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juliewood57 Feb 19th, 2003 12:23 AM

coming to New York tomorrow
Just to thank everyone for previous suggeations. WE are coming tomorow from England and I was wondering what the snow situation is like now.Would love there still to be snow around but also want to be able to land!!The forcast looks like it is getting a bit warmer from Thursday but I am still undecided on what to pack!Only there for 3 nights, I will probably end up with enough clothes for a week!<BR>Thanks again<BR>

gail Feb 19th, 2003 01:55 AM

Have no fear - the entire east coast of the US has enough snow for you to enjoy and we would be pleased if you took all of it home for your friends, as well.

Julie Feb 19th, 2003 03:00 AM

Monday's big snow is long gone by now, and the airports are open and operating again. The temperatures are going to warm up for the end of this week (about 40F) with rain expected for Saturday, so a lot of the snow should melt. Unfortunately, you'll get to see some of the ugly aftermath of snow in the city (when it gets dirty), and there will probably be a lot of runoff from the melting, so I would advise you to bring some boots or other shoes that can survive stepping into a lot of puddles when you cross streets.

Julie Feb 19th, 2003 03:02 AM

Just re-read my first sentence, and I didn't mean to suggest that there isn't still a lot of snow around on the ground and piled up along the streets, just that the inclement weather has long ended.

HowardR Feb 19th, 2003 04:51 AM

Your timing is good. You just missed the actual storm, and the weather will be warm enough for you to walk around. Still, bring cold weather clothes and boots!<BR>Make sure you walk through Central Park, which is beautiful when covered by a layer of snow.

juliewood57 Feb 19th, 2003 05:19 AM

Thanks everyone, will get my boots out. We are staying at the Mark for our first night so we will probably go for a walk around central park on our first afternoon. It will be a good way of keeping awake!.

Owen_ONeill Feb 19th, 2003 05:31 AM

Warm weather (into the 40's) is predicted for later this week and also a significant amount of rain is possible. Umbrellas are advised just in case - naturally good waterproof footwear is already advised due to the slush and snow still piled up.

al Feb 19th, 2003 07:39 AM

Bring waterproof boots. With the massive thaw that'll be happening around here this week there are sure to be more than a few pond-size puddles around, especially at intersections.

wantsomesun Feb 19th, 2003 07:53 AM

YOu won't have a problem findin the snow, it is still piled up 4 feet and more in some spots. The city has done a pretty good job in getting the streets cleared and in the midtown area, most of the sidewalks and streets are passable.<BR><BR>Our area of town, cars are still buried, and will have to think twice about where the car is currently parked, luckily we don't have to move it for a few more days, and with the thaw comming, it should reapear soon.<BR><BR>The most important thing you will need to bring are your boots and a few pairs of socks. Nothing worse than wet cold feet when you are out trying to have a good time.<BR><BR>Central Park should be beautiful and had over 24 inches of snow. To give you some idea of this storm it was the 3 worst snowstorm in history.<BR><BR>That said, I think the city has done an amazing job in digging us out.

suzanne Feb 19th, 2003 09:50 AM

It's a LOT warmer than it was in January (i.e., you no longer have to wrap your scarf around your face), but there is so much snow piled up on the curbs that it's going to take awhile to melt. It's supposed to rain this weekend, so it will be one big slushy mess. Wear waterproof's quite an adventure, trying to cross the streets (the corners are flooded). The sidewalks are generally clear, though, and the airports should be running fine.

michelleNYC Feb 19th, 2003 12:12 PM

I was just outside now (Midtown) and it actually feel warm! How sad is that!! It's supposed to be even &quot;warmer&quot; this weekend but really, really wet and slushy everywhere. My suggestion would be stilts if you can find a way to get them on the plane. ;-)

michelleNYC Feb 19th, 2003 12:15 PM

That should be either &quot;feels&quot; or &quot;felt&quot;... sorry for the typo.

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