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Dave_ Jul 4th, 2003 03:08 AM

4th July...what do you do?
Firstly, best wishes to you guys in the US on 4 July!

Secondly, I realise this isn't strictly a travel-related question (unless I plan a trip for this time), but I am interested/curious as what 4 July means for most people.

What do you do? Do you spend it with family, have the day off work (is it a public holiday?), go anywhere, do anything special etc...

gail Jul 4th, 2003 04:35 AM

In general, it is a family and close friends holiday. We get together with 3 other families with whom we are close friends - all have kids about the same age. First we congregate at the one house with a pool for a snack and a swim and some beer - including raw cherrystone clams and oysters. Later we go to our house for a clambake - lobsters, steamer clams, corn on the cob, and celebrate the 2 people in our group who have birthdays on July 4. Later we set off illegal fireworks as a bad influence on our teenage kids.

John71cove Jul 4th, 2003 04:41 AM

All of the above. It's a public holiday. We travel miles to be with family and loved ones on this day. We love the long week end. We celebrate and remember our veterans. We celebrate our independence and birth of our country. We eat Bar-B-Q and drink beer in the back yard. We picnic. We watch the ball games. It's right up there with Christmas and Thanksgiving in importance.
We love the 4th of July.

Randa Jul 4th, 2003 04:44 AM

July 4th is when we celebrate our freedom and independence, and the fact that we live in the great USA.

It is a national holiday, so the banks, post office, and most businesses are closed. Many families have get-togethers, picnics, etc. And of course the day wouldn't be complete without lots of fireworks!

Scarlett Jul 4th, 2003 05:47 AM

Today we are taking the Pup to the Dog Park, then wandering the quiet streets of Manhattan. Lunch in an outdoor cafe, relax. Dinner will be grilled.
Tonight visitors arrive from out of town and stay until next weekend!
Grilling dinner every night.
Lots of movies and museums this week :)

dln Jul 4th, 2003 05:53 AM

I'm heading down to the kitchen after a big cup of coffee to wake me up. I'm going to make potato salad, baked beans, fruit salad and cornbread. All recipes from either Southern Living or Bon Appetit magazines, so I know it will be de-lish! Then off to friends who thankfully have a pool, for an afternoon and evening of fun.

To tie this into a travel forum, last night on the TV they said something like 37.2 million people are travelling this holiday, either by air or car. That's a whole lotta shaking going on...!

Judyrem Jul 4th, 2003 06:04 AM

Similar venue of John71's. I love the 4th and cry when I watch the Washington's 4th celebration: Capitol 4th! What a country, warts and all! Judy :-)

gocats2002 Jul 4th, 2003 08:32 AM

There are all-day parties in many parks across the US, with food, entertainment and evening fireworks.

We take family and friends on our boat every year. We have a picnic on board, then anchor to watch the fireworks shot from a barge over the water. The music is broadcast over the radio, and it is timed with the fireworks. The themes are patriotic and you get goosebumps at times. It is quite a show!

Miriam Jul 4th, 2003 09:15 AM

In the U.S., some (not all) people spending it with family and friends (many of whom we can't stand to be around the rest of the year). LOL It's a day of saluting our country and those who have fought and continue to fight. It's all red, white and blue. Parades, hot dogs, grills, Boston Pops or Wash., D.C. music! Wish I were in Boston or the Cape on THIS holiday! "-)

Gothampc Jul 4th, 2003 09:53 AM

I am making homemade chocolate ice cream (yummy). Then I'll go tonight and watch some fireworks.

aloha Jul 4th, 2003 10:17 AM

I am using my day off to research used cars on the internet, taking breaks here at Fodor's. The heat index here in MO is about 100F and rising. tonight will go to a local park, eat bratwurst and ice cream and watch fireworks. Tomorrow hopefully I'll find a car. Happy 4th to all!

jor Jul 4th, 2003 11:21 AM

Going out later but have to tell you about my 4th of July in London several years ago.

I was staying at a hostel in London and they were celebrating all afternoon and had fireworks at night (the fireworks might have been illeagal). Almost no one was American.

Postal Jul 4th, 2003 11:49 AM

Yes, it's a public holiday, but some of us (I work for the Post Office, for example) still work as mail processing never stops.

This 4th of July is especially important to me because my baby, my son in the Army, is home for the weekend!

John Jul 4th, 2003 12:03 PM

th of July weekend---Tennis this morning(weather is a beautiful 78 degrees with lots of sun) Bratwurst on the grill tonight with potatoe salad, watermelon etc., hiking in glacier park on the 5th,and relaxing with old friends and a steak on the grill on the 6th.
About the only thing that beats that is a sunny day in January on the slopes!!!
Happy fourth and may God bless America

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