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lavandula Aug 3rd, 2009 11:37 PM

Anti-jetlag diet?
Does anyone have any experience of the Argonne diet? I read about it recently and was wondering how useful this regimen is. Do tell!


BeachGirl247 Aug 4th, 2009 05:06 PM

I have heard about it but not tried it. I've always used melatonin, a hormone that regulates your wake and sleep cycle, and works fine.

I'll be curious to hear first-hand experience with this diet, too.

suze Aug 5th, 2009 07:07 AM

Maybe ask your question over on The Lounge forum too? I'm curious to hear opinions (but almost no one reads this "Travel Tips" branch).

lavandula Aug 5th, 2009 02:57 PM

Thanks for the responses - I will post something there!


trsny Aug 8th, 2009 07:10 PM

I tried the diet but it's difficult to say whether it worked for me or not, as I only stuck to it religiously once. A doctor gave me the instructions for my trip last year to Taiwan. It was my first long haul (18 hours!) flight and I was anxious about how my body would respond after landing.

The hardest and probably what was the most important factor was giving up caffeine at certain times in the days leading up to the trip. Otherwise, the rest of the diet is easy and you're not starving yourself in anyway.

I didn't have any jet lag the entire time I was in Asia. Hard to say if any other factors contributed to this. Back in the US was a different matter altogether! This may have been because I didn't follow the diet during my trip.

I'd say try it, it's not harmful and you're not starving yourself. There's nothing to lose. :)

EastBayer Aug 16th, 2009 06:11 PM

I'm a believer in this diet. I tried it after a few short trips where I was jet-lagged the entire time. It worked very well for me when I followed it faithfully. It even worked when I followed it about 60-70%.

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