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Dayle Nov 6th, 2011 10:02 AM

Bad Experience - Lodge at Red River Ranch - Torrey, UT
Hi Fodorites,

As you know, I live in UT and visit our Nalt Parks quite often. I had planned a long weekend and was looking for a new place with a view, fireplace and pet friendly. I settled on the Lodge at Red River Ranch outside Torrey, UT on the Fremont River.

Long story short, the room had chimney drafting problems and although the desk clerk made, and started, my fire for me (per their written policy that levies a $200 fine for open flames or starting your own fire), smoke filled my room. We had to open both doors to air it out. Once going, it didn't burn very well or long, but good enough.

The next night I declined the desk clerk's offer of a fire and told her I didn't want to deal with the smoke again. Later that evening some unexpected guests checked in upstairs, their fire was started and again my room filled with smoke. Much worse this time. Again, we had to open all the doors to the outside and turn on the ceiling fan to air out.

I asked the clerk to move me to a different room and she told me could not without permission from the manager who lived offsite. A few minutes later the answer was No because I was in the only pet room. Understand, that out of approx. 18 rooms, I and the other room were their only guests. So - I said I understood, but based on the smoke problem and no other rooms available for me, I would be checking out the next day, 1 day early.

A few minutes later the clerk was back to inform me that they would not refund my money for checking out early and the manager was coming to talk to me. Yell would have been a better word. This guy came to my room and verbally attacked me. Saying that "you come here and use our facilities and just complain." Well, yes, there is a smoke problem in this room. Then it was "it doesn't seem smokey to me. Did you light a fire?" No, you can see there is no heat or freshly burned paper, etc. in the fireplace. What was I supposed to do, keep the door shut and save the smoke for you? The clerk backed me up saying that I had specifically turned down her offer of a fire and that when I called her, the room was filled with smoke.

I stuck to my guns and said I intented to check out the next day and I expected not to be charged for the third, unused night. He said they would charge me for the thrid night I had reserved. I said I was still going to check out and we would see where it went. At that point, he literally got right in my face, yelling that "I'll tell you where it's going to go! I'm going to file a lawsuit against you that's what!!"

Again, I did not let him intiminate me, but stuck to my position. He finally offered the option of, 'well if you leave now, we won't change you for tonight or tomorrow." Since it was 10:30pm I don't think he expected me to go with that, but I did. So, at 10:30 at night on a freezing cold night, I packed up, left and went to check in at the Red Sands Motel in a clean, comfortable pet room for half the price and with a tv, microwave and frig too. Slept like a baby.

I just wanted to get this out there so those of you planning a trip to Capitol Reef would be aware. The Lodge at Red River was a nicely decorated place in a nice setting, but the management is not prepared to handle a problem in a professional, let alone hospitable, manner. Seems this guy is in the wrong business!

I've never had an experience anywhere like this before and I sure hope I don't ever again. Too many nicer, better options for lodging in Torrey - Torrey Pines B&B, Skyridge B&B, Austin's Chuckwagon Motel and now Red Sands Motel. I've stayed at all of these and would recommend any of them. All different types and price ranges, but all clean and nice properties.

Be aware and happy travels!

nytraveler Nov 6th, 2011 10:09 AM

I hope you posted on tripadvisor - and made a complaint to the local BBB - assuming there is one.

spirobulldog Nov 6th, 2011 10:14 AM

Well, I hope the flue was open to start with?

So after the fire burns for an hour or two, what happens if you want to put another log on? Do you have to call them back to your room again?

Sometimes I get mad in situations like this, other times I actually find the comical. Just depends on the mood. Packing up at 10:30pm would not set well with me though.

Dayle Nov 6th, 2011 11:18 AM

nytraveler, Yes, TA is next.

Spiro, Yes, the flue was open and the clerk made the comment that this particular room was always hard to get drafting....I didn't take the chance of adding more wood even though she had left some for me.

I did post this with you and other frequent UT visitors in mind!

qwovadis Nov 6th, 2011 12:10 PM

So sorry for your negative experience.

Truly the most inconsiderate of management I have hear of.

Give some thought to doing a merchant reversal on your

credit card that is what I do in situations like this.

You get an immediate refund an investigation and full

or partial refund if merit is found in your claim.

Plus you get to make the mangagement squirm a lot.

This story is good enough for Ombudsman

You might get yourself published in Conde Nast.

Good luck!

