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Jacque Jun 14th, 2001 03:29 PM

Blue Man Group - Boston - really great for ALL ages?
After reading on this site how great the Blue Man group was for all ages, I booked tickets at the Charles Playhouse in Boston for my husband and kids (4,6,and 8). When I looked on the Charles Playhouse website for directions to the theatre, I just HAPPENED to find something that said kids under 5 were not permitted in the theatre. Ticketmaster NEVER said anything about this! Will they really stop me at the door if I bring my 4 year old? Has anyone take a young child to this show?

Lisa Jun 14th, 2001 04:08 PM

Hi, <BR> <BR>My husband and I saw the Blue Man Group just about a month ago, while vacationing in Boston. I don't know why children under a certain age wouldn't be allowed; I can't remember anything obscene going on during the show. <BR>The only thing I can think of, is maybe they feel that children under a certain age may get scared from the "blue men" and loud music? I know that sounds weird, but who knows. <BR> <BR>The show is definitely different. Pretty avant garde in my opinion. I thought it was ok, but my husband really liked it. Be prepared about one thing--regardless of where you sit--whether it's near the front, side or the balcony, no audience member is necessarily "immune" to the Blue Men! They go out into the audience and take people on-stage. <BR>I would suggest calling the Charles Playhouse and double checking with them. I don't recall seeing any super young kids in the audience, but there were a couple around maybe 8 or so. <BR>Hope it works out!

Beth Jun 14th, 2001 06:10 PM

You know, that might be a wierd thing about Boston theatre in general. When Seusical was in town, it made the local news because the box office wouldn't sell a ticket to a guy with a 3 year old! You've got the tickets, right? Just walk on in and pretend he's a small six. My kids saw it with aunt and uncle, and although they were a bit older at the time, didn't hear about anything "inappropriate!"

Jacque Jun 14th, 2001 06:15 PM

Thanks for your replies. I'm not so much worried about inappropriate because from what I've heard there isn't anything in it (except maybe a little loud but I'm bringing earplugs). I'm just worried we'll show up and they won't let us in. We'll definitely try, but I'd love to put my mind at rest with a story from someone who's done it.

Jacque Jun 15th, 2001 07:48 AM


Jean Valjean Jun 15th, 2001 01:43 PM

Re: Earplugs <BR> <BR>I don't know about Boston, but in Las Vegas you get earplugs at the entrance. The music CAN get really loud but, IMHO, not unbearable. I don't know if they do the same paper bit they do in LV, and that may be the only part where a 4 year old may get a little bit scared. I won't tell you what it is, it would ruin the surprise!

Parrot Mom Jun 15th, 2001 01:53 PM

okay, here is the grouchy lady....there are times when it is not appropriate to have a three year old go to a play...even Suessical....Yes, I know it's a kids play..but it;s not a den where the kids are watching tv and people have paid lots of $$$ especially at the Wangh for rotten seats and a rotten sound system..and would not be happy to hear a little kid who is not used to sitting still and watching the stage screeching and crying.. As for Blue Man...I have seen it and don't think there is anything wrong with taking a child to it..lots of fun.... Please don't get me wrong..I took my children to theatre in Boston for appropriate plays (yes, Seussical is appropriate), but when I see parents with babies in arms I go crazy....even in the a matinee they bring them in car seats..some have enough sense to take the baby out when the child cries.. You can toss things at me and I'm the first one to encourage parents to have their children go to and experience theatre, unfortunately, it's expensive nowadays and not much out there for tiny children... for Jaque....just don't say a word...and enjoy... See if Wheelock College has any productions..they specialize in childrens plays..

Jacque Jun 15th, 2001 02:13 PM

ParrotMom-from Jacque <BR>I totally agree with you. I would never take a child to something I didn't think they were ready for. I don't mind so much parents bringing the kids, maybe they think they're ready. Kids are unpredictable though and the ones who make me angry are the ones who try to quiet the child in the theatre. For heaven sakes, LEAVE!

lisa Jun 15th, 2001 06:00 PM

For the poster who mentioned the bit about the "paper" at Blue Man in Las Vegas--yes they did it in Boston as well. I wont say what it is either, because it definitely was not something I was expecting, and don't want to ruin the surprise either. <BR>Oh--they did not supply any earplugs when we saw them in Boston. It was loud, but not as loud as some rock concerts can get.

Jacque Jul 2nd, 2001 02:40 PM

Just got home from Boston. Thanks for all your help! My kids LOVED Blue Man Group. We had no problem getting in and they even gave us earplugs for the kids (they weren't handing them out to everyone though). Great show!!

thereuare Jul 2nd, 2001 02:48 PM

There's an old joke that goes like this: <BR> <BR>A father and son are getting on the bus, and to get the child's fare you need to be 6 years old and younger. <BR> <BR>The father and son board the bus and the driver asks the boy how old he is, <BR>"Six", replies the boy. <BR>"And when will you be 7"? asks the driver? <BR>The boy responds, "When i get off the bus!" <BR> <BR>I think the age thing is because they don't want any children crying or speaking inapropriately during the show. If they ask, just say that your son/daughter is 5 years old. If they ask for id, just tell them she hasn't gotten her license yet.

ca Jul 2nd, 2001 02:52 PM

Do they give out earplugs at the Chicago show also?

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