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nd5524 Jul 12th, 2009 07:54 AM

Yellow Fever Vaccine for Buenos Aires?
I want to travel to Buenos Aires in the next couple of weeks and wanted to know if the yellow fever vaccine is recommended/required to enter Argentina? I will only be traveling for 1 week; therefore, I will not venture out of BA.

I know many people have already proposed this question, but I'm a bit confused. Hope you can help :)

nd5524 Jul 12th, 2009 08:01 AM

Also, are any OTHER vaccines recommended/required to enter Argentina?

DanielS856 Jul 12th, 2009 09:55 AM

I'm traveling to Buenos Aires, and will spend a day in Montevideo, Asuncion, then take a bus to Iguazu and back, then back to Buenos Aires - just over two weeks in all. I went to a travel clinic here in San Diego and due to my visit to Asuncion and accross southern Paraguay to the Falls, they advised the Yellow Fever, Typhoid, and Malaria vaccinations or prevention pills. From their consultation, the material they provided, and my own online research, vaccines aren't necessary for Buenos Aires. Please note that the H1N1 flu is ripping through Buenos Aires and they have many cases currently. There is no vaccine as of yet, but precautions are clearly necessary. I'll be there at the same time! We're staying in a hostal. Did you find appropriate accomodations? I'm really looking forward to my first South American visit.

nd5524 Jul 12th, 2009 10:25 AM

No not yet. I still don't have my flight! This is a last minute thing. I would only have like 1 week to plan! I know the whole Swine Flu thing has me worried. Not sure what to do.

nd5524 Jul 12th, 2009 10:26 AM

Oh, I would probably stay in a hostal too. Where are u staying? Is it central?

crellston Jul 12th, 2009 11:55 PM

I do not know whether YF vaccine is recommended for BA specifically but Argentina is a recognised YF area and as such you should check with a recognised travel health organisation. The thing with YF is that some countries will not allow entry if you are coming from a YF area without a YF certificate. The vacination does last for 10 years and IMO is worth getting if you plan to travel a lot in the future. Have fun in BA it is a great city to spend some time. we were there last december for a montha and it just wasn't emough time!

Huentetu Jul 13th, 2009 04:10 AM

You don't need a Yellow Fever inocultation for Buenos Aires. It is recommended for somewhere like Iguazu and I would certainly get it if going there.

nd5524 Jul 13th, 2009 07:39 AM

Thanks everyone. I leave for BA in a week and will spend 9 nights there! I'm very excited about it. My first trip to South America. Buenos Aires looks like a vibrant and beautiful city!

Scarlett Jul 15th, 2009 06:03 AM

Being Winter in Argentina and BA is kind of cold now, I think you will find even less worry about Malaria.
Look at the Embassy website..that might help you with any other questions you have ..
This is the page that will be of interest to you.

teach2travel Jul 17th, 2009 08:08 PM

I just got my Yellow Fever injection and am taking the typhoid pills. I'm not sure I will be up to the North in October, but I'd rather be ready than not.

My practioner said that there seems to be an increase of countries that require the Yellow Fever vaccine insisting on vaccinating you if your passprt reflects travel to any country where Yellow Fever may be preent. She said most of them will vaccinate you at immagration if you can't prove it. Whether or not you need it may depend how much travel you do even if you aren't going anywhere in Argentina where you might contract it.

qwovadis Jul 18th, 2009 05:12 AM

YF required in Argentina only if coming from a YF country

YF not common at all except around Puerto Iguazu

very rare there...

no indication at all to have it in BA no YF at all.

nd5524 Jul 18th, 2009 08:50 AM

Thanks. I will be traveling from the U.S. and will only go to Buenos Aires and maybe La Plata (50 minutes south of BA), so I don't think that I will be needing the vacccine. Thanks for your help!

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