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mutuzadawson Oct 10th, 2015 04:05 AM

What is the best time travel during your life?

Each Traveler, Suggest me a best time travel during your life with share your own experience.

abram Oct 10th, 2015 07:01 AM

I've often wanted to time travel, but don't know how.

pariswat Oct 11th, 2015 04:39 AM


RoamsAround Oct 11th, 2015 06:10 AM

As often as I can, as soon as I can.

Nicklasson Oct 15th, 2015 05:36 AM

Time is not a matter for travelling.If you can afford u can travel at any time.

jay_rogers Oct 15th, 2015 05:41 AM


I am one of them who likes travelling more!

I usually travel once in six months for relaxation. I had never thought about the perfect age for travelling because I prefer travelling now and I will prefer it in future. But i suggest you that try to travel more when your feet are ready to run! Else you will not enjoy it.

Have a awesome travelling life.

richard21 Oct 21st, 2015 02:46 AM

Since childhood to death, any time you can travel.. Travelling is like a magic which delights your soul...I love travelling to history icons...

sea_s3424 Dec 16th, 2015 10:34 AM

Definitely now.

I would say that you get different things out of it depending on your age, all of which are valuable and character building.

traveler24 Dec 27th, 2015 09:56 AM

Do not wait until you can afford it...Or till your health begins to fail...
I don 't mean mortgage your house etc...try to save enough for 1/2 a trip, rest put on credit cards and pay off after your return.
For us travel was concentrated after our kids were grown up....then M-I-L needed care..she lived to be 100...
So we took short trips, then "age' and minor health issues slowed us down.
Now, I look back, wish I had tried harder.
Nothing so sad for a traveler than "what might have been"

shakiltransport Dec 28th, 2015 02:36 AM

When I was single, that's the best time to travel. I feel like I own my time. Very lucky to found a wife who has same passion on traveling.

limmy Jan 1st, 2016 11:09 AM

Traveler24 is right. I think many people only think of their kids growing up when it comes to waiting & having time/freedom to travel. Many people should also realize they may be caring for parents down the road and that can actually be more restricting than children. Children can be dropped off at the babysitter's house. Elderly, sick parents not so much. And qualified hired care is much more costly than qualified hired care of children. I have to remind my husband of this as he is an only child and I am an only daughter, if & when our parents need care it will definitely be us doing it. My grandmother moved in with us when I was young and I watched my mother care for her until the end of her life and there is no way my mom could have taken a vacation during it.

Kandace_York Jan 11th, 2016 05:29 PM

Another vote for sooner than later.

We're tied down with a farm, school, jobs AND kids. It's tough to figure out timing (and affording) vacations, but we've learned out how to travel frugally and give up lots of other things to make it happen. My husband and I are not getting any younger -- if we wait 'til the kids grow up, college is financed and the mortgage is paid off, we'll be so ancient and decrepit we won't be able to travel anywhere.

budgettravelwithkids Jan 13th, 2016 09:17 PM

Now is always the best time. If not now, have an actual planned date. Don't put it off. Making memories is as important as it is fun!

crellston Jan 16th, 2016 09:35 AM

"In the end what we regret most are the chances we never took" Frazier Crane.

"Regrets and mistakes are memories made Adele".

There won't be a better time than right now.

StanleyChan Feb 8th, 2016 04:23 PM

I believe time doesn't matter as long as you have the budget then you can travel anytime you want.

styme123 Feb 20th, 2016 10:18 PM

Traveler24: Great point. I'm struggling a lot with this decision right now. I really want to take my family on an Alaskan cruise this summer (7 of us)7 days R/T out of Seattle to Glacier Bay. Probably about $18,000 total with airfare, hotel the day before, taxes etc. I've only been on a plane once 25 years ago. I've only traveled to road trip type places over the years. I feel like it's always about money something always comes up. I want to go this summer but my husband wants to put a new roof on the house and get a new generator. He said wait another year :-(. I know he's probably making sense but I just feel like bills always comes up. If I go will I regret it and be in debt for months? I'm 50 now and feel like life is too short.

thursdaysd Feb 21st, 2016 06:43 AM

@stymie - if not now, when? Who knows what your health and financial situation will be next year. (But I took early retirement so I could travel while I was still healthy.)

Have you saved for this trip or will you go into debt?

Why are you taking everyone instead of just going with your husband? That much money would keep me on the road for months.

One of your other threads said you were thinking about Alaska or Ireland. You might well find that Ireland is cheaper. Or you could visit Canada without doing the cruise to Alaska that is a standard tourist trip.

For instance, fly to Vancouver (don't know where you live) and stay here: Maybe a side trip to Victoria. Take Via Rail (Canada's Amtrak) to Jasper, stay in a B&B (e.g. ) and rent a car. Drive the Icefields Parkway for your ice and snow fix. Take the train on to Montreal and stay here: That will be a good first trip and cost a whole lot less than $18,000.

styme123 Feb 21st, 2016 09:16 AM

@Thursdaysd, thanks for the reply. I had been looking into Ireland a lot but never having traveled anywhere my family and others recommended Alaska as a first step to get my feet wet so to speak. Their thinking was at least the cruise takes care of the food, lodging, travel for you so you don't need to stress about that part. Ireland seemed to have a bit more variables. Since we have never traveled all together on a trip like this. It would be a trial to see how we do and then can decide if we can not kill each other and go to Ireland. As I'm typing this I wonder if taking them is me feeling guilty that we never really went anywhere when they were younger (my youngest is 18). We did things like camping, cabin stays, whale watching, museum/city trips etc (we live in NY). We've never been to Disney
As far as the budget. I haven't been saving that long for it really more of trying to watch my spending and trying not to put purchases on my cc. I work hard at my job and make a pretty decent living so it would be more of time need to save for it versus never having the money. It just seems like when I get ahead with saving something comes along and we need the money for something else. It's more that it's a lot all at once.

thursdaysd Feb 21st, 2016 10:01 AM

@stymie - no reason to "practice" - they speak English (mostly) in Ireland! And the problem with most cruises is that you arrive in a small place with thousands of other people and overwhelm it. Not my idea of a good trip.

With the internet planning trips is so much easier than it used to be. Use sites like and for airfare. Use, backed up with trip reviews on for hotels, and to me, part of the fun of travel is trying new places to eat.

For a good intro to planning travel in Europe, get a copy of "Europe Through the Back Door" and maybe "The Rough Guide to First Time Europe".

Or, instead of a cruise to Alaska, you could take a tour to Ireland. See:

thursdaysd Feb 21st, 2016 01:33 PM

BTW, it's not my business, but perhaps you might think some more about why you feel guilty, since it is affecting your decisions. Sounds like you did what you could at the time, and there's no reason to feel guilty about that. Plus, your kids are all adults now.

If you live in NY, a practice trip for the two of you to Montreal and Quebec City, or to Nova Scotia, should be pretty easy.

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