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missk Dec 1st, 2005 07:12 AM

Dress Code
Just wondering if the night clubs have a dress code. You see on tv all the girls wearing skimpy dresses & heals, not my style, so are jeans acceptable?

No_name Dec 1st, 2005 07:32 AM

Which clubs?

AuntAnnie Dec 1st, 2005 07:34 AM

My daughter is a sophomore in college and very earthy. She lives in jeans, wool sox, cardigans...Her friends have convinced her that she needs a "clubbing" outfit. (even her gay guy friend says this!!)We went to H&M and found a silk top. We'll see if she actually wears it. I don't think there is a dress code per se in Minneapolis but there seems to be peer pressure for my daughter.

missk Dec 1st, 2005 07:46 AM

sorry, forgot, Las Vegas is where we are off to.
As for which clubs, not sure, haven't been to the city before.

mykidssherpa Dec 1st, 2005 09:09 AM

At least in San Francisco, there are some clubs that will not allow you to enter if you wearing jeans. Many also so not allow tennis shoes.

A pair of snug black pants are always safe.

nytraveler Dec 1st, 2005 09:13 AM

You can get into most bars in jeans and sneakers. As for clubs - it varies a lot. And while trendy jeans are acceptable most places - they need to be paired with a trendy silk top and great shoes to get into some of the better places (cleaning out the garage wear simply will not do).

TheWeasel Dec 1st, 2005 09:38 AM


I'd say your group should talk it over and figure out which clubs you might want to go to. Some of them do have dress codes, and as a general rule you'll have to wait in line for awhile to get into any of them. You don't want to wait an hour to find out they won't let you in. Don't plan on club-hopping all night, because you'll spend more time in line than in the clubs. Pick one (or two) a night and stay there.

pegelicious Dec 1st, 2005 09:39 AM

The big, new, trendy clubs (both dance clubs and lounges) are very, very fashion conscious, and a lot of the women DO look like the ones on tv. (Ghost Bar, Rain, Tangerine, Studio 54, etc.) Jeans are pretty much standard but accesorized with a lot of glam: slinky tops, heels, etc.
On weekend nights, the scene (and prices) are like what you would find in Manhattan, LA, or Miami. If those types of clubs are not your style, there's a wide range of bar/club options that are more casual.

here_today_gone2Maui Dec 1st, 2005 09:51 AM

Many of the trendier, upsscale clubs do have dress codes, although some are vague. "Dress to impress" or "Trendy chic" may be hard to interpret, and may mean if you are hot enough your jeans are OK, but on me they might not work.

As a rule, men need collars, no tennis shoes or shorts for the trendier clubs

Looking good will help you get in the door at the hotter clubs, too.

I am old school, though and when we go to Vegas my husband brings a suit, or at least a better shirt and tie and sport coat, and I break out the little black dresses. At least for us, this is part of the Vegas thing. I remember when you didn't go down to the hotel casinos in stretch pants, cutoffs or stained white wife beaters.

GoTravel Dec 1st, 2005 11:53 AM

Yes you can wear jeans but wear hip designer jeans with stilettos and a cool shirt.

Tandoori_Girl Dec 1st, 2005 12:06 PM

Gosh, I thought Fodors was requiring a dress code now. And here I sit in my birthday suit and I didn't know anybody could tell!

seetheworld Dec 1st, 2005 12:49 PM

hee,hee,hee TG :D

Pis_Pistofferson Dec 1st, 2005 01:43 PM

Vegas: $25 cover and a dress code for any club where you will want to party. The free ones aren't so picky and neither are the patrons.


PrinceJ Dec 1st, 2005 02:52 PM

Definitely a dress code in Vegas. I think I paid $20 once to get in to Rum Jungle at Mandalay Bay and $25 at the Studio 54 at MGM. Dress to impress baby! :) I definitely don't recommend wearing jeans. People look very stylish in Vegas.

Little_Man Dec 1st, 2005 03:47 PM

have to disagree with Prince. With $200 jeans out there, jeans are extremely trendy and perfect for clubbing. Just don't wear your favorite baggy levis!

Pis_Pistofferson Dec 1st, 2005 04:04 PM

Overpaying by $175 for denim does not make denim any more classier, friends. Using that logic, I'll sell you a tuna sandwich for $38.50 so you can brag to your friends that you had "the finest tuna sandwich ever!"


GoTravel Dec 2nd, 2005 06:21 AM

Pis, who is going to wear $200 jeans with a sweat shirt and tennis shoes?

I think Frankie was saying that nowadays people dress jeans up and that jeans don't necessarily mean sloppy in this day and age.

here_today_gone2Maui Dec 2nd, 2005 11:00 AM

Maybe you can dress up those jeans, but it doesn't mean you'll get in. I have a friend who used to work as a doorman for a former trendy hotspot in L.A., (one of those places with no address and no sign). Even though there was no official dress code (Dress to Impress was their policy) he was told in no uncertain terms by his employers, they didn't care if it was Cameron Diaz (this was about 5 years ago and she was the flavor of the month at the time), no denim through those front doors.

Little_Man Dec 2nd, 2005 01:02 PM

thanks, gotravel, that's what I meant. With a trendy top, jeans can look pretty good! But I do realize there are places you can't wear them.

missk Dec 3rd, 2005 04:21 AM

thanks to all replies, although wearing pants (non jeans) & a sexy top I can do the heels that are the fashion right now I can't so we'll find a more casual place to party.

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