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helen63 Oct 21st, 2011 06:49 PM

Need a lot of help with first trip to Ecuador!
I am in early stages of planning my trip to Ecuador and Galapagos for next year. And as always, none of my trip goes without Fodorites advice.
1. I am trying to figure out when to go. We would like to visit both Galapagos and Amazon, so I am looking for a better weather for both, and that sea is not too rough. It does not seem like the same season works well for both. Will March be OK? Seems like OK for Galapagos, but too wet for Amazon. Looking for your advice.
2. I am thinking of 5 days for Galapagos on larger ship (like Explorer or Legend) to minimize sea seakness risk. Any other suggestions for a ship?
3. And I am thinking about 4-5 days in Amazon. Any recommendation for a Lodge? Sasha looks good, but seems like a long time to get there. Any other recommendations?
4. I also would like to visit Quito, Otovalo, possibly hot springs, and probably that’s it, because I cannot vacation for more than two weeks. Are there any suggestions of logistics – what to do first, and what to do last?
I appreciate your help and thank you in advance!

qwovadis Oct 22nd, 2011 02:58 AM

Hi Helen Congrats on your trip did a 5k roadtrip all over

lest fall with

[email protected]

was very helpful in all my planning had been there B4 but

did it all at discounts this time had a WONDERFUL time.


March is ok there will always be rain in deep amazon
In Galapagos the richer Humboldt current predominates
so lots more wildlife activity then but better prices.
Actually booked the Galaven for $600 pp on a fall 2 for
1 special this year but cancelled because my wife decided
for Europe so a marital harmony cancellation. goo climate guides for u...

2. best of the local ships go for that or the explorer.Stay of the legend an old ww2 transport ship very
creaky said by some of the crew to be haunted by the ghosts
of dead soldiers.unless that appeals it is of inferior quality as are many of the motorsailers aka "pukeboats"
avoid if seasickness prone. good packages on the Explorer

Linblad Nat'l Geo cruises are the very best

Beware Tripadvertizer "experts" all commercial motives

3 my fav for deep amazon. Banos has hot
springs way cheaper easier to get to plenty of jungle there to
but more touristic not as exotic so one of those 2.


Otovalo where Bolivar stayed best local upscale place discounts for me with
$90 or so peacocks beauriful shopping indian markets were close.

If you only have 2 weeks a cruise Quito Otovalo Banos

would be plenty for me... Mindo

if you like birding is awesome again from $90 for me with

meals 150 species of hummingbirds owned by Richard Parsons

best Galapagos birder ask for David Pinto best local nature

guide... Logistically adjust/tour Quito for a couple of

days to get used to the altitude my fav

in Quito from $90 with Dennis/Eva at

then Otovalo Mindo(if a birder) Banos then your cruise

I always save the best for last...

Glapagos is simply amazing the 5000 giant tortoises on

Isabella up to 500# each my fav truly evolution in action. entry safety insurance wise food water altitude issues

Many touts scammers on the boards beware "experts"

Investigate profiles carefully do not pay thousands

more than you have to... Caveat Emptor Locals of Quality best.

I LOVE Ecuador/Galapagos most ecodense country in the world.

Happy Planning!

qwovadis Oct 22nd, 2011 03:05 AM sticky L on kb sorry

Truly an amazing place a little over an hour from Quito

qwovadis Oct 22nd, 2011 03:13 AM

I am sorry I read my post do not think I was clear that FALL
has the Humbolt current with richer nutrients so weather
foggier rougher but lots more wildlife activity.In March the
Panama current predominates better weather less wildlife actvity still will be plenty.

Ship deals tend to be better in the fall.

So a judgement call really based on desire and budget.

GalapagosExpert Oct 22nd, 2011 02:10 PM

Sounds like a great trip you are organizing, lucky you!

Although I do not know much about the Amazon, I can certainly comment on Galapagos: March is a nice month, but it is extremely hot. If the warm weather bothers you, then you might want to wait another month or two.

The larger vessels are certainly more stable and have great reports overall. You could also try looking into a catamaran which is also a fairly stable choice. I enjoy the smaller ships for more personalized service and often a more "exotic" itinerary, but certainly the larger vessels have many positive elements as well.

I have never been fortunate enough to go to the Amazon, but I would definitely vouch for the Ol´galapagos saying: the longer, the better! If you can snag a 7 day cruise you will have more opportunities to see wiildlife, as the first and last day of the cruise are chopped in half due to plane arrival&dpearture times.

Have a wonderful time!

helen63 Oct 22nd, 2011 06:03 PM

Qwovadis and GalapagosExpert, thank you SO much for all this information and your opinion.

I am actually flexible, I can go in April or May. Seems like April is a very nice month for Galapgos.

Qwovadis, what about Amazon in April? It seems like it rains all the time. I am not sure how it is possible to anything under the rain.

GalapagosExplorer, Yes, I know - 7 nights are better than 4. But it gets SO expensive!And then there is not much time or money left for anything else. I do not mind a smaller boats, but if seems like smaller boat only do 7 nights, whils larger onece offer 3, 4 and 7 nights.

It is SO hard to decide!

glover Oct 22nd, 2011 07:24 PM

Helen63, you will love Ecuador. We were there for 2 weeks a few summers ago (July). Combined it with a couple weeks in Peru. We did not go to Galapagos, but all the other places you're interested in. You can do a search on my name for my Ecuador trip report. We loved Napo Wildlife Center in Amazon. Not far from Sasha as I recall. You're right - it takes a while to get to this place - but a great adventure - well worth the trip. . . Also loved Mindo. . .

helen63 Oct 22nd, 2011 10:02 PM

Glover, I just read your report. It is great! Thank you for sharing. I may borrow some ideas from your trip.

