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carolv Mar 5th, 2006 06:06 AM

Disappointing parasail experience on Anna Maria Island, Florida
I was extremely surprised and disappointed at Fun and Sun Parasail on Anna Maria Island, Florida. We paid for our two children to parasail, but they did not allow my husband or me to go as riders on the boat. They went out with two other adult parasailers and allowed them to bring TWO riders along. We never saw a thing from the shore, but more disturbing was the fact that they would not allow each group to bring one rider. If there is another place to post a complaint, I would do so. I would hate to have another family have the same experience. They already had our credit card information in advance, and we were leaving the next day. Ironically, their website says they are "family-friendly!"

cfntmpn Mar 5th, 2006 07:38 AM

did you go back to the website to see if there is any contact information? perhaps you can also leave a detailed email from an address obtained on the website as well.

carolv Mar 5th, 2006 08:59 AM

I will try that - thanks. Although I really wouldn't expect anything since they didn't seem to care in the least at the time.

cfntmpn Mar 5th, 2006 09:06 AM

I have found that unfortunately, that sometimes, "management" has no idea what their employees are doing, or what is happening within their company unless someone lets them know. Good Luck!

beentheretwice Mar 5th, 2006 10:16 AM

Hmmm, I don't know how old your children are, but I would have a VERY difficult time letting my kids go out on a boat with strangers, never mind to go parasailing. Perhaps your children are young adults?

carolv Mar 5th, 2006 11:58 AM

cfntmpn, I did follow your suggestion of writing to Fun and Sun, and I will share the response (if I get one).

Beentheretwice, the kids are 13 (twins)- probably the minimum age you would want a kid to parasail....they did fine, but one of us should have been there. I wonder if there is an age limit. I was surprised that a parent wasn't required to go along (never mind the fact that we weren't even allowed!) Parasailing is something the kids were really excited about (they had researched and found this place months before the trip). We were told upon our arrival that we couldn't go on the boat. That's why I posted it here - I don't want anyone else to be put into that position.

emd Mar 5th, 2006 02:13 PM

Wow. It would have been an option to refuse to let the kids go out without either you or your husband, and then disputed the credit card charge through the credit card company. I understand not wanting to disappoint the kids (I have a 13 and a 15 yr old). But as it is (and I am not being snide here carolv, it is just a fact), even though you didn't like it and felt uncomfortable with it, you agreed to their awful and unreasonable policy by allowing them to enforce it with you even though they allowed two other adult riders to bring two riders along.

Thanks for the heads up about this situation and this company. What were they thinking.

LN Mar 5th, 2006 03:56 PM


There was an incident almost a year ago where a parasailing boat took two girls up and the guide rope broke and the two girls were floating around Bradenton Beach until they finally wound up in a large tree near guide wires. They were not seriously hurt but they were alone and without a guide line for about an hour. I don't know if this is the company or not as Bradenton Beach is on Anna Maria Island but I believe the parasail was on the mainland side of the Cortez bridge on the left side before crossing the bridge.

carolv Mar 6th, 2006 01:25 PM

Thank you for your responses.

I am extremely grateful that nothing happened to my children on that boat. LN, if I heard that story before this occurence, there's no way my kids would have gone up (and I'd now be disputing a credit card charge!) I don't know if the incident you referred to was Fun and Sun - they are located on Anna Maria Island. I don't know how many parasailing outfits are in that area.

I did hear back from Fun and Sun. Interestingly, the person who replied was the same woman who would not allow us to ride. Even though I said over and over at the time, "you mean you're allowing other riders to go but a parent can't go with their children." She said they have changed their policy. She offered to take them up again (with riders), but we've already left Fla. As acknowledgment of the gravity of the mistake, I suggested a refund would be appropriate. I haven't heard back (and probably won't). I also reported the incident to the Chamber of Commerce, and they said they would follow it up.

Most importantly, I hope I've prevented another family from being in this situation (from this outfit or any parasailing outfit).

