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beachgirl86 Apr 25th, 2004 07:02 AM

California recommendations for East Coasters?
We are thinking about a trip to California in Feb. or Dec. (2 of us are teachers so we must use school vacation weeks) to use free vouchers from Northwest. There would be four of us going, 2 couples. What areas of California would you recommend for us? None of us has ever been, and we would be coming from the Boston area. We were initially thinking the San Fran. area, but have not ruled out southern Cal. We all are used to beach type vacations, but I know the weather will not be that warm during the winter, so we are looking for some great scenery, good restaurants and shopping, and lots to do. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

peggybauer Apr 25th, 2004 07:33 AM

I have bee to LA, SF, and San Diego. I would recommend either SF or SD. San Francisco has too many things to do so you would have to pick and choose. It is also incredibly scenic. It is hilly, good for active people, shopping is great. Weather is variable but usually quite pleasant.

San Diego has great weather, beaches, excursions, even some shopping. I think it is a little less challengingm more relaxing. You cannot go wrong either way.
San Diego

tracys2cents Apr 25th, 2004 08:26 AM

See if the vouchers are valid for an "open jaw" trip. Best way to see CA. is to fly into San Diego or Los Angeles, rent a car, drive up the coast one day and then see San Fran & wine country for a couple days before flying home out of SF.

Hann Apr 25th, 2004 07:16 PM

For a February or December trip to California I would not recommend SF (too rainy and cold). You would be much better off in LA and/or San Diego.

tracys2cents Apr 25th, 2004 07:32 PM

I would fly into LA for three nights, you can find inexpensive accomodations near the airport on weekends...and have only a 7 min drive to Santa Monica shopping/ beaches. (You said you're I imagine you'll be on a budget) Foghornhotel is a good budget choice too, in Marina del Rey. You'll probably want to visit the Getty, the LA Zoo, WB or Universal Studios tour and take in a tv taping.

Drive up to Santa Barbara and spend the night, since you enjoy shopping and dining. The Days Inn is a fine budget choice here and you'll find several other recommendations on this forum if you're looking for something more deluxe. (Just do a search on Santa Barbara). If the weather's clear, drive up the coast to Carmel or Monterey/ more dining and shopping or see the Aquarium. Then I'd drive up to San Francisco and take it from there...maybe three nights near Fisherman's Wharf with a drive through wine country one day. The Columbus Motor Inn is often recommended if you have a car, because not many other hotels near the wharf offer free parking.

beachgirl86 Apr 26th, 2004 04:36 AM

Tracys2cents: your suggestions have been very helpful! Thanks so much for your advice! You are right, as teachers, we are definitely on of right now we are thinking of splitting our time between LA and SF to explore both cities, (we'll most likely be there 7 nights) and the areas around each city. Thanks for the hotel suggestions, I will look into those!

La_Mesan Apr 29th, 2004 02:53 PM

I live in San Diego and love the diversity. The beach and bay can be nice to visit even in the winter. Personally, I wouldn't do LA unless you want to visit Disneyland or Universal Studios. There is so much traffic that it can be annoying driving around. A littler further North in Calif. including Big Sur, Carmel, Morro Bay, Cambria are lovely, but would probably be more enjoyable when it is warm.

BayArea Apr 29th, 2004 04:42 PM

Hahn, you always steer people away from SF anyhow, saying it's because of the weather in February makes it seem like you've got a reason.

February is rainy all up and down the coast. You'll see romantic scenery, and it'll be warmer than Boston, but it won't have you in the throes of spring.

San Diego is relaxing, to the point (I think) of being boring.

LA is energetic and SF is elegant. Both of these cities are going to have the best options for eating. has just released their top 100 picks for the greater SF Bay area. I think the LA Times has something similar. All budgets are covered, although, as with anything else, the best stuff tends toward the expensive.

gail Apr 29th, 2004 04:44 PM

Since you are from Boston area, before you go inquire about reciprocity of teaching credentials in California - if you go to San Diego you may never want to return to the east coast (my family had to practically force me back on the plane to return h ome last summer)

BayArea Apr 29th, 2004 04:45 PM

premature click on the post button.

What kind of activities do you like, outside of shopping and good eating?

Here's a good website for scoping out SF:

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