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lmschmale Apr 3rd, 2014 08:58 PM

Should we book Argentina trip in May 2014?
My husband and I just yesterday realized that it makes more sense with our work schedules if we take our annual big trip in April/May rather than our usual August. Oops! Time to get planning! After discussing several wish list trips and ideas (South Africa - too expensive, Asia - too far, Europe - went there for our last few trips) we seem to be agreeing on Argentina and/or Rio. So my question is two-fold: (1) is May a good (or at least fine) time to go to Argentina weather-wise; and (2) given the time of year, which destinations would be best to visit or should be avoided?

The places we're interested in seeing are: Buenos Aires, Mendoza (we have a close friend with wineries there so it's kind of a must go), Bariloche, Patagonia, Iguazu Falls, and Rio. I know we can't do it all, but I'm basically wondering if we should stick to Argentina (BA, Mendoza, Patagonia, and maybe Bariloche) and do Rio and Iguazu together on a separate trip; or, should we stick more north (BA, Mendoza, Iguazu, and Rio) and leave Bariloche and Patagonia for a separate trip. Or is it too late to get a visa to Brazil?

We have 2 weeks (could probably add an extra day or two), are both 30, no kids, traveling from NYC, very active and adventurous, love outdoors stuff (biking, rafting, skiing) but also enjoy cities (but not huge on museums), and love food and wine. We also really enjoy traveling to less touristy places that are a bit off the beaten path (we spent a week driving around Slovenia last summer and LOVED it). Other than when I went to Cartagena 15 years ago, neither of us have been to South America.

Thanks in advance for the advice!!!

avrooster Apr 4th, 2014 01:57 AM

Our South is wonderful, but May is the wrong time to go there, so leave it for your next trip to Argentina.

So, I suggest you split your time between Buenos Aires, Mendoza, the Iguazú Falls and maybe Río de Janeiro.

If I were you, I would peruse this forum for advice about the "blue" rate of exchange, which can save you about 25%, the reciprocity fee and that kind of thing.

Have a great time in my country with your DH, Imschmale.

NoFlyZone Apr 4th, 2014 04:13 AM

Don't ignore Salta and the <great> Northwest!

flintstones Apr 4th, 2014 04:44 AM

Yes, listen what NoFlyZone said... NW is one of the most
interesting places on world! The weather is great in May and the sunshines everyday. Culture, Nature, food, Weather, are perfect. You will Never regret. You need at least 5 days to do the best of the NW!

avrooster Apr 4th, 2014 05:04 AM

I agree with the above posters about our NW, but did not mention it, because I wasn't quite sure about the weather in May.

Have a great time in my country.

MarnieWDC Apr 4th, 2014 06:01 AM

I agree with Buenos Aires, Mendoza and Iguazu Falls as your best bet at that time of the year.

Only if you plan to get a Brazilian Visa, in order to include that side of Iguacu Falls, then Rio would make sense to add...if you prefer more, rather than fewer, destinations in a two week trip.

Please keep us posted as to your planning progress and/or questions.

luademochila Apr 4th, 2014 10:15 AM

May is a good time to go to Rio.

debragartin Apr 5th, 2014 05:20 PM goodness, what a delight to see you are still on this board. We talked many times back in 2006. This board and your advice were fantastic for us. I've been off this board since then. We ended up going 3 different times to Buenos Aires. And now have wonderful friends and now our family (who are professional Tango Dancers) that we met in San Telmo at Plaza Derego (spelling) anyway, I saw something recently that reminded me of you (Gallo) and prompted me to explore this sight again. Actually, you had had knee surgery when we last talked on this sight. that's how long ago it was. Glad to see you are still giving good advice.

debragartin Apr 5th, 2014 05:27 PM

2 weeks is barely enough time to see BsAs...enjoy one place at a time, and plan on a return trip's a big country, and travel time will eat up much of your time...Mendoza is also a must and you said you have friends there...simmer in's fabulous...enjoy your friends, and the vines of the wines...

debragartin Apr 5th, 2014 05:40 PM

wines of the vines...

debragartin Apr 5th, 2014 06:46 PM

one more tidbit...don't wear any of your jewelry that is dear to your heart...and that means anywhere in the world...I did have problems in Santiago Chile where we were followed by pick pockets and it wasn't until we were in the last days of our 2 months visit in Buenos Aires (my beloved city) that I did get my necklace forced off my much as we should have the right to wear our stuff...things happen...I just plain forgot my necklace was on my neck..we have traveled the world...and I know better...spare yourself the sadness..leave it at home...

avrooster Apr 6th, 2014 04:17 AM

Hi, Debra! How nice to "meet" you here again!

