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ziggypop Jun 8th, 2013 06:26 PM

Have fun everyone. It is graduation season in Minnesota or the wife and I would be there with you all.

Dayenu Jun 8th, 2013 08:44 PM

You guys show the city what it means to be a Fodorite! Just don't make the news :-p

Toucan2 Jun 8th, 2013 08:51 PM

It has been an absolute blast. I promise that next week I will write more for my part of the trip report, but y'all wore me out and I have to get some sleep now!

And a big old THANK YOU to Fodors for Go Away pins (we will wear them with pride) and travel guides. We wore the orange proudly, and represented the brand well. We even ran into people who saw the pins, and being a little familiar with Fodors, wanted to know more.

Chicago welcomed us with blue skies and pleasant weather, friendly folk everywhere we turned, great food, great art, great architecture, and more.

Nikki Jun 9th, 2013 05:03 AM

I had a great time yesterday at Millennium Park and the Art Institute. Wonderful weather, and I got to spend some time at the Blues Fest in the afternoon. Lunch at the Art Institute was really good, and thanks to those who shared tastes of the things I thought of ordering and was curious about.

Really enjoyed meeting everybody, and now there is a video on somebody's camera of a bunch of us doing Zumba (or some unreasonable facsimile) in the park. Let's hope it doesn't go viral, the world isn't ready.

amwosu Jun 9th, 2013 05:50 AM

We Prancercised and Zumba-d our way through Grant Park Saturday morning, delighting ourselves and horrifying a few innocent bystanders.
Ann Marie

starrs Jun 9th, 2013 05:51 AM

Prancercise ;)

retired04 Jun 9th, 2013 07:34 AM

It was great; we had a perfect cameraman/narrator!

Kal Jun 9th, 2013 12:56 PM

Love the pix/vids on <i>"the other website that shall remain nameless"</i>.

I missed my Chicago buddy's retirement party, the GTG AND the Pirates at the Cubs this weekend. WTH was I thinkin'?

Oh...that's right...Mrs Kal's late b'day trip. #-O

PhillyFan Jun 9th, 2013 02:36 PM

You had a good excuse, Kal, but it would have been great if the both of you could have joined us! I bet you would have been a great Prancercizer, LOL.

Hershey Jun 9th, 2013 05:54 PM

I spent the morning wandering around the 29th annual Printers Row Lit Fest with barbrn. We had a great time perusing the book stalls and talking to authors. After we ate lunch, I mosied on over the the 30th annual Chicago Blues Festival where I spent 7 hours listening and dancing to various artists. The weather was perfect (70s) and I couldn't have asked for a better day in Chicago.

Kal Jun 9th, 2013 06:08 PM

I would have been a 4.5 on the Prancercizer's Richter scale!

Nikki Jun 9th, 2013 07:28 PM

Just came back from Second City, and before that we saw the Cubs beat the Pirates at Wrigley Field. The predicted rain held off, and there was a lot going on in Chicago this weekend.

Could there be a link to photos and videos for those of us who are not on Facebook?

retired04 Jun 10th, 2013 05:12 AM

Nikki! It was great to meet you! We had a great time in Chicago! So much to see and do in that fabulous city!

barbrn Jun 10th, 2013 06:24 AM

Hershey, I cannot believe you were dancing at the Blues Fest. Your poor feet. had such a great time at Lit Fest. Only problem I now have way too many books on my to-read list. It was long enough before. It was nice to make a new friend.

It was great meeting everyone. I missed the Prancercizing because of Chicago traffic, but enjoyed meeting everyone at the Art Institute and the main GTG at Lou's. The weather was good, the food great, the company superb. Dutyfree and her hubby walked with me back to my hotel and we also got to see The Naked Bicycle Ride. We heard a whoop and cheers and got to see them as they turned the corner and pedaled quickly onto Michigan Avenue. It was kind of a blur but dutyfree knew what was going on. Now I'm sure those of you who couldn't attend are really jealous!!

Thank you to Fodors for my new Paris guidebook. It is on my dream destination list. My next planned trip is to ahem...Las I will have to close my eyes really tight and imagine I'm in Paris. Really really closed tightly. Nikki, thanks for the ticket to the Art Institute. I am planning to read your Paris trip reports. I'm also glad you got to see my Cubs win. Wrigley is so fun when that happens.

Thanks to the organizers of this GTG. Toucan2 and dutyfree. You are both great. There were too many other fun people there to mention by name, but thanks everyone for being so welcoming.

Dayenu Jun 10th, 2013 02:28 PM

Joining Nikki in her request. I am on Facebook, but not in the group. The group is closed, so no peeking ;)

PhillyFan Jun 10th, 2013 04:21 PM

I enjoyed the Printers Row Lit Fest, too - as luck would have it, I discovered 2 weeks prior to leaving that one of my favorite authors was there. I got some books signed (and a pic).

