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Sassafrass May 3rd, 2015 12:10 PM

Not on your list, but pull up images of the Azores. Beautiful and varied landscape, great food, be as active or as relaxed as you want, short flights from East Coast.

itspat May 3rd, 2015 12:47 PM

Forgot to mention... our departure airport would likely be Dallas or possibly Houston.

I'd forgotten to add that the Channel Islands were also on my bucket list, but adding more at this point just seems craaazy.

And thanks for the suggestions not on my list. Azores... what a great idea! I think what I'll do next is post potential itineraries on the other individual forums and see what kind of feed comes back. Everyone please feel free to comment on those threads.

MmePerdu May 3rd, 2015 04:11 PM

I suspect going somewhere like the Azores, though no doubt a great location, adds a flight and transit time each way, further reducing your fun time. I'm guessing a minimum of 3 flights from Texas. One way to help with the decision is to take anywhere off the list that requires a connection, or a maximum of 1 (2 flights).

Sassafrass May 3rd, 2015 04:19 PM

When I suggested the Azores, I was thinking from the East Coast. Not so practical from Texas.

Perhaps Hawaii and take a cruise there. Just thowing out ideas.

I would find some place with direct flights from Dallas or Houston.

suze May 4th, 2015 09:50 AM

Go to Mexico. Somewhere other than Cancun. And don't have a "lay around" vacation. Because your time is so short 5 to 9 days (depending if the "week" is plus or minus one or two days) that would maximize the vacation because of shorter flight times. Hawaii would work too.

I know I'm repeating myself but to my way of thinking 5 days isn't enough for a trip to Europe, Asia, etc.

scdreamer May 7th, 2015 02:20 PM

I think traveling across either the Pacific or the Atlantic with the limited time you have could be a problem - nine-plus hours time change means lots of flying time and at least a day to catch up with the time change ... jet lag is not really conducive to making the most of your limited vacation time.

How about South America? It's "exotic" enough, and the time zones are much more manageable. Actually, from Houston to Peru there is no time difference!

I would suggest looking at packages that would include Lima, Cuzco, and Machu Picchu in Peru. Lots of amazing history and culture and no changing time zones. The Sacred Valley is beautiful, so much to see and do.

having traveled many times to Europe, Mexico, Hawaii, etc ... Peru was one of my favorite experiences.

Finecheapboxofwine May 9th, 2015 12:58 PM

I like scdreamers suggestions above. You will want to maximize your time at the destinations and won't want to spend all your vacation time traveling. Peru sounds cool. I've never been but friends have and loved their experience.

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