May I ask what was it that you saw "recently that reminded me of you"?????? A bottle of Gallo wine, perhaps??? LOL!!!!

BTW, it is "Plaza Dorrego", in San Telmo.

Should we expect you back in wonderful Argentina any time soon, Debra?

Have a great time in my country.

debragartin Apr 6th, 2014 09:04 AM

First off I apologize to Imschmale for using their thread to reminisce with AVRooster.

AVRooster, I saw the word "Gallo" while reading something..and it just hit me to look you up. Maybe because we will be traveling again in May for 5 weeks in Europe. We will be seeing our "adopted Argentine son" Julio Marino (professional Tango Dancer) in Dublin, Ireland, as he tours now in Europe and Russia. Dancing in Plaza Dorrego (where we met Julio and Mirabai in 2006)is very much in the past now for him. We have maintained a very strong relationship with all of our Argentine friends. When we are not there in BsAs, they are with us here in the United States or we meet in another country. We have decided to explore more of the world before returning to Buenos Aires, but our friends are pleading with us to return soon (our friend Florenzia is to give birth) we are so fortunate to have family in Argentina! This trip coming up will also be an adventure, Amsterdam, Brussels, Stuttgart, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid...we leave Madrid and because our trip was booked with air miles, we fly to DUBAI in the middle east (7 hours in the wrong direction) we decided to stay in Dubai for a bit, why not? then homeward bound (14 hours) to Seattle. Our next trip no doubt will be back to Argentina!

avrooster Apr 6th, 2014 09:21 AM


lmschmale Apr 6th, 2014 09:18 PM

Thanks for the advice so far - and no worries re the conversation detour! It's great that people make friends on these boards, and I always get such wonderful, friendly advice! My friends and family think I'm some vacation-planning wizard, but it's mostly just because of the great people/info on here!

It looks like now we actually will have less time for our vacation than I initially thought. We will have 10 days full days on the ground in S. America (including the day we arrive very early in the morning, and the day we depart around 9pm). As a result, as intriguing as Salta sounds, and as much as I'd like to visit Rio, I think we will stick to BA, Iguazu, and Mendoza. If we don't get a Brazil visa and see the falls from the Argentina side only, will we be missing out?

I figure that the other option would be to skip Mendoza and just do BA, Iguazu, and Rio. We would leave on May 16; do we even have enough time to get a visa for Brazil, especially considering that the World Cup in Rio starts in June?

If we do the BA, Iguazu, Mendoza itinerary, this is what I'm thinking and I'd love everyone's thoughts:

May 15 - depart NYC
May 16 - arrive BA early AM; continue directly to Mendoza
May 17 - Mendoza
May 18 - Mendoza
May 19 - travel to Iguazu
May 20 - Iguazu Falls
May 21 - Iguazu Falls - then travel to BA
May 22 - BA
May 23 - BA (day trip to Colonia)
May 24 - BA
May 25 - depart BA late night

avrooster Apr 8th, 2014 11:43 AM

Sounds OK to me.

Have a great time in my country with your DH, Imschmale.

MarnieWDC Apr 8th, 2014 02:56 PM

I do think you might be shortchanging Buenos Aires a bit, but you can always decide on that day trip to Colonia del Sacremento when you are there and get the feel of the city and what it has to offer.

As to adding the Brazilian side to your visit to Iguazu Falls...yes, it does cost $$ (as you appear to be US citizens and would need a Visa - and they make getting that Visa a PIA)but I wouldn't miss it, if I were you. Any friends or posters that I have encouraged to explore both sides of the Falls have's worth the effort and the money.

Have a great time in AVRooster's country (now our second home-country, too):)

crellston Apr 8th, 2014 10:37 PM

I agree with Marnie that you would be shortchanging BA. I really liked. Colonia and spent 5 days there but there is just so much to see in BA.

If you are happy paying the visa fee, then the Brazilian side is definitely worth a visit as you get a completely different perspective. It is easily done by bus or taxi

Some photos of both sides are on my blog

avrooster Apr 9th, 2014 02:18 AM

While I agree Imschmale has left little time for BA, she said Mendoza was "kind of a must go", everyone agrees they should not skip Iguazú and they only have ten days, therefore that limits their time in BA.

Have a great time in Marnie's "second home-country", Imschmale.

lmschmale Apr 9th, 2014 10:20 AM

Thanks! We definitely plan to return to Argentina at some point to go to Patagonia and Bariloche, so I figure that we can always spend more time in BA on that trip.

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