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Shianne Jan 13th, 2011 10:56 AM

Twin share vs Single supplement.
I know most people on here do their own travel arrangements, but I am planning on doing a tour in November to Australia/New Zealand. I am wondering if anyone has any opinions on doing the twin share or single supplement, which is about $2400 more than the twin share.

Femi Jan 13th, 2011 01:56 PM

It really comes down to your personality and how flexible you are. If you are relatively easy going you should consider finding a partner to share the expenses. A few companies will offer to find a room mate for you, and help save the cost of a single supplement.

suze Jan 13th, 2011 05:02 PM

I would absolutely not be willing to share a room with a stranger. But that's your own personal choice; there's not a right or wrong answer.

walkabout Jan 13th, 2011 10:14 PM

I always paid the single supplement when I traveled with tours, but I agree it can be quite hefty. I have seen twinshare roommates have a miserable experience, and I have seen them get along great.

Are you fastidious about your privacy? If so, don't do it. Are you flexible and tolerant of other people's quirks and habits? Then it might work.

If the extra $2400 means a choice between going and not going, I would probably go ahead and chance it, particularly if you don't mind giving up your privacy and are the type that can go with the flow.

qwovadis Jan 14th, 2011 04:54 AM

It is a real crap shoot there is no one right answer for me

pretty much totally luck of the draw.

To save $2400 I probably would take the risk...

Usually it works out well if not complain usually

they will move you at no charge if you have good grounds

like thundersnoring psychotic behavior etc...

suze Jan 14th, 2011 10:50 AM

Bottomline is simply how comfortable you are sharing space. Maybe if you have roommates or live in a dorm, sharing on a trip with a stranger wouldn't seem so odd. Because I'm older and have lived alone forever, I don't even share a room with friends when I travel. We each get our own.

LoveItaly Jan 14th, 2011 09:46 PM

Well if I couldn't afford to pay the surcharge for a single room I wouldn't take the trip. Even with friends I adore I still want my own room and privacy. The only exception would be my daughter.

thursdaysd Jan 15th, 2011 02:02 AM

I've shared rooms on tours with Intrepid, with the Smithsonian, with Rick Steves and with Explore! I've only had one bad roommate, and she wasn't that bad. On the other hand, I've had some really good ones. $2400 is a very big single supplement and I certainly wouldn't pay it, but you do need to be flexible and considerate. On the Intrepid and RS tours roommates are rotated if there are multiple singles, so that you don't spend more than two or three nights at a time with the same person. It really comes down to whether the people on the tour are people you get along with. Which company is this?

Shianne Jan 16th, 2011 06:19 AM

Thanks for all the input. I am still trying to decide what to do. I went on vacation with my mom in October and she snored so loudly, that I didn't really get much sleep, and that is what I am most afraid of. The trip that I am taking is with Trafalgar, its 24 days to Australia/New Zealand. It works out to be about an extra $100/day for the single supplement.

thursdaysd Jan 16th, 2011 07:24 AM

$100/day sounds extortionate, but I wouldn't travel anywhere with Trafalgar - they're one of the big bus outfits. Why don't you go solo? Or even semi-solo - when I went to NZ I used the YHA - they had a tour set-up where you stayed in youth hostels and they provided you with bus tickets. Even if you opted for single rooms in the hostels (as I wound up doing) I'm sure it would be cheaper! (See - I did "Totally New Zealand" - under Tours.)

Femi Jan 16th, 2011 10:30 AM

I do understand your dilemma as I often travel solo, both on tours and on private trips.

When I travel on a group tour, having a roommate is not an option for me, but others are quite happy to do so. From what you describe above, seems like you're in the category of those who would rather not.

There have been many tours that I was not able take because I could not afford the single supplement. If you look hard enough, you will come up with an acceptable alternative. One way to help make a decision is to first decide upon a budget and then see what options remain. Then you can search for tours that fall within your budget (single supplement included) or arrange for a private trip.

Advantages of group tours are that they cover a lot of ground, lots of choice as to which members of the group to hang out with, and you don't have to worry about the complexities of transfers, etc.

If you work with a good agent to arrange a private tour, you have more flexibility on accommodations, how much time you spend in any location, and the sights are tailored to your preferences.

I only make my own arrangements when I know I will not be moving around too much (i.e. one or two locations max), and even then I still sometimes opt to use a local agent.

Femi Jan 16th, 2011 10:40 AM

Here's a similar trip that's a litle more budget friendly, and gives you some flexibility with the budget in that you decide how many tours you take.

suze Jan 16th, 2011 08:41 PM

I would look at other tour companies if you really want a group, or consider going on your own. I wouldn't want to feel forced to share a room with a stranger, and no way would I pay $100 *extra* per day just for the priviledge of having my own room.

janisj Jan 16th, 2011 09:39 PM

For $100 extra a day -- you could stay in wonderful upscale hotels of your own choosing, not in a Trafalgar hotel in remote locations -- and sleep in as late as you want, and and come in late and not wake up a roommate, and not have to schedule bathroom time, and - and - and.

So - Does it have to be a tour?

Andeesue Jan 17th, 2011 09:10 AM

$2400 extra would be a burden for me... I'd say go for the shared twin, bring earplugs, and know that you're in the room to sleep. I would hope the other person is as concerned as you about sharing and so right away discussing how the experience will work best for you needs to happen. Early or late to bed,flights on or off, tv watching, using bathroom... one take shower in the evening, one in the morning, etc. Good luck with whatever you decide.

Shianne Jan 17th, 2011 10:33 AM

It does not have to be a tour group trip, but I thought it would just be easier/cheaper to do it that way than on my own. I am wanting to go to Melbourne, Alice Springs/Ayers Rock, Carins, Sydney and then on to New Zealand...Auckland, Rotoroua, Queenstown, Christchurch, Milford Sound. I am not much for one for wanting to stay in hostels either, I would much rather stay in a hotel, that is why I thought a group would be easier/better. Am I wrong??

Femi Jan 17th, 2011 12:23 PM

To cover that much ground, a group tour would definitely be easier to arrange and more cost effective.

janisj Jan 17th, 2011 12:43 PM

"<i>I thought it would just be easier/cheaper to do it that way than on my own</i>"

"<i>To cover that much ground, a group tour would definitely be easier to arrange and more cost effective.</i>"

A tour <i>might</i> be easier. Depends on how you feel about very early wake up calls/long coach rides and whether you can handle your luggage.

But I have yet to find a tour that is cheaper than traveling independently (except for a couple of really cheap tours to China).

I travel solo about 50% of the time and nomatter the destination, w/ or w/o a single supplement, a group tour almost always costs at least 20% more, and usually 40%-50% more than I can manage on my own. Plus there is the advantage of going where and staying for as long as I want

janisj Jan 17th, 2011 12:44 PM

hit post too soon . . . Tours do have their place/advantages -- but as a cost saver usually not.

suze Jan 17th, 2011 01:31 PM

I agree with janisj. I have never been on a tour or even purchased a package deal, because as a solo traveler I have yet to find one, to the places I want to go, that is cheaper than I can do on my own.

Not saying this is true for a big trip covering a lot of ground in Australia/New Zealand because I have absolutely no experience there.

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