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TDudette Oct 14th, 2009 09:06 AM

A fun day in Calvert County, Maryland
An arts group to which I belong visited two very different but extremely interesting venues yesterday in Calvert County, Maryland and I want to share it here. This is going to be very general as you can find the sites online.

The first was Annmarie Garden Sculpture Park and Arts Center. The arts center is relatively new but the sculpture garden has been around for quite a few years. Anyway, in the arts center were 2 stories of exhibit space, a nice gift shop and a little snack area. There is a fair-sized annual celebration there in September I do believe.

The gates to the park are ceramic a la Gaudi and very nice. Outside were amazing sculptures (some on loan from Hirshorn!) and some really whimsical extras. A favorite was vignettes of famous artists' works painted into tree trunks. We had a great time finding and identifying them-probably to the dismay of our docent who was trying to educate us about the sculptures!

We ate lunch in Solomon's Island at a place called Stoneys. It is on the left just as you enter the main street. Everyone loved the food. I had a blackened rockfish gyro that was excellent. BTW, always get wild rockfish-farm-raised is awful IMHO.

After lunch we visited the Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum. This facility is the State's repository for archelological treasures not associated with specific sites (like St. Mary's City). The tour was fascinating and we were able to see how pieces were examined and preserved. The earliest finds have been dated at 12,000 years ago!

If you are a Maryland history buff, a trip to St. Mary's City would be a good combo with exploration of this area. We hired a bus in Annapolis and it drove south on Md. Rte 2 meeting up with Rte. 4. It took about 1.5 hours. Signs are good. I'll post separately my blog with some Annmarie pix. Oh, both of these sites were made available because the families who owned the lands, donated them to the county or the state-to the benefit of so many people.

TDudette Oct 14th, 2009 09:16 AM

See if the following will get you to thepix:

Centralparkgirl Oct 14th, 2009 10:25 AM

The tree trunks are great!

TDudette Oct 14th, 2009 03:10 PM

Wasn't that neat? There were a couple of dozen throughout.

LN Oct 14th, 2009 04:19 PM

I HAVE been there!! But they didn't have the tree trunk artwork then. Thanks for making them available.

Did you take the pictures?

TDudette Oct 15th, 2009 03:37 AM

I did take the pix, LN. Someone with a better camera took some too and I hope to get her to post those. Don't know when they did the tree art-forgot to say that the "eggs" looked like painted rocks. Good place.

Centralparkgirl Oct 15th, 2009 06:36 AM

I can't get a close-up of the eggs. Aren't they rocks painted to look like eggs or am I missing something?

LN Oct 15th, 2009 06:37 AM

If you don't mind I'll attempt to borrow those pics to allow our garden group to see what's new at Anne Marie Scupture. I think it definitely needs to be re-seen. We try to take a few trips locally each year.

Those additional pictures by Donna are outstanding. If they are yours you do exceptional work. Those taken around the south county are lovely.

TDudette Oct 15th, 2009 08:05 AM

LN, if you send me an email address, I'll shoot them over. Or use them. Your call.

Thanks for your kind picture words. Where is your garden group located if you don't mind me asking...

LN Oct 16th, 2009 06:54 AM

Sorry - I was away for a bit and just got back. I was able to copy your picture site and then forward it onto our tour director (??) :>)

My garden club is the Gingerville Garden Club off Rt 2 south near the Annapolis Harbor Center and the South River.

You're probably not far from us.

LN Oct 16th, 2009 06:55 AM


You can reach me at Lakewinola1@gmail

TDudette Oct 16th, 2009 09:37 PM

I sent the shots before reading the penultimate entry-sorry for duplication. Am familiar with Gingerville!

CentralParkGirl, They ARE stones-cute eh?

AnnMarie_C Oct 17th, 2009 03:46 AM

Love your photos. Thanks for posting--what a special place. We recently moved back to Maryland and have enjoyed exploring, getting to know the State, for what feels like the first time. This is right up my alley--thank you!

TDudette Oct 17th, 2009 05:54 AM

Thanks AnnMarie. They call Maryland 'America in Miniature' for good reason. Lots to see. Welcome back!

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