 AM

And I thought it was just the seafood taco I ate last night.

NYGirl Feb 3rd, 2003 02:49 PM

<BR>It is 6:50 pm here in NYC, Are you still quaking out there?

Grasshopper Feb 3rd, 2003 03:00 PM

Utahtea, you must be either extremely sensitive or live on a shaky base! I did not feel anything at all. <BR><BR>Lest the rest of the country think we're shaking in our boots, tiny quakes are good things... many believe they let off some of the pressure. I haven't heard anyone comment on any of these here.

utahtea Feb 4th, 2003 12:07 PM

Grasshopper,<BR><BR>I live only 10 miles from Dublin and San Ramon where all the earthquakes were centered. I was talking to my Mom when one of them hit. She lives in San Ramon and I felt it and she didn't. Go figure.<BR><BR>Utahtea....the senstive one:)<BR><BR>

Kal Feb 4th, 2003 01:29 PM

I love my relatives and friends from the midwest/east who ask me &quot;How can you live in Calif with all of those earthquakes&quot;?<BR><BR>I tell them the same wa yyou can live where you do with hurricanes, tornados, blizzards, sub-zero temps, 102% humidity, etc. <BR><BR>I've lived in Calif since '57 (San Diego, SF, East Bay, Sacto Stockton et al) and have only felt 1 earthquake. <BR><BR>While it was exciting, I would not want to experience it again.<BR>&quot;It's not nice to fool Mother Nature&quot; kept going thru my shakey head!<BR>Mahalo,<BR>Kal<BR><BR>ps Happy New Year Betsy. We're booking the room at the SherGrand (with closet) for the Jazz Jubilee already. Moxie's may be on the agenda too.

J_Correa Feb 4th, 2003 02:01 PM

I've lived in CA my entire life, and only been through 1 large earthquake. I lived in Santa Cruz during the Loma Prieta earthquake. We were pretty close to the epicenter. It was quite an experience - we lost our chimney and our electricity and water was out for a few days. I was in high school and we got the rest of the week off and the weather was good, so we all just hung out on the beach and had block party barbecues to cook up all the meat depfrosting in our freezers.

Suzie Feb 6th, 2003 08:52 AM

San Ramon experiences swarm earthquakes more frequently than you hear on the news. Mostly they are small. Sister lives in San Ramon and reports feeling them from time to time.<BR><BR>We were living in So Cal during the Sylmar earthquake in 1971, oh I was just a tiny tot back then, haha : ) It was truly an awful experience and has made me terrified of earthquakes. Of course now they seek me out!!!! <BR><BR>BIL went through a tornado in Texas and says earthquakes are nothin' compared to that. They now live on the Peninsula.

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