Toucan2 Jun 10th, 2013 05:24 PM

Are we supposed to add typical trip report things? I'm going to assume we are (and anticipate that others will too!) and start now.

Thanks to Hershey, I got a 3 day CTA pass through Groupon for only $9. I was there Friday through Sunday, so it was perfect.

I've been to Chicago a lot, but usually family picked me up from the airport, or, if it was business I took a car or taxi into the city. With the CTA pass, it was so easy to just take the Blue line straight from the airport to the Monroe/Dearborn stop, and walk two blocks to my hotel. It was especially great since I could see all the cars sitting in 5 o'clock traffic as we zoomed by on the train.

I got a great deal at the Palmer House Hilton ($208, and for those of you familiar with the hotel, you know it is a great deal). The lobby is spectacular, with a fresco ceiling. I made sure to at least have coffee there Saturday morning with my brother so I could enjoy it. There's a huge Starbucks on the street level (I'm highlighting all the important things) The beds really comfortable, and the shower hot. Probably most importantly, it is an absolutely fantastic location just a couple of blocks off Michigan Avenue by the Art Institute and Millineum Park.

PhillyFan was kind enough to wait for me and we grabbed a quick sandwich and soup at Corner Bakery before hopping on the Red Line going north to join the others at the John Hancock Signature Lounge for drinks.

A super nice Chicago mounted policeman assured us we were going in the right direction after we got off the subway and pretty soon we joined the very long line for the elevators up to the lounge. I spotted people in orange, and began waving wildly at amwosu, whereupon the security guy waved me up there to cut in line! Oops. Sorry about that other people waiting.

Other people in orange had already arrived, and the lounge staff kept funneling us in. Fantastic view, fantastic company, and a pretty good ale.

elberko Jun 10th, 2013 05:44 PM

I'll just add that I was there from Thursday to Sunday and went to all the planned group things during that time, leaving only Friday morning free.

I decided to go on a walking tour with the Architecture Foundation, and chose:
Historic Downtown (South Loop): Rise of the Skyscraper, which I really enjoyed. Don't know if this is usual, but there where 2 guides, and they divided the 8 of us who showed up, so very small groups!


Toucan2 Jun 10th, 2013 07:03 PM

That so funny Liz, the same thing happened to us on Saturday afternoon, for the same tour! There were only four of us in our group too, and it was really interesting.

I think it was great how there were planned activities and people came and went as their schedules allowed. Saturday was so beautiful that a lot of plans were sort of in flux as many of us wanted to be outdoors as much as possible.

Saturday morning started at Millinium Park, at what everyone calls The Bean, but is really properly named Cloud Gate. Always fun to do pictures there. As we arrived, Tai Chi was being conducted in the Jay Pritzker Pavillion area, and later this is where a huge group was doing Zumba as we walked past. The Pavillion, as well as a pedestrian bridge at the back of the par, are both Frank Gehry designs and are really beautiful.

We walked, and danced, and pranced, and made our way to the Lurie Gardens. I love this reclaimed space the provides a beautiful, quiet respite in the middle of the city. Seasonally it is so different, and I loved seeing it in the spring. What they call the "Salvia River" was in full bloom and just spectacular. Here is a blurb from their web site:

Highlights of the garden include the dramatically lit, 15-foot-high "shoulder" hedge. This physical representation of Carl Sandburg's famous description of the "City of Big Shoulders" encloses the garden on two sides and protects the delicate perennial garden. A graceful hardwood footbridge over shallow water divides the garden diagonally between "light" and "dark" plates.

We mostly split up a little bit at that point and wandered, but many rejoined for lunch at Terzo Piano at the Art Institue.

I had eaten in the cafe before, but never at this restaurant, and I really enjoyed it. They were very accommodating for our large group, and I can't speak for the others, but my sandwich and salad were really good. I also had an interesting red hibiscus ale with lunch. I seem to be on a beer kick lately!

Cheribob hustled downstairs and bought a new Art Institute membership so we could get a discount on lunch, plus it was double discount day, so we got 20 percent off lunch!

Then, I was torn. Go outside and wander the Blues Festival for a bit with Nikki, or visit the Art Institute for an hour on Cheri's free guest pass. It was rough, and I wish I could have done both! I love the AI though, so had to go in and get a fix.

As always, the art is amazing, and I totally enjoyed my wander there.

Then along with asherrod, I did the same SkyScraper walk that Liz mentioned above. A really excellent walking tour for only $15. They make a point of showing you skyscrapers from each decade through time so that you see the differences in styles and technology as skyscrapers evolve.

Enough for now, it's bed time and the Fodorites wore me out last weekend! I hope this isn't too windy for you all! (get it?! Windy? Windy City? I slay me)

elberko Jun 11th, 2013 02:52 AM

Oh, good, Toucan2! Then you saw the Tiffany mural you mentioned!

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