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jordan_wyvill Jul 1st, 2013 06:00 AM

A month in the USA - Suggestions?
I will be travelling to the USA as part of an extended 21st birthday overseas trip type thing. I only have about a month (August) to spend in the US. If i had to pick two cities I am most interested in seeing they are New Orleans and New York City. A month is the most time I can spend in the US although reducing the number of days without diminishing the trip would be great if there are any suggestion also to as how I may want to rearrange the number of days I will be staying in places (Except Vegas, I only want to spend two days Im a croupier and I have no real interested in extended gambling I just want to have a look and say I've been). Heres my suggested ultra basic itinerary:

Las Vegas – 2 Days
San Francisco – 3 Days
Los Angeles – 3 Days
New Orleans – 6 Days
Washington D.C – 3 Days
Philadelphia – 3 Days
Boston – 3 Days
New York City – 7 Days

Is it possible to budget $100 AUD a day on accommodation and still stay in reasonably decent places? and is $100 or less enough spending money?

PaulRabe Jul 1st, 2013 07:06 AM

> $100 AUD a day on accommodation
> and still stay in reasonably decent places?

In most major cities of the U.S. in August -- no.
Staying in New York, for instance, you'll probably need to spend twice that (final cost, including taxes) to stay at a "decent" place.

I should mention that August in New Orleans will be VERY uncomfortable, almost not worth it. Unless jazz is an obsession of yours, I can't imagine spending six days in August there.

And check out what JUNE has been like in Las Vegas this year:

I strongly suggest you stick to the U.S. coasts and the northern U.S. for this summer, and resolve to accept either hostel accommodations while in the big cities, or commuting an hour each way to get to them. In CAN be done for $100 AUD a night, but you won't get a private bath or maybe even not a private room.

PaulRabe Jul 1st, 2013 07:14 AM

> is $100 or less enough spending money?

Again, it is do-able, but you'll probably have to choose between going to interesting places during the day or partying at night. A first-class restaurant in a big city, for instance, can easily cost $100 (with tax and tip) with just a few drinks. Buy food at grocery stores and "splurge" for a lunch special, and you'll have money to visit interesting museums and sites.

jordan_wyvill Jul 1st, 2013 07:27 AM

In all honesty how hot or cold it is doesnt bother me I am not overly constrained by weather. I still wear shorts and am barefoot on our 4 degree mornings here in melbourne and wear jeans and a jumper on 42 degree days. However, I hadnt realised that it was hurricane season in new orleans perhaps i could do the US as the last leg of my trip November-December? New Orleans is a must for me!

Bitter Jul 1st, 2013 08:29 AM

What's your interest in NO? I like NO, but unless you have very specific interests I think you can feel like you have visited NO in 3 days. In that time you can take a couple tours (self or guided), walk the streets, enjoy the nightlife, architecture etc.

msteacher Jul 1st, 2013 08:46 AM

All the places you have selected are large cities, which are nice, but you are missing out on the natural beauty of the country. I would suggest spending some time in Grand Canyon or Zion National Park after Las Vegas, and/or some time in Muir Woods, Big Sur, or wine country from San Fransisco. If you needed to drop one city to get some extra time for these places, I would drop Philadelphia. I also agree that six days seems like an awful lot for New Orleans. And be prepared for intense humidity there, coupled with the intense heat.

jordan_wyvill Jul 1st, 2013 08:49 AM

If I was to reduce my stay in the US as I am considering how much length it adds to my travel to ay 14-16 days and NO and NY were a must for me what would you suggest I really only want to go to washington for the typical touristy things and vegas just so I can say I've been. Id rather leave the canyon and the forests for a more dedicated visit.

nytraveler Jul 1st, 2013 09:36 AM

I understand 6 days in NYC which has dozens of world class sights.

However, IMHO NO just really doesn't have that much to see/do - unless you are really focused on nightlife. Also, you should know that NO is a very high crime area and places just outside the French Quarter are simply not safe. Be very careful where you decide to stay - and have someone in the hotel tell you exactly where you should not go.

Separately, how can you be a croupier if you have just turned 21. IN LV you can;t even enter a casino until you're 21.

Rich Jul 1st, 2013 10:29 AM

NO is a fun place to visit . . anywhere in the French Quarter is safe, and most of the city is safe in the daytime ( not that much different from other large metropolitan areas frankly Philadelphia for example!) You want to stay in the Quarter to get maximum benefit of being in NO . . 6 days is more than I would spend at a time, but if the nightlife is an attraction, it's a great place to be!

You say the heat is not an issue and Hurricanes move slowly. so you would have plenty of time to leave if one is forecasted to hit NO ( rare ) The side effect of a hurricane in the Gulf is cooler Temps! !