Dayle Nov 6th, 2011 12:13 PM


If you read my story again, you will see that I won out and was not charged for the third night. No credit card or ombudsman follow up is necessary.

spirobulldog Nov 6th, 2011 01:08 PM

The thrill of victory. LOL. well kinda in this situation.

utahtea Nov 6th, 2011 01:17 PM


Sorry you had such a bad experience. To bad the management didn't know who he was dealing with! You carry a lot of weight on these forums and he's going to be paying for his actions and lack of customer service big time!


cmcfong Nov 6th, 2011 01:21 PM

Your comments carry a lot of weight with me, Dayle. I know you to be a sophisticated and experienced traveler not lightly bothered by small glitches. This story will keep me from ever considering that property. I wonder if the manager is the owner. If not, the owner might benefit from learning what type of unprofessional behavior the manager has engaged in. I am sorry you had a bad experience, but glad you were able to adapt and find a better place for your last nights!

utahtea Nov 6th, 2011 01:24 PM


You might want to write reviews here too!

Now a days it just doesn't pay to make enemies of your customers!


starrs Nov 6th, 2011 01:49 PM

What a horrible experience! I'm glad you stood up for yourself.

They probably need to clean the chimney. If they haven't, they have a fire hazard on their hands. When I bought my mountain place, it felt like we were marinating in wood smoke. I didn't realize how much our clothes reeked until we went to church and the smell was strong and distinct. I called a chimney sweep and he collected a 5 gallon bucket full of soot. He said it was one of the worst (dirtiest) chimneys he had cleaned.

It may not be drawing right because the chimney is lined with creosote. I don't know if the fire department or a licensing agent would be interested, but someone needs to check that chimney - IMO anyway. We had no problems with fires since and I have it cleaned periodically and there is very little soot collected now. I'd be scared to stay there with a fire going because the whole darn chimney could go up in flames - if buildup is the problem.

Myer Nov 6th, 2011 03:40 PM

I guess he didn't realize how many people would read about this.

All too often a complaint like this is written by a firt-time poster. In general they get slammed.

What a mistake he made!!!!

I was wondering why they only had two guest in 18 rooms. Maybe you were the last to find out.

emalloy Nov 6th, 2011 03:56 PM

What a bummer!! Glad you stood your ground and left. Do you suppose the people in the other rooms had a similar experience and left too and that's why the other rooms were empty?

sheri_lp Nov 6th, 2011 04:29 PM

I'm glad to hear it worked out for you, but that manager was totally out of line. There's no reason for anyone to suffer that kind of treatment.

And I will make a point to avoid that place as well!

InSandy Nov 6th, 2011 05:00 PM

I wouldn't want to stay in a place anyway if the fire created smoke in the room. Not a good sign, as someone else noted, of a safe chimney. It looks like it has potential, too bad they aren't able to back up the appearances with style.
Thanks for posting about your poor treatment from them.

Dayle Nov 6th, 2011 06:36 PM

Thanks for your opinions and support Fodorites. Sometimes when things like this happen I wonder for a minute if it's just me. But, I am definitely NOT a complainer and am normally pretty easy to get along with.

I've worked in the hospitality industry, the ski industry and the restaurant industry and I couldn't believe this guy. He was actually a close relative of the owner and it seemed to me got "stuck" with the job. Certainly couldn't have applied for it!

Anyway, for info useful in Fodorville - the little town of Torrey pretty much closes up in the winter. The last weekend of Oct when I was there, all but 2 of the places to eat were already closed. Cafe Diablo and the Rim Rock closed that Saturday. Austin's general store was closing too. Things get very quiet there in winter. It's high altitude desert and very cold in winter. Many lodging places close entirely too. this is the latest I've been there and it was way below freezing at night! Hence, the desire for a fire.....

SOCALOC Nov 6th, 2011 07:01 PM

Dayle- we just had the same thing happen to us! LOL However, ours WAS the flue. You'd think the hotel would have it open if there's snow outside and they leave wood in the room to burn. It only took minutes before the alarm was going off and the smoke was enough to kill anyone. Nothing like opening your door when it's freezing outside. :( And you can't get rid of the smell no matter what! Thankfully it was for just one night.
Two nights I would have lost my mind!
Glad you made it out of there, minus the bad management with an attitude.

StantonHyde Nov 13th, 2011 06:30 PM

Dayle--that stinks--literally!!! Good to know. I usually do the hotels in Torrey, guess I won't be staying at that place!

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