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totorl May 31st, 2014 09:17 PM

3-day Honeymoon: New Orleans vs. Charleston?
We are going to be taking three days after our early September wedding to honeymoon and are considering Charleston and New Orleans as possible destinations. Requirements: enough to do to entertain us, but ample relaxation opportunities. Fantastic food is a must.

Dickie_Gr Jun 1st, 2014 12:08 AM


Much more relaxed less tacky tourist attractions and very much at the forefront of the food scene inspired by local culture.

Gretchen Jun 1st, 2014 03:46 AM

I agree with Dickie. Stay somewhere lovely in the Historic District --the Battery would be even "better". Two Meeting Street or Wentworth House?

PaulRabe Jun 1st, 2014 04:13 AM

I absolutely agree that Charleston is WAY better than New Orleans for a honeymoon, unless music is a must. Both places have plenty of history, good food, and attractions; but Charleston is SO much better for relaxation -- the thing you really need on a honeymoon.

JanetKMR Jun 1st, 2014 04:16 AM

Charleston....I will be staying at Wentworth in July and will report back.

The food in Charleston is fabulous and it's a clean and welcoming town.

DebitNM Jun 1st, 2014 04:23 AM

Be aware, Charleston will be pretty hot and humid, but then so would NOLA.

suewoo Jun 1st, 2014 04:32 AM

I'm partial to Charleston but NO might be more fun if you're in your 20s.

Not to be Debbie Downer but make alternative plans in case of hurricane evac. September is high season in both places. Get trip insurance.

Dickie_Gr Jun 1st, 2014 05:04 AM

There is currently something about Charleston.

Bit like Singapore.

Just quietly getting on with life, making money, tastefully developing, people happy, great food scene, low crime rates. It's a very confident place.

Just a very comfortable place to be.

We found far too much of an edge in NO, too much social injustice for it to be a place comfortble with itself. Much of what goes on in the name of tourism is down market and pretty tacky.

JanetKMR Jun 1st, 2014 05:22 AM

Dickie.....two friends have said "If New Orleans wasn't seedy, it would be Charleston."

Rich Jun 1st, 2014 07:35 AM

You could not go wrong with either one . . Charleston is definitely less decadent than New Orleans

Dickie_Gr Jun 1st, 2014 09:19 AM

"You could not go wrong with either one"

Never a truer word written. It is a honeymoon after all and neither of these places is the Helmand Province on a bad day!

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