Some of Our favrites that are in the Quarter:

Dauphine Orleans

Iberville Suites


le Richelieu

jordan_wyvill Jul 1st, 2013 11:25 AM

In Australia the legal age for Alcohol & Tobacco Consumption, Driving and Gambling is 18. I started working at the casino in Melbourne 2 months after I turned 18 unlike the US where you get you licence at 16? and everything else is 21

msteacher Jul 1st, 2013 12:12 PM

Well, if you only had two weeks, and with NYC and NO as priorities, I would suggest NYC for a week, train to either Boston or Washington DC for three days, then fly to New Orleans for the remainder.

GBelle Jul 1st, 2013 12:41 PM

You didn't mention how you would be traveling from place to place. Bus? Train? Air? Drive?

nytraveler Jul 1st, 2013 01:03 PM

Sorry - NO has a very high crime rate compared to most major cities. Not IN the quarter - but in some nearby areas. This is a lot different than many other parts of the world - where there may be a lot of petty crime like pickpocketing - but not a lot of violent crime.

The murder rate in NO is almost 58 people per 100K population, while New York city is 6.3 people. This is a huge difference, not a minor one. I don;t know the rate in Australia - but suspect it is much less even than NYC.

Rich Jul 1st, 2013 02:35 PM

. . Which is why we recommend staying in the Quarter . .

janisj Jul 1st, 2013 07:25 PM

AUS$100 only equals about $90 ($92 today but when you factor in the ATN conversion fees around $90)

You'd have to spend 2 to 3 times $90 in NYC - but half of your $90 in Las vegas. They practically give rooms away in August because it s DREADFULLY hot. It is about 112F/44C today. In SF/Wash DC and Boston you'll have to pay over your budget (especially in SF). In LA you should be able to find something for around AUS$110.

But in general in those major cities your budget is too low.

If you cut back to NYC, NO ,WashDC and LV with what you save staying in Vegas you can stretch your budget in NYC - and maybe stay in hostels in DC and NO (I don't know what the hostel situation is in either city but it might be worth a shot)

tomfuller Jul 1st, 2013 10:18 PM

There are no HI hostels in New Orleans (once was before Katrina). There are HI hostels in San Francisco (3), Washington DC (1) and New York City.
They usually have kitchens and bathroom/showers down the hall from the dorm room. The largest in the US is in Chicago.
Flying into LAX or Las Vegas from Australia?
A possible itinerary would be-fly to LAX see Los Angeles-take the Amtrak bus to Las Vegas-(the bus station is near Fremont St.)-take the Amtrak bus from LV to Bakersfield to catch the San Joaquin train all the way to Emeryville with a bus into San Francisco. From San Francisco take the California Zephyr train through SLC and DEN to Chicago. The City of New Orleans train leaves Chicago every night at 8PM CT. It arrives in New Orleans the next afternoon. See New Orleans (at most 4 days).
From New Orleans take the Amtrak Crescent train through Atlanta to Washington DC. From Washington you can take one of many Northeast Regional trains to Baltimore, Philadelphia or New York (or even Boston). Can you fly home from one of these east coast cities?

nytraveler Jul 2nd, 2013 04:15 AM

Tom has a love affair with trains and recommend them to everyone - whether it makes sense or not.

Unfortunately train service in the US is very poor (scare, limited, very often late, doesn;t go many places, and is often once per day). IMHO they are realistic only in the NE corridor between Boston and DC - with service every 30 minutes or so and usually on time.

Otherwise train trips tend to be expensive, interminable and inconvenient - not to mention often unpleasant.

Egbert Jul 6th, 2013 08:41 AM

NY, DC, NO (3 nights) LA, San Fran. Seattle, Portland and Vancouver are also really nice. I could even skip DC.

lwjm Jul 6th, 2013 10:45 AM

Taking trains or an overnight bus such as Megabus would cut down on the cost for hotels and also provide transportation. So I think it is worth thinking about doing this especially for places that are relatively close together such as cities on either coast.

arfinfall Jul 6th, 2013 10:56 AM

I read all the above with interest...but the real thing to consider in your budget is travel costs. Your original lists of cities are ALL over the US and each takes time and money to get there. So, how do you plan to travel? Each plane trip takes about a day once you calculate time to get to the airport, check in time, wait time, time on the plane, and time to find your transportation into the city. That is if all happens smoothly...which you can not count on in the US. Twice in the past to years I have been ON the plane and then they made us get off. Add hours to those travel days. Train travel is limited. Bus travel is slow and not nearly as good as in say, the UK. So that leaves cars. As many, many of us travel that way. Gas is about $3.50 a US gallon this summer. You will have to factor in drive time and rental car cost.
So again, how do you plan to travel from place to place? Australia's landmass of 7,617,930 square kilometres (2,941,300 sq miles) vs. contiguous United States at 2,959,064 square miles (7,663,941 km2). So, think about how you would be getting from place to place in AU if you were planning a trip with 8 stops.

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