And yes, EMD, it would have been awful to have told the kids they couldn't go once we were already at the boat. They planned this and talked about it for months. This was the tail end of our (otherwise wonderful) trip and this was the thing they had looked forward to the most. Another lesson learned, I guess.

gail Mar 6th, 2006 01:42 PM

I sympathize with the pressure a 13-year old can bring - can only imagine what 2 angry 13 year olds could do to your vacation.

There must be something about girls that age and parasailing. Our now-15 year old dtr still mentions with anger and disappointment our telling her she could not parasail at the place we found on Bermuda - and we were at the boat - when we observed the boat driver drinking and the parasail equipment looked like it should have been condemned.

LoveItaly Mar 6th, 2006 01:58 PM

Hi carolv, I am appalled by your story, what a predicament you were in. Very stressful I am sure. Sure glad your teens didn't have any accident.

I would also report this company to the Better Business Bureau.

No_name Mar 6th, 2006 02:00 PM

Boy, thats awful. I would report them to BBB and maybe even drop them a line with this link so they can see what happens when they give poor customer service.

FainaAgain Mar 6th, 2006 02:02 PM

Carol, as a mother of 2 I understand your desire to protect your children.

What I don't understand, am I reading your post correctly, you paid for 2 seats on the boat and wanted them to let another adult to ride for free?

Is there something on the website warning that chaperones are not allowed? Is there an age minimum on the website?

Must be some type of a disclaimer somewhere! On the reservation form, did it say "2 persons" or did it say "2 children accompanied by an adult"?

Judy24 Mar 6th, 2006 02:06 PM

If I'm reading this correctly, the OP poster felt that since the other parasailers were allowed to bring guests along, and they were all adults, that she should have been given the same option.

Personally, I can't understand how a company's liability insurance policy would allow them to take 13 year olds out without a parent present.

FainaAgain Mar 6th, 2006 02:20 PM

The website says "we can take riders" but it doesn't say "for free".

Did Carol pay for riding and they refused to take her on? Or did she try to get on for free?

In the original post she said "we paid for our two children to parasail" She didn't mention paying for adults!

So the question is, how many paid seats on the boat were reserved by Carol and family, and how many paid seats were reserved by other riders/parasailers.

carolv Mar 6th, 2006 02:58 PM

I looked at the website again and it says: "all ages, can take riders, great family fun." To be honest, it never crossed my mind that they would even want to take kids out without a parent.

FainaAgain, I didn't see it as buying seats on the boat, but as paying for the parasail (it is not cheap, so I incorrectly assumed that riders were part of the cost). I thought it would be just my family on the boat, but apparently they double up the parasailers into 2 parties. For whatever reason, they thought it was more important to please the adult party.

I really appreciate the support here. This has been gnawing at me since it happened because I knew it was so wrong. I am incredibly grateful that my twins came back without incident. Ironically, there's plenty of things that we don't let our kids do for safety reasons.

I will definitely contact the BBB. Maybe there should be more regulation in this area. Thanks again for all the support. I will post any updates.

LoveItaly Mar 6th, 2006 03:12 PM

carolv, having been in the insurance business for decades I am rather surpriesed that this company's insurance liability carrier doesn't have restrictions regarding minor's etc. I assume they have liability insurance.

carolv Mar 6th, 2006 03:27 PM

LoveItaly, we had to sign a waiver - but that is typical for anything. (My daughter has to give out waivers for her ice-skating party). The Fun & Sun waiver didn't mention age restrictions and would exclude "gross negligence." If I hadn't been put on the spot (and somewhat shocked), these are things I would have found out in advance.

FainaAgain Mar 6th, 2006 03:49 PM

LoveItaly, it gets even more interesting - on the website, in writing, "no age limits"! Do you think they will let a toddler parasail?

LoveItaly Mar 6th, 2006 06:47 PM

Oh Faina, since it was in Florida I am wondering if a 90 year old could go parasailing, LOL.

But really "no age limits"..sure would like to know who the insurance company is that writes the liability for this company.

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