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freewoman Dec 30th, 2001 11:20 AM

Ivory, I have my limits too. But underwear and bed linens/towels are entirely different topics.<BR><BR>Who has time to change their bed linens every day?<BR><BR>I'm sorry but doing laundry for the sake of doing laundry is not my idea of a good time. And if you expect for a resort to change and wash bed linens EVERY day, who do you think is paying for that? Most of the island destinations strongly encourage conservation where water is concerned because on some of the islands water is a very precious commodity. (I know firsthand because when I was in St. Lucia, our water was cut off for several days. Believe me, if you don't have water, the last thing on your mind is changing bed linens!)

Jacques Dec 30th, 2001 02:32 PM

Having lived in Paris for 12 years, I can assure you that French women (on average) change their undies daily! I am highly dubious of this "survey."

Dottie Dec 30th, 2001 03:21 PM

I expect clean towels daily. I change towels daily at home so I would certainly expect it while on vacation. Sheets I change every week but wash my pillow cases every other day. So I would expect that on vacation also.

Goober Dec 30th, 2001 07:22 PM

That sounds like a definite case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder to me Dottie.....better get that evaluated!<BR><BR>hehe

Dottie Dec 30th, 2001 07:54 PM

I'm smiling!

hungover Dec 31st, 2001 07:56 AM

A "hospitality suite" huh? No smoke smell, but fits the rest of the description. Thanks, Hotel Mananger! You know, we DID put out the "Do Not Disturb" sign the night before, but it was apparently misappropriated as it wasn't there when I finally staggered to the door to check after our 3rd knock on the door Saturday morning. Does it make any sense to call Housekeeping or the Front Desk the night BEFORE to ask to be left alone? Any other tips towards a more enjoyable hotel stay? Thanks!

OliveOyl Dec 31st, 2001 08:41 AM

Hungover, My husband is a Hyatt General Manager and I have another room scenario for you. There is a room such as yours in this hotel, containing, like yours, a Murphy bed. It is not a part of a hospitality suite, however, but the parlor of a larger suite of rooms. It has no smokey odor as it's a non-smoking suite. That room is sold by itself more often than as a parlor to another bedroom. It also happens to be a corner room with highly desirable west and south views looking out onto Tampa Bay and by no means the bottom of the barrel. <BR><BR>As for your housekeeping complaint, the "Privacy Please" card inserted in your lock will do the trick almost always. Sounds as if an errant guest was having fun with privacy cards the previous evening. Our personal quarters in the Hyatt DH ran prior to this one happened to have a doorbell which seemed to be the source of great amusement for some souls if we forgot to turn it off at night....And then there were those mysteriously disappearing newspapers.....:&lt; :&lt;

John Dec 31st, 2001 11:56 AM

I remember staying at a hotel in D.C. last year and having the maids knock at 7:30am! Apparently, someone thought it was cute to turn over the "do not disturb" sign to the "please make up room early" side. It wasn't so funny for a guy who had been out until 4am!

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