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plantlady May 27th, 2007 04:59 PM

Does anyone tip at Bed & Breakfast Inns?

I usually leave a tip for houskeeping at hotels. Would you tip at a small family run bed & breakfast Inn?

happytrailstoyou May 27th, 2007 05:45 PM

If a B&B has one or two rooms and clearly no employees, I would be disinclined to tip unless the housekeeping was so fastidious that I felt constrained to show my appreciation with a tip.

janisj May 27th, 2007 05:49 PM

If the staff consists of the owners/family - then you don't tip.

claire_bluesky May 27th, 2007 06:00 PM

How is a B&B different from other places in that respect? Is it an exception, like the one where it may be an insult to tip the owner of a hair salon? Are there other exceptions?

I rarely stay in B&Bs. I have a couple of times and tipped.

arriba May 27th, 2007 06:12 PM

We stayed in a family owned and run B&B several years ago where we ate supper served by the husband/owner. They added a service gratuity to the meal which just seemed wrong.

cmcfong May 28th, 2007 04:09 AM

I do not normally tip an owner of a business (hair salon, b and b). I was very taken aback by my experience at a Jasper, Alberta b and b which was family owned. There was a note in my room they were planning a holiday and would use whatever gratuity I left to build that fund.

thurstonbb May 28th, 2007 04:36 AM

I own a b&b and have a very hard working Independent Contractor cleaning girl. I do not expect tips for myself ever, but do appreciate when people leave something for her. I do not have tip envelpes in the rooms!

happytrailstoyou May 28th, 2007 06:37 AM

I don't understand why those who clean rooms in B&Bs are less worthy of tips than those who do the same at other hostelries.

I agree with whoever wrote: <i>They added a service gratuity to the meal which just seemed wrong.</i> To add an unstated charge is, IMO, unethical and wrong-headed.

janisj May 28th, 2007 07:21 AM

if the staff is family, it is the same as tipping the owner. thurstonbb's situation is the exception - they have hired staff and a tip would be customary. But if it is the owner doing the cleaning/serving - no you wouldn't tip.

Wallace_and_Gromit May 28th, 2007 07:26 AM

I stay in B&amp;B's all the time - here is my opinion:

If it is a family run B&amp;B and the owners/family clean your rooms, then it is included in the price you pay for the room.

If it is one of those large fancy resort type B&amp;Bs/&quot;Inns&quot; (I hardly ever stay at these) they usually hire maid service. You may want to leave a tip in this circumstance.

arriba's experience of having the owner add a gratuity is disgusting. I don't know if you had to pay extra for dinner, but if they wanted a tip they should have just included it in the price for dinner!

Even more appalling is cmcfong's experience! When you stay at a B&amp;B you expect a clean room. That is part of the price. To make someone feel guilty if they don't leave a tip is just wrong.

So to answer plantlady's question : No. Service is included in the price.

happytrailstoyou May 28th, 2007 08:47 AM

I found this advice by Googling &quot;tipping at bed and breakfast&quot;:

<i>Many, if not most B&amp;Bs have a no-tipping policy in the US and Canada. In other countries it varies. It never hurts to tip, but it is definitely not expected, and many B&amp;Bs specifically ask that you do not. Most are family owned and the price they charge covers everything.

The safest bet is to inquire at the specific Bed and Breakfast where you plan to stay before you arrive.

If there is hired housekeeping staff, then tip the same as at a hotel.</i>

Thomas6 May 28th, 2007 10:14 AM

I posted this on another thread; like Thurston, I won a B&amp;B and have cleaning staff. Unlike Thurston, we have tip envelopes and information in the room that clearly state who the tips go to.
'as the owner of a B&amp;B I would say that most owners do not expect $$ tips but nice gestures are always appreciated. Leaving some dollar bills on the table after breakfast is not the way to go. We have housekeeping staff at my B&amp;B and any monies left as tips get distributed to them. We do have tip envelopes in the rooms for the housekeepers.'

Thomas6 May 28th, 2007 10:15 AM

I meant I own a B&amp;B, not that I won it. What a poker game that would be!

rainydaymaine May 28th, 2007 02:26 PM

I also own a B&amp;B. We have a small notecard stating it is acceptable, but not required to tip our housekeeper.

Even though we are a small B&amp;B, we do have help.

Our B&amp;B has 7 rooms and it's not my life's work to clean 7 rooms, 7 days a week! I'd rather be able to chat with guests than be hustling them out the door so I can clean. So, we hire help.

She appreciates the tips.

Tips range from $0-$20/day depending on the guest. We do not mention a standard tip, guests leave what they want. If I have to state a price (some guests are adamant I tell them the exact tip to leave), I say the average is $5/day.

When it is just myself doing the cleaning, I do not expect a guest to leave a tip. Although a tip is NOT included in the price of the room, it's always been my understanding that you do not tip the owner of the business.

Hope this helps!

WestVirginia May 28th, 2007 02:46 PM

I also own a B &amp; B, 3 guestrooms in a very small town and am reservations/chef/laundry/housekeeping. I do not expect tips, do not put out envelopes of any kind. IF a guest leaves a tip (rare) I take it that they felt they had extraordinary service and appreciated what I did for them. We appreciate it, but in no way expect a tip.

1linda May 28th, 2007 04:58 PM

I own a B and B. Yes many times I am the maid, the chef, the gardener, etc. Do I expect tips, no but if I should get one I am not at all upset. I regard the tip as previously noted that I have done an especially great job. I do not think there should be a hard fast rule either way.

plantlady May 29th, 2007 02:08 PM

Thanks to everyone for their input, I found the reponses from the B&amp;B owners very helpful. We love to stay in B&amp;B's.

Thomas6 May 29th, 2007 05:48 PM

Just one more thought on tipping at B&amp;Bs, again as an owner. For whatever reason, U.S. practice is not to tip owners. That's okay with me - if guests asked me, I'd say leave a tip for my staff, but if you want to do something nice for me, write a glowing tripadvisor review, or send my free postcards to your friend that loves to go to B&amp;Bs, or buy a gift certificate at Christmas for your spouse because you had a great time. Those things make me happy!

cmcfong May 30th, 2007 07:06 AM

I do those things, Thomas. When I find a great place I try to share the news. I was very glad to see your post.

highflyer May 30th, 2007 07:45 AM

I'm not sure if I'd know if it was the owner/family that cleaned my room unless I asked which I haven't up to now.

I'd leave a tip at a B&amp;B for great service anyway regardless of whom the money goes to and I'd write the rave review too.

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