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globalgirl Aug 23rd, 2005 11:21 AM

Going solo in the BAHAMAS? r/o
I'm planning a trip to the Bahamas (Nassau) in October or November would going alone feel lonesome? I have plenty of activities planned when I get there. I guess, what I really want is for you guys to give me the confidence to do this. It's an island and feel sort of lonely going alone where I'll see people with their SO's or friends having fun.

THANKS everyone :)

suze Aug 24th, 2005 10:03 AM

I'm single and travel solo frequently to beach desintations (Mexico, Hawaii). I find it is helpful to get into a routine of every-day things beach time, pool lounging around time, doing various errands such as going to the post office, grocery store, shopping for fun local souveniers, light cooking if you have a kitchette in your room.

When I'm solo I don't do romantic, fancy type restaurants or go on tours where everyone else is likely to be in couples or groups. I just kick around and make my own entertainment.

LisaNYC Aug 26th, 2005 07:43 AM

I lived down there for a spell, and tend to travel by myslef alot. You don't always have boyfriends or friends that can go, and that should NEVER stop you from experiencing life. Nassau is touristy (ick) but youcan still meet tons of fun people. I write and tend to take asmall journal with me everywhere. It always opens up conversation. Don't you dare feel insecure! Treaveling alone is very empowering. Feel beautiful and strong and just do your own thing. That energy rubs off on everyone else.

globalgirl Aug 27th, 2005 05:51 PM

Thanks a lot Suze and LisaNYC.

LisaNYC, ay non-touristy spots to recommend? I'd like to visit the pink sandy beach? --not sure if that's the name.

islandgirltime Sep 15th, 2005 11:16 AM

globalgirl, where are you staying? I have been thinking of a mini vacation over there. I live in Naples and would fly out of Fort Lauderdale - flights are cheaper. Thanks!

lindasp62 Sep 16th, 2005 04:24 PM

I think the pink sandy beach you mean is the Pink Beach on Harbour Island. Harbour Island is a cute very laid back island just about 3 miles long and 1 mile wide. There can be tourists, but you won't see a Mc Donalds and all kinds of tacky tourist shops. There are some nice bars and night clubs (local music)to go to if you like that, or a class place for a drink is the Rock House. It is a great little island. My favorite so far that I have visited in Bahamas. Have fun!

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