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johnb Sep 12th, 2006 08:53 AM

Charleston in 3 days!!
I have not spoken to one person who could say anything bad about Charleston. Its not our typical vacation but we are really looking forward to low key relaxing time with great food. I think Charleston fits the bill...

GoTravel Sep 12th, 2006 09:31 AM

It is a very beautiful city.

cmcfong Sep 12th, 2006 09:35 AM

Have a great time, John. Prepare to plan your next visit!

twigsbuddy Sep 12th, 2006 06:25 PM

I hope you plan to stay in the historic district. A walking map is all you need. Go to the old slave market for fun flea market shopping. Slip into an old church for a rest. Be cheesy...take a carriage ride. Eat shrimp and grits. Poogans Porch used to be nice . If I recall more, I'll let you know. We spent our honeymoon in the Mills House. Our daughter spent hers at 1 Meeting Street. Read some Pat Conroy before you go.

johnb Sep 12th, 2006 08:19 PM

I want grits and shrimp!! Staying at Charleston Place, hope its nice, surprise for wife....

daydreamin Sep 12th, 2006 09:23 PM

johnb...I fell in love with the shrimp and grits at Hymans! YUM!!! Looked disgusting but was oh so delici1ous! So much so that I brought their dry mix back home and have converted a bunch of my Pacific Northwest doubting friends! I've even started ordering it from their website!

Have a wonderful time! It's really a lovely, charming and unique town!

daydreamin Sep 12th, 2006 09:24 PM

PS...I think Charleston Place is lovely. Any other opiions out there?

cmcfong Sep 13th, 2006 03:35 AM

Charleston Place is absolutely lovely, your wife will be thrilled with the surprise. Enjoy yourself.

maryanne1 Sep 13th, 2006 05:00 AM

Live 2 hours above Charleston Myrtle Beach, S.C. but having traveled the world far beyond here I can tell you Charleston is one of the loviest cities in the world. Charleston Place perfect. My favorite restaurants for fine dining Magnolias and Peninsula Grill. Celebrate. Above all take a carriage ride your first day as that will acquaint you with the historical part of the city. Hopefully you get the one that goes by the battery,but the section of the city is determined.
Just wander the streets. Go into the churches and graveyard. Walk along the Battery. There are some old houses that are museums that might interest you such as The Nathaniel Russell House, Edmond Alston.
Truly our most beautiful Southern City with friendly people. Let us hear from you after your trip.

GoTravel Sep 13th, 2006 06:08 AM

Charleston Place is a gorgeous hotel and you will be very pleased as well as with the location.

Shrimp and grits is the very best at either Hanks or SNOB.

You can eat Shrimp and Grits for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because everyone serves it for every meal.

daydreamin, the shrimp and grits looked disgusting? It is shrimp and grits what did you EXPECT it to look like?

TKT Sep 13th, 2006 06:29 AM

A wonderful city. Make some restaurant reservations ahead of time. If you don't smoke, ask for non-smoking section.

SAnParis Sep 13th, 2006 06:39 AM

I'll play the devil's advocate - it could be pretty hot & muggy or you could feel the brunt of the 'hurricane du jour' romping about out in the Atlantic. But otherswise, enjoy your stay.

JoyceL Sep 13th, 2006 06:41 AM

Bring plenty of insect repellent. I just returned from a trip to Charleston. I had a great time for the most part, but the humidity and flying insects in Charleston were horrendous. Even though I covered myself every day with a 100% Deet insect repellent, I still got stung multiple times on both arms, and got several huge welts.

GoTravel Sep 13th, 2006 07:07 AM

Joyce, when? I just returned Saturday and I didn't have any problems.

Where were y'all?

JoyceL Sep 13th, 2006 07:23 AM

I was in Charleston Sept.4-7. On the 8th I drove to Bluffton, and from there to Savannah.

My first 3 Charleston days were spent in the Historic District. On the 4th day I visited plantations on the Ashley Road (Drayton, Magnolia, Middleton Place). All 4 days there were bugs everywhere.

Charleston was not hot, but was extremely humid. I would best describe the climate as "clammy". Maybe it was the humidity that brought out the bugs, but whereever I was in Charleston, hordes of flying insects were also there.

By the way, Savannah was a nice surprise. Because it was south of Charleston, I had expected the climate to be worse. But Savannah had no humidity, and no bugs. It was very pleasant.

johnb Sep 13th, 2006 07:41 AM

Most everyone I have delt with at Charleston Place has been over the top with service with regards to planning this surprise!!Front desk, Reservations and Concierge was overwhelmingly wonderful. The Spa people seemed a little uptight for lack of words. I am sure that my wife will love. CP has taken care of everything for me!!

GoTravel Sep 13th, 2006 08:24 AM

Joyce, I suspect you got eaten alive at the plantations. They are basically marshland where not only do mosquitos thrive but multiply by the millions.

daydreamin Sep 13th, 2006 09:30 AM

johnb....your surprise sounds wonderful!!

GoTravel....I don't know what I expected shrimp and grits to look like. I had never had it before and couldn't wait to try it but when they brought it to the table it just looked awful. But of course it was SO delicious! And by the way, your Charleston TRs were very helpful. Thank you!

GoTravel Sep 13th, 2006 09:34 AM


For anyone who doesn't know, shrimp and grits should look like white grits (cream of wheatish), with a pale colored gravey with shrimp.

The more expensive the dish, the bigger the shrimp.

maxster Sep 25th, 2006 12:44 PM

I am from the Pacific NW and just read about the shrimp & grits. We don't have anything like that here, but now I will want to try it when I visit Charleston! Don't laugh, but what are grits?

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