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auntiemaria Sep 28th, 2005 09:04 AM

Calling PakePorkChop!
Bringing friends to O`ahu for long weekend, beginning 10/6 -- would love to give them a Chinatown tour, ending (or starting?) with dim sum at Legends. Need your expert advice -- please email, 'kay?

lcuy Sep 28th, 2005 01:54 PM

ttt- because PPC is definitely the expert!

OldSouthernBelle Sep 28th, 2005 03:28 PM

Here's a website that you can use to arrange this.

I'm another PakePorkChop fan!!


iceeu2 Sep 28th, 2005 03:39 PM

Hi have mail..found PPC's email address for you.

Hi Icuy...did you get the book I sent you?

Hi OSB..sure was great to visit with you recently.

Aloha all.......((r)) i'2

OldSouthernBelle Sep 28th, 2005 03:51 PM

iceeu2: I enjoyed meeting/visiting with you and the real icee as well!

Do you think auntie has tried the chicken paws??;)


PakePorkChop Sep 28th, 2005 08:38 PM

Aloha, y'all!

OSB, nice to hear your voice. I trust Katrina and Rita left you unscathed. Congratulations also on the progress of the Crimson Tide and Good Luck on Saturday in your game with Florida! We'll be rootin' for ya!

Auntiemaria, I will be out-of-town from Tuesday, October 4 through Monday, October 10. No can do.

Legends is, well, legendary. Some issues about service in the busy hours, some issues about price, but still at the top of the game despite the loss of a top chef to Kirin at Ala Moana Center.

For many Chinese, who are price-sensitive, they prefer Fook Lam, just a few doors away and right on the river. Almost as good, not as pricey.

If you get there EARLY, Taipan (in the same Chinatown Cultural Plaza) is actually a nice boutique experience, but you need to get there EARLY.

These three places, and the other three dim sum locations in the Chinatown Cultural Plaza, are wonders to behold on weekend mornings, especially Sunday mornings. You would think that you were in Hong Kong. Just walk along the Sun Yat Sen Plaza along Nuuanu Stream and you are transported to a different world.

On that weekend, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii is sponsoring an event called the "Splendor of China" at the Neal Blaisdell Center Exhibition Hall. The tickets are cheap, only a couple of bucks, and you will find all kinds of wacky activities:

a Chinese dog show, only Chinese species

a Manapua (pork bun) eating contest

martial arts and mah johng exhibitions

food booths, trinkets, curiousities

Chinese beauty queens

Food booths, of course

I mean, how can you go wrong for a couple of bucks per head? Just be careful about the parking charge and carpool.

Any questions, email me

[email protected]

auntiemaria Sep 28th, 2005 09:43 PM


Drat...I was soooooooooo looking forward to seeing you again, and having our friends have Da Expert give a tour. Oh well...

I picked Legends because it will be our friends first dim sum experience -- and that huge, bustling, noisy place should be their "baptism", don't you think? :-)

Then we'll stroll Maunakea Street for lei shops, herb shops, and the big open market.

Last stop before we head for the flight home will be the usual -- Royal Kitchen for 2 doz each of char siu manapua, pork hash, and half moon. My Kaua`i pals don't let me come home empty handed!

OldSouthernBelle Sep 30th, 2005 04:37 PM


Yes, we faired very well with the two hurricanes, thus far! Originally Katrina was predicted to come our way, but it kept moving west.
You'll recall, while we were in Maui, hurricane Dennis was barreling towards our home!

We've been busy sending relief and trying to assist the evacuee's here to find lodging and other assistance.

Well, I'm a big Tide fan, but to be honest, if we win, I'll attribute it to your pulling for us! Ha!

Now the important question regarding the Manapua contest: will that be the BIG Manapua or the small??

I'd like to know how that contest comes out!

Happy Travels!


lcuy Sep 30th, 2005 04:47 PM


I saw your #1 daughter in Full Monty last night. She was great! and she must love working on stage with such well-(un)dressed guys! ;-)

PakePorkChop Oct 1st, 2005 12:31 AM

I'm happy for you, OSB! And tomorrow is the big game.

