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xx Nov 2nd, 2001 05:24 AM

Crazy to move to NY??
Hello. <BR>Considering moving to Manhattan area for a job. Is this a crazy decision considering our strange times right now?

al Nov 2nd, 2001 06:37 AM

There are trade offs in everything in life, but all things considered New York is still the greatest city in the world. Keep in mind that living quarters in Manhattan are small and expensive, but if you know that up front you can have some of the best days of your life here. For short trips you've got Boston and Cape Cod to the north, the Poconos to the west, Washington DC and the Jersey shore to the south and the Hamptons to the east. You've got the theatre, opera, movies, concerts, restaurants, sports and museums at your beck and call, and in terms of crime, Manhattan hasn't been safer in a long time. If your job offer is a good one, go for it. Besides, if you don't like it, there's no law that says you have to stay.

steve Nov 2nd, 2001 06:58 AM

Real estate prices have dropped dramatically in manhattan since the event. Some buildings downtown have lowered rents 25% while the average across town has been a little over 10%. Prices are likely to fall even more over the next year or two. In other words, it's alot cheaper to live in manhattan these days. <BR>

Franknyc Nov 2nd, 2001 07:08 AM

Steve: You're right about living costs dropping in Manhattan over the next year or two, but I believe that will be the case across the country if the economy does not have the expected uptick this comming Spring. Unfortunately, jobs and high salaries will also become more difficult to come by and hold on to. It all goes hand and hand. <BR> <BR>Having said that, I do believe that downtown Manhattan is a unique situation and deals can be had for those willing to live there over the next year or two.

xxx Nov 2nd, 2001 07:47 AM

Real estate prices may start to climb again in NY when there is a new need for housing by all of the construction firms that are going to be doing the rebuilding. <BR> <BR>And keep in mind that real estate was all ready way out of most people's realm, so a slight decrease is still making the rates out of most people's reach. <BR> <BR>Before you move to NY really take a look at the cost of living. A friend just moved there and finds that her $250,000 salary has her living a much more inferior lifestyle than she was accustomed to in LA where she made $100,000.

zz Nov 2nd, 2001 09:17 AM

i should have such a problem as making $250,000 or $100,000 a year and living an inferior life. with that kinda money whats inferior. we are the cultural center of the world; our restaurants are top rated; shopping is wonderful. do you realize that that salary is 6x that of a new york city EMS. no one making that salary should complain about anything in life.

L Nov 2nd, 2001 09:24 AM

Well, xx, is it simply a job-related move? Do you have an offer? Have you alredy made the decision? You didn't give us much to go on. Good luck. Ciao

NYer Nov 2nd, 2001 09:28 AM

would you feel any safer in san francisco? It's a tough decision just thinking about relocating, regardless of current events.

Michelle Nov 2nd, 2001 09:47 AM

Thanks, Jack, for your thoughtful and kind response. We, here in NYC, appreciate your upbeat outlook in times like these. And, pray tell, where might you reside? <BR> <BR>And xx, as everyone has already said, if you do choose to come to NY, note that your cost of living will rise dramatically if you are not already residing in an expensive city. I must say that NY is still and, in my opinion, will always be, one of the greatest cities in the world. Sometimes I leave my apartment and take a look around and it really makes me feel great. The city has an energy like no other I have ever travelled to and I have travelled quite extensively throughout the world. <BR> <BR>When all is said and done, we don't know where you are coming from, so we really can't help you compare. Why not come for a visit and see for yourself and then (and only then)can you make an informed decision. <BR> <BR>As our Mayor and so many others have said recently (myself included): I Love NY -- Now More Than Ever!

Owen O'Neill Nov 2nd, 2001 11:26 AM

Two years ago I uprooted myself - found a new job and relocated specifically to be adjacent to NYC. I waited until my mid 40's to do this because family obligations had kept me elsewhere. I had long dreamed of living in or near a major metro area (NYC had always been tops on my short list). Although finanical realities have me living in north NJ, I can drive into midtown Manhatan in 15-20 minutes in the evening and get in and out of the city by express during the day on a pleasant 30 minute commute. Is it crowded, expensive and noisy? Of course! It's also incredibly alive with culture and an amazingly diverse array of people (who are remarkably friendly). I happen to thrive on live music, film, art and diverse culinary experiences. In any given week I have more offerings to choose from than I had in an entire year or longer in my former home (a metro area of 250,00 in central NY state). If my finances allow (or when they do) I will live in Manhattan for at least a few years. I can drag my lazy feeling slightly unmotivated self over to NYC any evening and suddenly feel so revitalized that it's as if I'd been given an adrenaline boost. NOt for everyone, I admit, but don't knock it 'til you've at least checked it out.

charles Nov 2nd, 2001 12:23 PM

Not a crazy decision at all. Living in NYC is no crazier than living many other places, and a lot less crazy than some. Would I live there? No. I have and its not for me. (I obviously prefer Boston) But I have many friends who live there and wouldn't live anyplace else, and they are not crazy. <BR> <BR>Its just a matter of individual fit.

Philip Nov 2nd, 2001 07:46 PM

You have to make a lot of adjustments when you live in NYC. Consider the following: <BR> <BR>Can you walk down the street while some obnoixous fool is laying on his horn for no reason and not pull out a gun and put him out of his misery? <BR> <BR>Can you tolerate people walking down the street looking over their shoulder and bumping into you and then cursing you out for bumping into them? (Sidewalk rage is very common in NYC) <BR> <BR>Can you tolerate cab drivers gunning their taxi toward you while your trying to cross the street and they are not showing any concern about running you over? <BR> <BR>NYC can be a real pressure cooker sometimes and you really have to be determined to live here.

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