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Wm Aug 17th, 2010 02:42 PM

Crime in New Orleans
We are planning on attending the Rotary International Convention (which attracts upwards from 20,000 people from all over the world) in New Orleans next May. A couple of our friends are from the area and visit frequently. They have told us horror stories about the crime in New Orleans because of so many people living on the street. We are quite enthused about going back after a 10 year absence, but, needless to say, a bit concerned when we hear these stories. We are staying in a highly recommended B&B on N. Ramparts Street. Question: Would you hesitate to go back to New Orleans? Is the N. Rampart Street area any less safe than other tourist areas (e.g., Garden District)? BTW, we were delighted to hear that Rotary was doing their 2011 convention in this great American city since we are big supporters of revitalization of the gulf area.

SAnParis2 Aug 17th, 2010 03:55 PM

Rampart has typically been sort of the dividing line between good & evil, particularly after dark. That being said, Nola is no more dangerous than any other city. There are many good/recent trip reports on here that you may find helpful. I would probably seek other accommodations (though). BTW - I been there 4 times since Katrina, I would be curious to know where the B & B is, & who 'highly recommended it'. I am also not sure that your friends are providing you w/accurate information - have they been victims of crime ? witnessed any incidences of such ? if so, where did this occur ?

cheryllj Aug 17th, 2010 04:01 PM

Yes, there are some horror stories. But no, I would not hesitate to go back. Every big city has crime, and horror stories.

Are you staying at Marigny Manor B&B? It's close to Frenchman St., a busy popular area for nightlife, and I would not worry. Just be aware and be cautious, and stick to the main streets, and trust your instincts. I'm not sure I'd walk back from the FQ late at night, maybe take a cab, but it's not far.

nytraveler Aug 17th, 2010 04:19 PM

Sorry - New Orleans has a lot more crime than many other major cities. I think the problem is that some of the highest crime areas are very near to the main tourist areas.

But it is possible to visit safely if you stay in the right area (I would NOT stay on Rampart St - but in one of the hotels right near or connected to the convention center). Out hotel advised us to head only south - towards the river - and not to walk or even drive in the area north of there.

SAnParis2 Aug 17th, 2010 04:34 PM

Let's face facts here, you go into certain areas of any city, particularly after dark, & you could be asking for trouble. Much of the crime that occurs in Nola is pick-pocketing & such among the drunken mobs on Bourbon St. I've never had the first problem there, going back nearly 20 years & more than 15 visits (knock on wood).

cheryllj Aug 17th, 2010 04:42 PM

I agree that you don't want to be wandering anywhere north of Rampart, but if you are staying near Frenchman, I wouldn't let that stop me from staying there. But Rampart has always been known as the line between safe and not, and it's probably more true now than ever. (Have you seen the HBO show Treme? That's north of Rampart.)

I'm sure the B&B owners will give you the spiel about not heading into no-man's land, and head only south, towards the FQ and the river (north and south can be hard to judge in NO, and directions will usually be given to heard towards the river or away). There is no reason to go north or east, and don't. Do not wander around if you don't know where you are and where you're going, and when in doubt, esp. at night, take a cab.

claires_mom Aug 17th, 2010 05:09 PM

I live a couple of hours from New Orleans and go there about every 6 weeks. I typically stay in the French Quarter or Central Business District, but in March stayed at a B&B on North Rampart. It was wonderful! Even though it's not the best neighborhood in the world, I felt perfectly safe there; BUT we did not walk anywhere like we normally would. We drove or took a taxi. New Orleans is an awesome city, but like any other large city you just have to know which areas to avoid and which areas you just need to be more cautious in. Have fun!

SusanCS Aug 18th, 2010 07:08 AM

Wow, I'd be interested in knowing where the B&B is, too. We've been going to New Orleans regularly for decades - my first trip was 50 years ago - and I've never been particularly comfortable on Rampart.

On the other hand, the French Quarter is one of the most highly policed areas of the country, and using basic common sense (no dark alleys) should guarantee your safety. You may not see evidence of law enforsement, but if any kind of incident takes place, both uniformed and undercover police will come out of nowhere.

If you have an option where to stay, I'd opt for the French Quarter.

BigRuss Aug 18th, 2010 07:46 AM

I'd keep toward the French Quarter and the river. The notion that "Nola is no more dangerous than any other city" is bull. Its reputation is that it is one of the most crime-ridden cities in the United States. That's well-earned -- it has the highest murder rate of any US city.

As far as property crimes, however, NO is far less bad than some notable US wastelands like Detroit and Oakland and comes in lower than such luminaries as St. Louis, Memphis, KC, Tulsa and Washington DC (and probably every major city in New Jersey -- but most of those are too small for inclusion in the list I cited). Notably, the crime rates in New Orleans dropped after Hurricane Katrina, and rose in Houston -- those dots can connect themselves.

