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-   -   31 of first 50 questions on US board are about cruises. There is a Cruise section. (

jorr Feb 7th, 2005 01:20 PM

31 of first 50 questions on US board are about cruises. There is a Cruise section.
Just wanted to remind all of you with cruise questions that there is a Cruise section designed especially for your questions and answers. There is a drop down menu where United States and other sections are listed.

I'm just trying to help.

jorr Feb 7th, 2005 01:24 PM

accually its in the 'change forums' drop down menu just about "United States"

jv827 Feb 7th, 2005 01:27 PM

jorr - you may just be experiencing a small forums error (i've had this happen where I click US and all the posts are hawaii related, for example.) Suggest you try refreshing your screen and see if that helps.

jv827 Feb 7th, 2005 01:28 PM

oh, I should mention I thought it was an error because I didn't see a single cruise question when I opened the US board. Hope that helps!

jlm_mi Feb 7th, 2005 01:30 PM

I agree that there have been quite a few cruise questions recently, but are you sure about your stats? Here are the messages I see on the top 50 at this point (not restricted by any state or search topic):

1. 31 of first 50 questions ...
2. 2/12-2/16 Naples Doubletree vs Bonita Springs Hyatt...
3. Best Western Pelican Beach...
4. Limits to length of visit...
5. Lake Champlain/South Alburg...
6. how's the beach/ocean at Amelia Island...
7. Leaving Las Vegas - ...
8. Seven Gables Inn California Garden Room?...
9. How bout them Patriots!!!
10. Restaurant in New Orleans
11. Business travel=vacation?
12. Wild Dunes with teens in June
13. Can we ever manage to have a Dallas GTG???
14. Need help re family's first Oregon trip
15. Treasure Island, Indian Rocks,...
16. Retirement travel
17. Feb vacation from New Brunswick
18. Aston Maui Lu? Who's stayed there?
19. Is Muir Woods worth the trip?
20. Trouble with priceline
21. Seattle Marriott Waterfront or Grand Hyatt?
22. Perfect guy's trip ...
23. North Carolina Beaches: ...
25. Decent Hotel near Bedford
26. Moderate restaurant near Penn Station?
27. Fort Worth Neighborhoods
28. Bethany Beach/Dewey Beach vacation rentals
29. Does anyone have a favorite home tour in Natchez, MS?
30. Inexpensive lodging in SanFran ...
31. Costa Mesa for work-then where for play?
32. Oak Island and Ocean Isle, NC
33. Downtown Chicago Hotel Suggestions
34. New York Off Broadway Production...
35. Argentina - Ripio Tourismo
36. Nearest wineries to Bodega Bay
38. San Juan/Anacortes
39. If you could see just ONE show in Vegas?
40. Niagara Falls Canadian Side: ID Requirements?
41. Santa Barbara, Cambria, and Carmel Lodging for Spring Break
42. Hilo side accommodations with "real Hawaii" feel and A/C
43. Help with the Jersey shore
44. What else hints at San Francisco ...
45. San Francisco signature dishes
46. seattle hotel choice
47. Hampton Inn or Embassy Suites
48. Activites around the Princeville Resort
49. Drive from Birmingham, AL to south Florida
50. sonoma or napa

A couple may be placed on the wrong board, but no cruise topics at all that I can see.

cd Feb 7th, 2005 01:32 PM

I don't see any cruise questions either....sorry

tinathetoad Feb 7th, 2005 01:39 PM

too much time on their hands to worry bout that stuff....

Anonymous Feb 7th, 2005 01:44 PM

The menus are definitely being quirky today with some sort of cross-listing. This morning when I first checked the US board, the first 31 posts were eabout Europe!

FainaAgain Feb 7th, 2005 01:47 PM

Anonymos, you're luckier then jorr.

Jorr, this is the bad carma of name change.

I have problems like can't post, can't open, can't... the usual problems of the last 6 months.

Patrick Feb 7th, 2005 01:54 PM

Yes,lately it seems when I come to the general US board, I get a list of what appears to be someone's search. All the threads are about a particular state or city, or about one thing in particular. The same seems to happen on the Europe board. If I click refresh, or just reclick on US, it clears away and I get the mixed bag of threads.

emd Feb 7th, 2005 02:00 PM

jorr, the EXACT same thing happened to me last week except they were all on Hawaii. I even posted on on of the Hawaii questions, asking if anyone else thoguht it was weird that the first 50 posts were on Hawaii. Of ocurse, then I refreshed and relaized they weren't really on Hawaii, and felt really weird, thinking that people probably thought I was nuts or drunk at 1 p.m.

jorr Feb 7th, 2005 02:07 PM

I looked at the US board again and didn't see any of the cruise questions that I saw previously. The strange thing is that I have not clicked on or used the cruise section in months.


FainaAgain Feb 7th, 2005 02:28 PM

Jor, that board is not fun any more. No Paul vs Peter, so bland...

pollyvw Feb 7th, 2005 02:46 PM

And dont we wish for a Hawaii and an Alaska section. :-)

FainaAgain Feb 7th, 2005 03:07 PM

I wish when I open a thread # 151 and post an answer, it wouldn't kick me off to # 1. I will probably have to wait for St. Claus to come back to ask for this gift :)

vivi Feb 7th, 2005 03:17 PM

I dont see many cruise questions either when I first click on the United States section of Fodors. There must be a glith in some peoples' systems.

travelinwifey Feb 7th, 2005 04:19 PM

Same thing happened to me the other day, all the threads were about the Pacific Northwest. Odd.

nytraveler Feb 7th, 2005 04:39 PM

The same thing happened over the weekend- I clicked on europe and got only queries about south america. Had to close the site and restart to get it reorganized.

moneygirl Feb 7th, 2005 06:03 PM

I remember Paul vs Peter! Kinda miss those days!

turn_it_on Feb 7th, 2005 10:21 PM

Faina, I don't get bumped back to #1 when I post something on #151 or whatever, it just keeps me on that same block of threads. Santa did his job!


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