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ccr Sep 14th, 2005 12:16 PM

Best/cheapest time to go to NYC
What's the best & cheapest time to go to NYC? I want to plan a trip soon, and it being such a hugh city I don't know where to begin.

Gekko Sep 14th, 2005 12:22 PM

As the law of supply and demand dictates, "the best & cheapest" are mutually exclusive.

If you're looking to save money, I'd suggest January or February (but not the weekend closest to Valentine's Day).

Where to begin? Buy a guidebook, research this forum, click Fodor's "destinations," visit other internet sites (such as Citysearch for everything and Shecky's for nightlife).

When you have specific questions, come back and ask away!

hdm Sep 14th, 2005 12:30 PM

I can't speak for the cheapest, but for me the best time is the week before Christmas. I think it's magical then. Unfortunately, this year I can only go the week after Christmas but as far as I'm concerned any visit to NY is a good visit.

Gekko Sep 14th, 2005 12:34 PM

The holidays tend to be very expensive in NYC (hotels, air, etc.) because everybody wants to be here (high demand).

The summer months are crowded with tourists.

May is probably a good month in terms of weather & prices -- a "best/cheapest" compromise.

nytraveler Sep 14th, 2005 04:11 PM

For really good hotel prices you need Jan or Feb - everything else is higher than that with Nov/Dec highest followed by Oct.

Of course in Jan/Feb you can run into really bad weather.

So - it depends on what you want to see most (if it's mostly indoors) and if you don;t mind the cold (I much prefer it to the summer) Jan/Feb can be fine.

ilovetulips Sep 14th, 2005 04:23 PM

Just FYI, some friends of mine just went to NYC in August and they said it was as hot as in Texas right now. The heat also impacted the "stink factor" in the streets. They said they really enjoyed it, but wouldn't go again in August. Having been to New England, my vote would be mid to late October for NYC, but I am sure it is not inexpensive.

GoTravel Sep 15th, 2005 06:50 AM

The cheapest time to go is when the weather is the worst: August and January.

February can get expensive with President's Week and I think (but not sure) Fashion Week is in February.

mclaurie Sep 15th, 2005 07:53 AM

I think right now is ideal. First half of September. Weather is usually not oppresive. Kids are back in school so tourist sights aren't packed.

As to starting to plan the trip, why not start looking at hotel prices ( give us an idea of what your budget is and the kinds of things that interest you. The biggest problem with Jan/Feb is not being able to "stroll" the neighborhoods or Central Park.

ccr Sep 15th, 2005 11:24 AM

thanks! I'll do some research and get back w/ more questions

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