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MissZiegfeld Oct 12th, 2005 04:59 AM

Cardiff in a day
I'm heading to London again in December, and I'd like to take a day trip to Cardiff (only two hours from Paddington).

I will probably take the 6:25 am train to Cardiff..what time do you think I should return to London? The last train leaves Cardiff at I think 8:25.

also, it will be a sunday (but, it will be the end of November--Christmas season)--will shops, etc be open?


janisj Oct 12th, 2005 06:13 AM

You should re-post this over on the Europe forum.

(Many places will be open - though not everything. The tourist attractions will all be open. Return to London when you want- even the last train should get you in by 11 p.m. But also don't count on only 2 hours by train London/Cardiff. Sundays is when they often do maintenance/track works plus if it is stormy it can delay trains)

At least one fodorite lives in Cardiff and many others know it very well - so if you post this on Europe you may get some specific advice . . . . .

tcreath Oct 12th, 2005 06:23 AM

You should definitely repost this on the Europe board, but I will go ahead and answer what I can. We visited Cardiff as a daytrip from London a few years ago; however we drove, so I can't give you any advice on the train system.

Cardiff was a great city, but I don't recall their being a huge amount of things to do. The castle is neat, as is just walking around the city. If the train takes two hours and you get into Cardiff at 8:25, I personally think that twelve hours may be too long. However, I think it all depends on what you like to do and how leisurely you are. Do you have to book the train ahead of time, or could you just play it by ear and head back to the train station when you think you are ready to leave? I'm assuming there are many trains that run between the two?

Good luck!

fehgeddaboudit Oct 12th, 2005 09:14 AM

As long as we're on the U.S. board, let's also discuss Cardiff-by-the-sea: one of my favorite beach towns in California.

There used to be an earthy man who would bring his boa constrictor to the beach there with reliable frequency. One day out of my 17th summer, while dining on mushrooms, we had the most intense experiences swimming in the aqua foam surf, talking in riddles to the snake man, and marveling at the beauty of the natural world in the company of my topless, long, blonde ladyfriend.

Times have changed... Topless is no longer permitted there. The snake and his man have moved on. Mushrooms are no longer a part of my diet.

MissZiegfeld Oct 13th, 2005 04:44 AM

thanks for info--sorry i posted on the wrong board!

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