I won't be here for the manapua contest, but i'm betting that it will involve the BIG manapua.

I encourage everyone to attend. Two bucks for the admission charge. That's just two-thirds of the cost for one gallon of gasoline! How cheap is that?

lcuy, when I was young and slim I modeled in Chinese fashion shows. In the dressing room, the females would be dropping dresses left and right in order to get into the next outfit. To my surprise, I was so engrossed in getting ready for my own part of the program that I really had no time or interest in contemplating the pleasure of the moment. It was purely business.

The human mind is truly a wonder-ful thing. Time, place, circumstances can make all the difference in the world.

OldSouthernBelle Oct 1st, 2005 01:25 PM

Oh, I'm learning things about you Pake, young man!:S-

It's now half time and I just want to say, you're doing a GREAT job of rootin' for AL!!! Please keep it up 'til the game is over!!

Rooooooll Tide!!


OldSouthernBelle Oct 2nd, 2005 03:54 PM

Well the game was over and WE WON!!!

I thank you PPC, I had no idea your cheering was so powerful!!:)

I would have thanked you sooner, but I was still bummed out by the horrid ankle injury. They kept showing it in slow motion...ICH!

Anyway, it's been YEARS since I've seen us play so well! Quite enjoyable!!


PakePorkChop Oct 12th, 2005 10:20 PM

Undefeated and ranked #6 in the nation!

Rooooool Tide!

Now you need to start offering Fortune Cookies at the stadium concessions:

"Confucious say Rising Tide lifts all boats!" "Heir of Bear likely to smell Roses" "Pigskin in 'Bama worth more than ....(fill in the opponent's blank).

Let me know if you need a Chinatown source for the fortune cookies.

iceeu2 Oct 13th, 2005 04:41 AM

You know what PPC? That team you are cheering on is NOT the only team in the SEC, but I have a horrible feeling they are gonna whip the dickens out of my team next weekend.

OSB, you have had a lot to cheer about this year...and I work with an Alabama alum, so you can imagine how sick I am right now!!

Cheers all! ((r))

OldSouthernBelle Oct 14th, 2005 03:20 PM

LOL Pake! And I WILL need you to be pullin' for us tomorrow, 'cause I've got to work :(! Guess I'll video it in the hopes that it will be as good a game as the last one (but with NO broken bones!)!

iceeu2: I consider you a friend too, but don't be muscle-ing in on my arrangement with the powerful Mr. Pake!:S-


PakePorkChop Oct 14th, 2005 04:47 PM

Well, ladies, I did not forsee a potential conflict in the SEC.

As a citizen of the most Suthin' state in America (I was going to say Union but decided agin it), I am exercising my perogative and concentrating my thoughts on the University of Hawaii, which is 1-4 and REALLY in need of help!

So both Georgia and 'Bama have my cheers and the world will still go round after Saturday (unless Hawaii loses!).

lcuy, I will salve any hurt on Sunday, when I get to see Ahnya perform in "Full Monty" in the closing show.

iceeu2 Oct 14th, 2005 05:29 PM team is Tennessee!

PakePorkChop Oct 15th, 2005 04:08 AM

Georgia.... Tennessee....

You'all still Northerners in Hawaiian geography.

I stand corrected. I should have known better, inasmuch as I am a Colonel in the Tennessee Volunteers.

Hmmmm. Now I am in a pickle. Unless I get a commission real soon as a "Bama

PakePorkChop Oct 15th, 2005 04:19 AM

For some reason I was cut off.

In any event, I am claiming my perogative as a Southern Gentleman. I will cheer this weekend for the University of Hawaii, which is 1-4 and REALLY needs helyelp. The Vols and the Tide, God Bless their Hearts, are blessed with players and will do wonders on their own, thank you much!

OldSouthernBelle Oct 15th, 2005 03:01 PM

Who's being the chicken paw now?? (Ha!)


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