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MJLR321 Sep 19th, 2006 09:18 AM

An unusual start to a friendship
I am from the UK and have an abiding interest in the Californian Missions. In April 2005 I visited Mission San Diego at about 11 am and it became evident that the funeral of a child (a 3month old baby) was in progress.

I'll try and cut this short but, the 3 older children of the family greeted me after the mass and asked that I join them in a simple repast in celebration of the life of their brother. I felt awkward and that it was inappropriate as I was not family and did not know anyone. I regret that to this day. The young brother (aged about 10) said, "But if you come in and help us celebrate the life of my brother, you will always be part of our family".

Throughout my 3 weeks in the South West, I could not forget that family and what they must have been going through, neither could I forget that I was most sincerely invited, I and refused.

Months later I summoned up the courage to write to the Mission and they kindly passed on my thoughts and love to the family of the baby.

In about 5 weeks time, during my next visit to the US and after many months of e-mailing and letters, and just last weekend having spoken on the 'phone to the mother, I will meet the family at last. The 'Family' includes the extended family, and I am just overwhelmed by the warmth, hospitality and generosity of these folk that I have yet to meet.

Travel opens up the possibility for friendships, sometimes serendipituous, often in unforseen and unusual circumstances, hopefully long-lasting.

I like this Fodors website. It's given me great help and ideas for travel in the US.


sunbum1944 Sep 19th, 2006 09:36 AM

What a nice story
And you sound very special too to make that much effort to reconnect with the family.

Hope you have a great trip back to the US

Suzie Sep 19th, 2006 09:43 AM

What a lovely story.

Elena Sep 19th, 2006 09:46 AM

Thanks for sharing that. Very touching.

Tiff Sep 19th, 2006 10:45 AM

What a beautiful story, MaryJo. I am glad that you tried to reconnect with this family when you couldn't stop thinking about them. Some things are meant to be.

A gift for all of you.

Thank you for sharing, and best wishes.

cmcfong Sep 19th, 2006 10:52 AM

You must be an amazing woman, Mary Jo. Thank you so much for posting this wonderful story. Enjoy your coming visit. Peace.

enzian Sep 19th, 2006 11:07 AM

Thank you for posting, Mary Jo---what a wonderful story. You made my day, turning a day that seemed filled with petty annoyances into one where I feel the glow reflected by your warmth toward this family.

That was a very mature 10-year-old boy to extend an invitation to you in that way. I can understand your reticence in declining to join what you felt was a private gathering, but I'm glad you went to all this trouble to connect with them again.

TahitiTams Sep 19th, 2006 06:14 PM

This is such a beautiful story and living in SD makes me proud that we have such wonderful people living here and to have a 10 year old boy ask for you to join in the celebration of life..Wow.
Please keep us apprised..
Have a wonderful time with your new family!

canterbury Sep 19th, 2006 06:51 PM

I love heartwarming stories.

Thanks for sharing MaryJo, and enjoy your time in the USA!

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