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ggcoralysp Aug 13th, 2007 09:46 AM

17-mile drive
Is there a starting point if you want to drive the 17-mile? I read somewhere that there is a $8.50 per car charge so I guess that there should be a starting point. Is this like an attraction or just like a regular highway?

hpeabody Aug 13th, 2007 09:57 AM

There are at least a couple "starting" points. Yes, there is a charge. Once you are inside, you are on regular roads/streets and just make your way from one point to the next. It's well worthwhile IMO. It's glorious when you have good weather too :)

This link may help

easytraveler Aug 13th, 2007 10:13 AM

There are several gates to enter the Pebble Beach area. Here's a map:

The best gate for you to enter is the Pacific Grove Gate. It's at the top of the map.

Exit Highway 1 at either Monterey or Pacific Grove and find your way to the seashore. This shouldn't be hard. Once along the seashore, you should be on either Ocean View Boulevard or Sunset Boulevard. Keep going on Sunset Boulevard southbound.

Sunset Boulevard curves eastward and becomes Highway 68.

But you want to look for the entrance to the 17 Mile Drive IMMEDIATELY after you make the big turn. Should be no more than a couple of thousand feet from the turn.

You do not want to get on Highway 68. If you are on Highway 68, you have gone too far.

If you enter from the Pacific Grove Gate, you will be able to drive along the seashore. This is the best part of the 17 Mile Drive. It's the views!

CAPH52 Aug 13th, 2007 10:22 AM

Sorry if this comes off as rude. It's truly not meant that way. I'm just very curious. How on earth did you guys know this thread was about Pebble Beach?

J_Correa Aug 13th, 2007 10:25 AM

The attraction of 17-Mile drive is the coastline, the golf course, and the large homes.

hpeabody Aug 13th, 2007 10:26 AM

Actually I Googled 17 mile drive. I had used the site before in my own trip planning and when I clicked on it now, it looked familiar.

janisj Aug 13th, 2007 10:31 AM

CAPH52: It is just something many people "know". 17 Mile Drive is pretty famous. Just like many people would know Skyline Drive is in the Shenandoah Mtns (even though there are other "skyline drive's" all over the country including in CA)

CAPH52 Aug 13th, 2007 10:38 AM

Thanks for the explanations! I'll add that to the list of things I've learned on Fodor's! :)

J_Correa Aug 13th, 2007 10:43 AM

I grew up in that area, so 17-Mile Drive is just one of those things that you know about, and I've never heard of a 17-Mile drive anywhere else - LOL. I personally don't care for 17-Mile drive - there is plenty of gorgeous coastline all along the ocean and I really can't stand golf, so 17-Mile drive doesn't really do it for me - LOL. But a lot of people really love it.

swaymock Aug 13th, 2007 10:55 AM

I thought everyone knew where 17 mile drive was :) . I absolutely loved the views. We stopped for lunch at Roy's Pebble Beach and loved it - not even sure if it is still there, it was several years ago.

Birdie Aug 13th, 2007 10:56 AM

I have another question about the 17 mile drive. When I was there a few years ago and hiked up one of the trails there were warning signs about poison oak and small cages over the poison oak plants. It was as if someone would die if they came in contact with it. I thought poison oak was no more toxic than poison ivy. We were warned about it when I was at camp in California but not as if it was particulary dangerous.

janisj Aug 13th, 2007 11:11 AM

I sort of doubt the cages were over poison oak plants. More likely over seedlings of plants they wanted to protect from deer.

Poison Oak affects deifferent people differently - some are practically immune to it. Others can get really bad rashes and some even need hospitalization.

J_Correa Aug 13th, 2007 11:55 AM

Although severe reactions from poison oak are rare, even a mild reaction can put a damper on your vacation plans ;)

frank_and_beans Aug 13th, 2007 11:57 AM

I get a severe rash just by looking at poison oak...even in a book.

easytraveler Aug 13th, 2007 12:34 PM

swaymock: Roy's was still there a couple of months ago. We had lunch and then took a short walk below the restaurant and along the beach. Beautiful place and the food was very good! :)

CAPH52: Is there another 17 Mile Drive that charges $8.50 a car? :S-

bookhall Aug 13th, 2007 12:38 PM

Remember that if you have lunch at one of the eateries, and save the receipt, you can get your 8.50 back at the gate when you leave the 17-mile drive.

Liam Aug 13th, 2007 02:26 PM

I drove 17 Mile Drive once and think it was well worth the $$. We had *spectacular* weather during our visit from Boston in late February several years ago (upper-60's and pefectly clear skies). I was almost giddy with some of the views out to the ocean. Cyprus Point, Spanish Bay, Pebble Beach... it's like a golfer's dream. We stopped for lunch at Pebble Beach. This was my favorite part of our stay in the Carmel area.

We drove down Oean (Drive?) in Carmel, took a right at the beach and eventually entered 17 Mile Drive from there.

xkenx Aug 13th, 2007 03:04 PM

You can start in Carmel as well as Pacific Grove. As Liam said, down Ocean Ave. to just before the beach and turn right. An advantage to this route may be that the less-interesting part is first, then it gets spectacular.

adnil1962 Aug 19th, 2007 06:49 AM

If you bike or walk the 17-mile drive entrance is free.

jannieween Aug 20th, 2007 02:23 AM

bookmarking for my trip

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