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jonwunrow Dec 1st, 2015 05:27 AM

Steer Clear of "Amazon Rambo"
I have had two horrible experiences hiring "Amazon Rambo" - Raimundo Barbosa. On both occasions, Rambo agreed to provide a customized jungle experience, and he failed to deliver both times. The first time, I paid to fly to Manaus, and then Soa Gabriel. I paid him in advance (my mistake), and the trip never materialized. I lost over $3,000 in travel costs, and $850 in cash that I gave to Rambo that has never been returned after 3 years of him promising to return the money. On the second occasion (why I trusted him again, I'll never know), he again promised a trip to the same region, I bought my plane tickets, paid a change fee twice!! as Rambo kept changing the date, and then five days before I was to leave, Rambo cancelled the trip!! This time before I left the U.S. He lies, he pretends to have connections and permits that he doesn't have, and he has refused to repay me any of the money that I've given him, despite his promises to do so. Raimundo Barbosa is a con-man, and I've been tricked into trusting him twice. DO NOT HIRE HIM FOR ANYTHING!!!!

SambaChula Dec 1st, 2015 07:19 AM

Jeez, with a name like that, wouldn't that itself be enough to make you think twice? :-)

mlgb Dec 1st, 2015 07:30 AM

Why on earth would the OP hire this person a second time.

If in fact, any of the above is true.

crellston Dec 1st, 2015 11:20 PM

Seriously, is there really anyone out there who, after being conned once, would go back for more??

And yes, who would use someone with a name like that anyway?

avrooster Dec 2nd, 2015 09:40 AM

Rambo e-mailed me offering to sell me a certain famous bridge. I wired him the money right away.

tower Dec 3rd, 2015 08:05 AM

Rooster...I have a share in some oil wells that need a booster from Rooster. A check for US $2,000,000 will give you 50% share once we get drilling rights. Thanks AV, you're as good a "mark" as there is in BA. Where do we send royalty checks?

avrooster Dec 3rd, 2015 10:36 AM

Glad to hear from you, tower!

Your $2M check is in the mail.

All royalty checks should be sent to THE ROOSTER c/o Rambo. LOL!!!

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