I keep looking at some of the ships for 5 days cruise, and I see that different ships visit different islands. Even the same ship may have two options for the same curise duration.
What islands do you think are must? Which ones are your favorite? With that I may choose based on the itineraries, than on the a ship.

Is it OK to book the cheapest cabin on a larger ship?

helen63 Oct 23rd, 2011 04:07 PM

One more question. What is the best way to book? It looks like I can book everything on Internet by myselft, but sometimes it pays to use a travel agent.

DO you have any recommendations?

GalapagosExpert Oct 24th, 2011 11:19 AM

HI Helen,
My personal favorite islands are Genovesa (for the red footed boobies) and Fernandina (for the flightless cormorants and fantastic snorkeling.
All of the Galapagos ships are on a 15 day rotating schedule: they cannot visit the same land visitor site more than once in the 15 day set schedule. The companies were allowed to "chop up" their itineraries as they saw fit. For example, some ships do 7 day "A" and 7 day "B" cruises, whereas other ships might offer a 5, 5, 4 day combo that can be combined.
Some of the smaller ships do do combination offers with shorter cruises.
Booking your trip depends on what you feel comfortable with-the best "deal" you can make/get is one where you feel confident with the people you are dealing with and are pleased by their professionalism and responses. Most on-line booking for Galapagos will put you in touch with an agent who can help you with any questions/concerns you may have.
Good luck with it all.

ztsipapu Oct 25th, 2011 06:45 AM

Hi, Helen--

If you haven't already found it, you might take a look at some of the general pages on our trip report (especially the Choosing a Cruise page--link under the header portrait of the Giant Tortoise). It can be a challenge, that's for sure!

I'm with GE on preferring smaller boats. For instance, the larger boats (>40 passengers) can't visit Genovesa--which is, as GE states, a truly magnificent island.

Good luck!

trip report at

helen63 Oct 26th, 2011 08:23 PM

GalapagosExpert, Tina, thank you for your advice! Tina, actually, I already saw your report on TripAdvisor. Very helpful!!!
The problem with smaller ships is that most of they do not offer shorter cruises (less than 7 nights). And some of them are SO expensive. I will do more resarch. Actually, I just saw that a larger ship Explorer II - offers Genovesa on their 5 days route. It starts on Friday and ends on Tue, which is not convinient for me due to Amazon plans, but I can figure out something if Genovesa worth it.

Thank you again!

sjlewis Feb 28th, 2012 06:20 PM

My husband and I just returned from our first trip to Ecuador. We stayed at the Tumbaco Bed and Breakfast. From the moment I passed through the gates I was awestruck. Hummingbirds darted amongst fragrant flowers. The air was fresh and still. The Andes rose majestically. The owners, Patrice and Garett, have created an oasis of luxury on the outskirts of bustling Quito. It was great, good luck to have happened upon the place.

In addition, the hosts put us in touch with a man who formerly owned a restaurant and now gives private tours of Quito and beyond. We hired him for two wonderful days. In just one day with him we explored Otavalo, Cotacachi, an old hacienda, sampled fresh sugarcane and juice made from the same, and ate a terrific lunch in a quiet out of the way restaurant hidden at the end of a mountain road.

On other days the hosts helped us hire a taxi to take us into Quito. Patrice provided me with a 'must see' list of things to do in Quito.

For two people who only had a vague idea of what they were going to do on their vacation, we felt we really lucked out with the Tumbaco Bed and Breakfast. My only caveat would be to be sure to take warm sweaters and socks because the altitude of Quito makes for some chilly nights when the sun goes down.

eenusa Oct 2nd, 2012 08:50 AM

Personally, I found 7 days in the Galapagos too short. One of the reasons there are differing itineraries for even the same boats is because of GNPS restrictions -- no ship can visit the same site more than once in a two-week period. I can't speak to the Amazon, but we went in July and had great weather both on the mainland and in the Galapagos, with the water quite calm while we were on the boat. We always take seasickness meds with us (just in case), and did not need them on this trip. (If you want more details/pictures of what we saw on the different islands our itinerary took us to, my blog is here -- ... all of the posts for this trip are in the July 2012 archive.)

Treepol Oct 3rd, 2012 12:40 AM


I'd second Sacha Lodge, I thought it was the pick of the Ecuadorian Amazon lodges. I'd also recommend Los Alpes for reasonably priced accommodation in Quito. Its a family-run place and very comfortable.

Have you considered a land-based Galapagos itinerary? If I were going to the Galapagos again I would seriously consider something like the itineraries offered by Red Mangrove,

Happy planning,


Jon_Haugan Oct 5th, 2012 04:11 AM

Visit They have it all!

helen63 Nov 1st, 2012 01:26 PM

I just noticed a few new posts for my original question. This trip was already completed. We went in March, and this was just outstanding trip! Here is what we ended up doing:

1. Toured Quoto for one full day, and we also had a couple of half days there. It was nice, and restaurants were very good.

2. We went to Otavalo and surrounding areas - this took us two days. Stayed overnight at one of the Haciendas by Otavalo.

3. Went to Amazon and stayed at Sacha lodge. Can not recommend it highly enough! So beautiful! Just outstanding experience.

4. Went to Bellavista cloud forest. It was a little rainy, so we did not walk as much as we wanted, but still was really nice
5. Went to Papallacta hot spring and stayed there overnignt at Pappalacta resourt with a private hot springs pool. Out of this world! Amazing!

6. Took Shorter Galapagos cruise on Explorer II. Loved Galapagos! The ship was too big to my taste (around 90 people at that time). It took too long to disambark on each island. Otherwise, it was great. Of course, 5 days is not enough for Galapagos at all.

Overall, it was outstanding trip, everything went well, and food was great. Thank you so much everyone for helping me to plan it!

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