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harwardcn Dec 27th, 2013 05:14 PM

First Solo Travel...Where should I go?
I'm a college student with a passion for travel, but this year finding a companion is rather difficult. I've researched solo travel for young women a lot and it seems doable, however I cannot figure out where I should go. I have been to London before with family so going abroad won't be completely foreign to me. I am thinking maybe Dublin or Maui but don't know if they are good solo places or beginner places. I will only be going for 4-5 days. Does anyone have any suggestions, thoughts, or advice?

suze Dec 27th, 2013 07:31 PM

That's the great thing about going solo, you can go wherever you want to go!

BUT 4-5 days is a VERY short trip. Where are you starting out from?? (for example, I would not go to Hawaii for only 4 days if you live on the east coast US, but could work if you are on the west coast US). I also would never go all the way to Europe for 4-5 days (but I live in Seattle).

Places I have been solo: Puerto Vallarta, Waikiki, Jamaica, Amsterdam, Paris, Venice...

thursdaysd Dec 27th, 2013 07:37 PM

Four to five days is far too short for Europe, or even South America. How about Canada? Note that with the possible exception of India, there is nowhere you should write off because you're going solo.

suze Dec 28th, 2013 10:26 AM

If you tell us where you are starting from, we can be more helpful. I see your biggest "problem" not as being solo, but as only having 4-5 days to do something.

harwardcn Dec 28th, 2013 10:30 AM

I'm from Charlotte so something closer on the east coast probably is the best option.

suze Dec 28th, 2013 10:38 AM

You could go to the Caribbean or even Europe. But honestly I would wait until you had more time to do anything. At least a week, 10 days even better.

Know that your airline ticket will typically be your largest expense, so the longer you can stay the better.

suze Dec 28th, 2013 10:42 AM

For your 4-5 trip right now you could maybe just do a US city? Philadelphia, New York, Boston, somewhere like that? Can you get a train? That can be a fun alternative to flying.

harrybridges Jan 1st, 2014 10:27 PM

if you dont have any travel experiences, you could choose a place for a short tour. not far from home, much safer place familer to your london, that would be easy for first try

Southam Jan 2nd, 2014 05:54 AM

Montreal. Or Quebec City. Europe without crossing an ocean but you can still watch US TV.
Really, since it is your trip, you alone must discipline that random wish-list down to practical choices. What comparison is there between Ireland and Hawaii, other than knowing it will rain?

suze Jan 2nd, 2014 09:13 AM

Dublin and Maui are both WAY too far from North Carolina to go for only 4-5 days in my opinion. Save your money until you can get away for longer. Or do a trip on the train closer to home (the Canadian idea, Boston, New York something like that all work).

SuQue Jan 4th, 2014 02:36 PM

New York, Chicago, or San Francisco.

Hobbert Jan 5th, 2014 04:45 PM

Iceland, Miami, NYC

Stanis Jan 6th, 2014 02:08 AM

How about Mexico? It's not that far away and is definitely a good alternative to Canada, which looks like the US :)

SeaF Jan 28th, 2014 08:42 AM

I wouldn't recommend Maui---I went and it seemed to be mostly couples. Plus it was so far, you would be better off going to to Europe! I had great solo trips to Seattle, NYC. I want to try Boston next!

suze Jan 28th, 2014 08:57 AM

I wouldn't go to Maui solo, but I do go to Waikiki alone. It's great. But it's WAY too far from the east coast US to go for just 4 days.

thursdaysd Feb 6th, 2014 08:03 PM

You know, I would be more inclined to look at your blog if you hadn't posted it all over the place. Comes close to spamming. If you want readers here you need to post actual info, not links.

Bamaman Feb 12th, 2014 05:45 PM

When I was in college, my first European stop was to Munich for Summer School.
And after returning many trips, it's still one of my favorite destinations.
You can fly non-stop from Charlotte to Munich on Lufthansa.
The city has more than enough to keep anyone busy for 4-5 days.

indyhiker Mar 12th, 2014 09:58 AM

My first solo trip was to Edinburgh and London. Then I went to Paris three times. Then I got married (not that I wouldn't travel alone again, but we enjoy traveling together). I think Paris is an ideal place for solo travel, but I agree with others that an overseas trip for just 4-5 days isn't ideal.

Stateside and relatively close to Charlotte, I'd go with Boston, Charleston, or NYC. But it really depends on what you like to do when you travel. You can go anywhere on our own with the right mindset. Granted, I think you can better and worse decisions in terms of safety. For instance, for true outdoorsy trips, e.g., backcountry hiking and camping, I'd likely go with a tour of some kind. For city breaks, I'd pay close attention to where my hotel is and how safe the area is at night.

Good luck and happy travels!

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