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Marsh Jun 2nd, 2011 01:25 PM

What do you do with all of those travel photos when you get home?
I am putting my photos on two external hard drives plus making DVDs so I can view them on T.V. With digital I am taking so many more photos. I am wondering what ideas other people have for dealing with all of these wonderful photos!

thursdaysd Jun 2nd, 2011 03:53 PM

I put mine on You could also look into making a book, e.c.

qwovadis Jun 4th, 2011 03:03 AM

make tabletop books of the best ones my wife does this and

makes money! She just sold 2 for over $100

A very talented photo artist

qwovadis Jun 4th, 2011 03:04 AM oops...

qwovadis Jun 4th, 2011 03:09 AM

another funny typo above.. actually does the best cheapest photo books

u can also giclee mat/sell prints and deduct your trips

hetismij Jun 4th, 2011 01:48 PM

The best go on a website, the very best go into a photo book, the really really good ones get hung on the wall.

I also make calenders and cards from them.

quokka Jun 22nd, 2011 03:43 PM

- Making photo books
- Screensaver on my PC
- The annual photo calendar solves most of my Christmas gift problems
- My member pages and travel tips on Virtualtourist require lots of photos
- and if it's architecture, they might even be used for professional projects.

Neuman605 Jun 22nd, 2011 04:00 PM

I am a photo fanatic...I do all of the above (with exception of selling them...hummm may have to think about that) I even carry about 5500 currently in my purse on my itouch.
And yes it is sooooo much easier now that we are in the digital age!

suze Jun 22nd, 2011 04:08 PM

I still take snapshots. I keep them in a shoebox.

Eschew Jun 23rd, 2011 01:00 PM

Delete them.

I kept maybe less than 100 pictures out of 8,000 that I snapped on our last European trip (20 days) in October.

I kept less than 20 from our last trip in April to the Southern Carribbean.

Be picky, be selective, and only save the unique or special ones.

tenthumbs Jun 28th, 2011 02:21 PM

I use an on-line gallery and send links to anyone who accompanied me on a trip and to family members. I make photobooks of each trip, and make photobooks and calendars as Christmas gifts. I am doing my first local show in August and will have the opportunity to sell many of them.....

mlgb Jun 30th, 2011 05:48 PM


Verizon FIOS with media manager I can send the photo albums from my PC to TV without burning DVDS.

Photobooks kind of expensive but I make a few.

dodohell May 31st, 2012 04:49 AM

Personally I make photo albums online and upload some of them to travel blogs and websites like

Iowa_Redhead May 31st, 2012 07:15 AM

qwovadis, that's probably one of the best typo's I've seen in a long time! :D

- I put a handful up on Facebook (maybe 100 total depending on the trip).

- I've created a photo book of my favorite photos from a few trips. One of these days I'll get around to doing a coffee table style book as well.

- I use WalMart to print some as 5x7 or 8x10. After Africa I clustered 4 of my favorites as 8x10's around an 11x14 print. As I had the entire wall blank, it takes up the space without being overwhelmingly big. I've picked up a couple photo frames along my trips and those are set out on a counter or bookshelf.

- I use CanvasPop for medium/large canvas prints of my photos. I have one of the Great Wall (it looks/feels like you're walking on the GW as you walk up my stairs), a sunset, giraffe and irises.

For storage, I have most/all of them on my hard drive and backed up to an external hard drive that I generally keep at my parents house.

GreenDragon May 31st, 2012 12:10 PM

For my most recent trip to Ireland, 18 days netted me 7100 photos. I go through them and cull them for various things. Posting on Facebook to share, printing them to sell, making a photobook to sell, calendars to sell and give away. The sales helps pay for the next trip (I do about 6-8 art shows a year with both photography and jewelry sales).

I enjoy the editing process, and do a lot of postwork. if you want to see the photos!

LSky Jun 9th, 2012 01:37 PM

Screen savers
use them on FB
Have made them into cards, books, calendars at good ol' sh1tterfly

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