All that said, if there is a line of demarcation that the locals tell you that you should not cross (this is true in DC, for example), I wouldn't stay in a lodging right on the border of that line.

bachslunch Aug 18th, 2010 07:54 AM

I visited NOLA earlier this year for a decent stretch. There's no way I'd stay anywhere on Rampart Street, given my walking experiences. The French Quarter deteriorates as you head from Bourbon Street towards Rampart Street, and at Rampart and above, it's very definitely not good (there's a huge and notoriously dangerous housing project immediately above Rampart that runs all the way to Interstate 10, surrounding St. Louis #2 Cemetery and bordering St. Louis #1 Cemetery).

You're probably okay during the day between Bourbon and Rampart, but it's wise to keep your wits about you even then. At night, I'd approach the area with significant caution, if I did so at all.

If it were me, I'd stay elsewhere, preferably in the French Quarter somewhere within the boundary of a rectangle framed by Bourbon, Canal, Decatur, and Ursuline Streets.

SAnParis2 Aug 18th, 2010 08:59 AM

BigRuss - I seriously doubt that the OP will be venturing into any of the neighborhoods where many of these crimes occur. The tourist areas (as mentioned) are heavily policed. Nola (& any big city) encompasses many areas & neighborhoods. I think your statistics need be much more specific, to be truly relevant. That being said, you should also be careful in & around the cemeteries & it may be wise to choose a tour. There have been instances of crime in & around many of them. The only one I would feel safe in, is the one in the Garden District (& the name escapes me - Lafayette perhaps). The Tourist office right off Jackson Sq. should also be able to provide helpful info.

BigRuss Aug 18th, 2010 09:40 AM

SAn: the OP said he'll be near Rampart St., which is the precise area that the others are telling him to avoid. That's why everyone else is recommending staying in the Quarter -- it's touristed and awash with cops.

Brian_in_Charlotte Aug 18th, 2010 10:22 AM

I guess technically, Rampart is the boundry of the Quarter, and while I'd choose to be more "in" the Quarter, we were pleasantly surprised with the perceived improvement to Rampart when we visited earlier this year. Probably still wouldn't want to have to walk to/from there every night though unless I had some compelling reason to stay there.

SAnParis2 Aug 18th, 2010 11:09 AM

Please feel free to refer to my 1t post at your leisure.

Wm Aug 18th, 2010 05:09 PM

Well we are booked at the Marigny Manor House. The recommendations for this B&B on TripAdvisor make it sound very nice, that's why we booked it. We are not into cookie cutter hotels; we more enjoy an authentic experience though hope that does not include getting mugged!

SusanCS Aug 18th, 2010 05:23 PM

The Marigny Manor House advertises itself as being 5 block from the French Quarter.

SAnParis2 Aug 19th, 2010 06:24 AM

Also, if the convention is @ the Convention Center (I am guessing) you are probably about 1.5 miles away (it is quite a hike, I've done it). As mentioned prior, you could stay in the FQ or along Canal or in the CBD & be much closer to where I would expect you will spend a good portion of your time. This may help with your chosen environs.

SAnParis2 Aug 19th, 2010 06:32 AM

It is always interesting when people come on here asking for advise from experts, & then fail to listen to anything that is said. Really, what is/was the point ? Seems to me as though your mind was already made up. So you were seeking validation, not advice ? I would stay there, but I am comfortable w/the area & 'know' the city. I would not advise it for a first time visitor, one wrong turn & you could find yourself in a bad situation. BTW, many hotels in NOLA are far from 'cookie-cutter', even the Best Western on Canal has exposed brick walls & skylights in some of the rooms. Unlike most US cities, most everything about NOLA is unique. That is what makes it such a great destination. Hope you have a safe trip.

bachslunch Aug 19th, 2010 08:19 AM

Agreed with SAnParis2, whose safety thoughts on the Faubourg Marigny neighborhood mirrors what I've read in guidebooks. It's supposed to be a gentrifying area that is home to everything from artists to white collar types to criminals -- can be dicey or not depending on the time of day, part of the neighborhood you're in, and luck of the draw. Sudden shifts in and out of "bad area of town" are not unusual in NOLA. I didn't go here when I visited. And it will also be a long hike to Canal Street from there.

Brian_in_Charlotte Aug 19th, 2010 08:51 AM

That location makes no sense for attending the convention. You will have to cab it to and from the conference unless you're up for a very long walk in the May heat. I could understand it if there was some compelling reason to stay there, but there are lots of good hotel options much closer the to convention.

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