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Statia Sep 10th, 2004 03:42 PM

Cocktail Hour & Traveling to Where?
Ok, with all the stress we are all under for one reason or another...."Ivan Stress" for most of us, I'm sure, as well as sad 9/11 remembrances.....what's your poison for cocktail hour on this Friday night?

I'm having a glass of Merlot, which is a change from my usual Pinot Grigio. Should I go to the European forum to find out "How To Say It?" I still am not sure I have it correct, even after reading that thread. :)

I'm sure this thread will get pulled but I've tried to make it travel related by stating where else we'd rather be. I just know a lot of us are having a somewhat stressful week, so I just figured we could all vent here.

So, what are YOU doing for cocktail hour? Merlot for me, and I'd rather be in Venice. I'd go with something stronger, but I know I wouldn't make it past 9 p.m.

annesherrod Sep 10th, 2004 03:47 PM


I am about to go to a Birthday party for a dear freind at a fabulous restaurant, I hope to have a martini of some kind and then on to a good Pinot Grigio.
I would rather be in Portugal. have never been , but planning a trip oon March. I hear they have great wine regions there.
For this stressful weekend I wish eryone a safe and sound weekend.

Scarlett Sep 10th, 2004 03:51 PM

I would rather be in SO many other places right now :D

Tonight, we had a Bordeaux that the Yankee found and loves.
I would rather be in London, my friends wrote and invited us to visit..I would rather be in Paris, shopping..
I will be in Portland Oregon in about 10 days, so I will just be patient..whatever that is!!
Hugs Statia, he will be fine ((L))

GoTravel Sep 10th, 2004 03:55 PM

Lawsy, someone put me on that pinot grigio list. I'm getting ready to go meet my husband at work.

Put parents on a plane to Ohio. One less thing to worry about.

MarthaB Sep 10th, 2004 04:06 PM

My husband is going to travel to our basement to get a cold frosty Dortmunder beer that travelled from Germany. I anticipate a safe return. Does that count? We are awaiting pizza and after the littlest guy is tucked into bed, it's time to watch Hidalgo!

((B)) Cheers!

Marilyn Sep 10th, 2004 04:25 PM

No cocktails tonight for moi -- too much vino last night!

I'm pretty content to be right here just north of SF tonight. The hot weather has finally broken. We have 4 more trips this year, from a weekend in northern Ca to Christmas in Oaxaca, and a couple of US trips in between. And big plans for next year.

Cheers to you all -- have a great weekend!

indytravel Sep 10th, 2004 04:31 PM

It's a sad evening for me. Summer is over and I'm breaking down the beer keg refrigerator for the winter. ((b)) Sigh...

I'm consoling myself with a VO Manhattan as I use a sanitizing agent. A little bit of NYC right here in Indiana. ((d)) (They don't have a Manhattan smiley so I'm using the martini.)

indytravel Sep 10th, 2004 04:34 PM

Oh I forgot the travel part. The Manhattan must be kickin' in swiftly. :-D

Nearby to W. Lafayette to see the Boilers play tomorrow. Omaha next weekend. The weekend after that I leave for France and Greece for two weeks. Then France again at Thanksgiving for 10 days. I can't wait!

Statia Sep 10th, 2004 04:36 PM

I see I have some buddies in the Pinot Grigio fan club, Anne & GoTravel. Maybe I should switch back? :) Or perhaps I'll just nip some of Scarlett & the Yankee's Bordeaux. (Thanks for the thoughts, by the way).

I forgot to mention that jaunt to Venice would be WITH my DH, not by myself.

I wonder if Parick will weigh in tonight, or if his date with Mr. Dewars has already gotten serious. (just kidding, of course).

Enjoy your brewsky and pizza, Martha.

Although you aren't joining us, Marilyn, we are thinking of you and wishing you well.

buckeyemom Sep 10th, 2004 04:36 PM

Too much partying for me last weekend add to that a raging sinus headache and I'm sticking to herbal tea...

buckeyemom Sep 10th, 2004 04:38 PM

Go-Where are your parents going? Our weather here is supposed to be beautiful the next couple of days..

Statia Sep 10th, 2004 04:39 PM

Indie, you should move to Texas. My BIL never has to break down his beer keg fridge. It's like the Energizer Bunny season to season. :)

Enjoy your VO Manhattan (now there's another place DH and I would like to be) in the meantime.

MarthaB Sep 10th, 2004 04:47 PM

We have a beer fridge, too. Right next to the beer is all kind of health food. Beer's a health food, too, I hear.

I like herbal tea, especially the TAZO stuff.

But, I digress... we actually like to try different beers/wines wherever we travel. In Mexico it was only 15 cents and my dh nearly died from happiness! See, this is travel-related, isn't it? ;-)

JulieR Sep 10th, 2004 04:53 PM

Hubby and I had brandy oldfashioneds tonight, being from Wisconsin, besides beer and brats that is a standard drink, and I am longing for Maui, going next year in November...can't wait!!

MSS Sep 10th, 2004 04:57 PM

Due to the stress of an unexpected Medicare audit just when I got back to work after vacation,and another surprise one within the next few weeks, I have become great friends with Jose Cuervo and his frozen margarita bucket. (Plus I love using my hand blown imported margarita glasses).

Anyway... longing to be back in New Orleans for a few more days of sun and fun. I guess I will just play my CD's that I picked up there and plan for another vacation.

indytravel Sep 10th, 2004 04:58 PM

It's a curse and a blessing Statia. I live on very pretty lake in Brown County, Indiana.

In the summer I'm inundated with relatives, friends, friends-of-friends, and people I'm not quite sure anyone knows.

Then winter comes. It's cold. The lake is frozen. The trees are bare. The roads are slick. I'm all by myself.

Sometimes I wonder which time is the curse and which is the blessing. :-)

SusanCS Sep 10th, 2004 04:58 PM

My stress is from worrying about Ivan vs. family, but we're supporting the cocktail hour with Dewars and a heavy dose of sauvignon blanc. :)

Patrick Sep 10th, 2004 05:00 PM

I made friends with Mr. Dewars tonight as well -- in the form of a dry robroy straight up. A really big one in an oversized martini glass.

chepar Sep 10th, 2004 05:01 PM

Geez, I'm still at work with a couple hours to go.

After I get home I'll have a bourbon and ice.

I'd rather be at home . . . but to continue the travel related vein - I'd rather be in Paris.

indytravel Sep 10th, 2004 05:01 PM

MSS the frozen margarita buckets are spectacular aren't they?

The first time I saw one I was visiting a friend in Salt Lake City. She was in the shower. I was on my second margarita.

The door bell rang. I wondered who it was. Margarita in hand I whipped open the door to see two Mormon "elders" standing there. Elders in quotes because their name tag said "elder" but they were no more than 19 tops.

I figure they were young and practicing in friendly territory. I did get my own personal copy of the Book of Mormon from them.

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